[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Shamokin as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 5-2-1950 by Ord. No. 22 (Ch. 22 of the 1967 Code)]
[Amended 10-23-1979 by Ord. No. 264]
There shall be and is hereby created a Purchasing Committee, which shall consist of the Mayor and the Director of Accounts and Finance, who shall jointly sign all requisitions before purchases are made.
All supplies and materials to be used by the City or any department, officer or employee thereof shall be furnished upon requisitions to be made upon the department head requiring such supplies and material and to be countersigned by a member of the Purchasing Committee other than the department head requesting the supplies.
All requisition blanks will be in duplicate. One copy thereof shall be printed on white paper and the other copy upon tinted paper; the tinted requisition blank to be retained by the director of the proper department. Orders for the purchase or furnishing of supplies or materials which shall have been properly requisitioned shall be made and authorized by the Purchasing Committee and shall be in triplicate, one on yellow-tinted paper, to be retained by the Purchasing Committee, one on pink-tinted paper, to be sent to the officer, department or employee that is to receive the supplies for the purpose hereinafter mentioned, and the white sheet shall have the order to the merchant or other person who is to furnish the supplies or materials. All articles or materials furnished shall be billed to correspond with the order, giving the number thereof. When the supplies or materials are received by the proper department, officer or employee and the same are satisfactory and in accordance with the order, the Purchasing Committee or Bill Committee shall certify the amount of the order for payment.
The Council may prescribe any other rules and regulations and blank forms for carrying out the purposes of this article and may ratify and approve orders and purchases which may not have been issued or made conformable to this article, provided that such orders and purchases are within appropriation items and for proper City purposes.
This article is made subject to the requirements of the law as to advertisements, etc., where the amount of the contract exceeds the sum of $500, and subject to such future changes or amendments of such law as may increase or decrease the amounts for which formal advertising and letting will be provided for by law.
All ordinances or parts thereof conflicting with the provisions of this article be and the same are hereby repealed insofar as they conflict with any of the provisions of this article.
[Adopted 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 10-04.01]
This article shall be referred to as the "City of Shamokin Fiscal Responsibility of Vendors and Bidders Ordinance."
The City Council of the City of Shamokin finds that the majority of persons and entities who owe taxes and/or permit and licensing fees to the City pay these obligations in a timely manner but that others neglect to fulfill this basic civic responsibility. Occasionally these delinquent taxpayers and fee payers, in return for financial remuneration, seek to provide services or materials to the City or to bid on contracts or respond to requests for proposals to which the City is a party. The City Council further finds that it is fundamentally unfair to pay tax dollars, whether it be from taxes levied by the City or tax revenue from other sources, to these persons or entities who have outstanding delinquent tax or other obligations to the City.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
If the vendor is a natural person, an affiliated entity of the vendor is any entity in which the vendor has a financial interest of 10% or greater. If the vendor is an entity, an affiliated entity is any entity in which a person who has a 10% or greater financial interest in the vendor also has a 10% or greater financial interest. For the purposes of this definition only, the term "person" shall include that person's spouse, children, parents and siblings.
If the vendor is a natural person, an affiliated person of that vendor shall include the spouse of the vendor, and the children, parents and siblings of the vendor if such children, parents or siblings reside in the same household as the vendor. If the vendor is an entity, an affiliated person of that vendor shall included any person who owns a 10% or greater interest in the entity, the spouse of such person, and, if they reside in the same household of such person, the children, parents and siblings of that person.
The Community Block Grant Development Program administered by the City of Shamokin.
The City of Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
The City Council of the City of Shamokin.
Any and all taxes levied by the City of Shamokin (including, but not limited to, real estate taxes, occupational taxes, per capita taxes, local services or occupational privilege taxes, and wage taxes) which have not been paid by December 31 of the calendar year in which they were levied.
Any firm, company, corporation, partnership, association, trust, syndicate, department, bureau, agency or other entity of any kind, whether organized for profit or not for profit, recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
Any and all fees due the City of Shamokin, which are imposed by any ordinance, law, rule, regulation or resolution, which allows the permittee or licensee to conduct any regulated activity or usage.
Any entity or natural person which:
Provides or seeks to provide services or materials to the City of Shamokin in return for financial remuneration;
Bids or seeks to bid on contacts put out for bid by the City of Shamokin to provide services or materials to the City in return for financial remuneration; or
Responds or seeks to respond to a request for proposals issued by the City to provide services or materials to the City in return for financial remuneration.
For any term in this article, the singular shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singular. A reference to the masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall be considered a reference to any and all such genders.
No City official, officer, agent, department, agency or employee shall, on behalf of the City, purchase or contract to purchase any services or materials from any vendor if that vendor, an affiliated person of that vendor, or an affiliated entity of that vendor owes any delinquent taxes due the City of Shamokin, or owes any permit or licence fees due the City, at the time of such purchase or contract to purchase. Any contract for the purchase of services or materials executed on or after the effective date of this article shall contain a provision that the contract may be terminated at the City's option if, during the time the contract is in effect, the vendor or an affiliated person or an affiliated entity of the vendor shall owe any delinquent taxes or any license or permit fees to the City.
No vendor shall be permitted to bid on any contact put out for bid by the City or respond to any request for proposals issued by the City if that vendor or an affiliated person or affiliated entity of the vendor shall owe any delinquent taxes or any license or permit fees to the City.
The City may require any vendor to execute an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, that the vendor is in compliance with the provisions of this article and that neither the vendor, an affiliated person of the vendor, or an affiliated entity of the vendor owes any delinquent taxes to the City or owes any permit or license fees to the City. The City shall require, as part of the specifications for any bid or request for proposals, that the proposed vendor execute and file with the bid or response to the request for proposals an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, that the vendor is in compliance with the provisions of this article and that neither the vendor, an affiliated person of the vendor, nor an affiliated entity of the vendor owes any delinquent taxes to the City or owes any permit or license fees to the City.
All purchases, contracts, bids, and requests for proposals made by or administered by the Shamokin City CDBG Program shall be subject to the provisions of this article.
This article shall be applicable to all purchases, contracts, bids and requests for proposals made on or after the effective date of the article. This article shall not retroactively effect any contracts which were entered into prior to the effective date but extend beyond the effective date of the article; however, it shall apply to any renewals of such contracts made on or after the effective date.
The provisions of this article are severable, and if any section, clause, sentence, part or provision hereof shall be held illegal, invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision of the court shall not affect, impair or invalidate any of the remaining sections, clauses, sentences, parts or provisions of this article. It is hereby declared to be the intent of the City Council of the City of Shamokin that this article would have been adopted if such illegal, invalid or unconstitutional section, clause, sentence, part or provision had not been included herein.
The paragraph headings (titles) in this article are for convenience only and do not expand, contract, restrict or otherwise modify or change the actual text of the provisions contained herein.