[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Shamokin 11-14-1994 by Ord. No. 371 (Ch. 104 of the 1967 Code); amended in its entirety 4-12-2010 by Ord. No. 10-02. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter may be cited as the "City of Shamokin Abandoned and Junk Vehicle Ordinance."
The City Council of the City of Shamokin finds it necessary and desirable to regulate the accumulation and/or storage of abandoned, hazardous, harmful and junked vehicles and related debris within the City in order to promote the comfort, health, safety and welfare of the residents of, and visitors to, the City by protecting them from exposure to nuisances, including, but not limited to, hazardous or harmful solid, fluid or gaseous materials; hazardous or harmful vegetation and/or vermin; hazardous or harmful obstacles to parking, driving or pedestrian traffic; and such hazardous or harmful conditions which may attract children and others to them and result in physical injury or other harm; and further to prevent the blighting of neighborhoods and the degradation of the environment, and to minimize the psychological ill effects of the presence of such vehicles and debris upon adjoining residents and property owners.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A person doing business as an auto repair mechanic, licensed inspection station mechanic, auto body mechanic or automobile paint mechanic, as evidenced by a sign (at least 12 inches by 24 inches in size and visible from the exterior of the premises) designating the type of business conducted on the premises and also having proof of local tax registration, and having all required licenses and permits.
The City of Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
A vehicle which is self-propelled, except an electric personal assistive mobility device or a vehicle which is propelled solely by human power.
Any individual, firm, company, corporation, partnership, association, trust, syndicate, department, bureau, agency or other entity of any kind recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
All structures, plots, parcels or tracts of land, owned, leased or otherwise entitled to be possessed or controlled by a person which are located within 300 feet of each other shall be considered a single premises regardless of whether they are physically separated or are separately deeded or assessed.
For any term in this chapter, the singular shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singular. A reference to the masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall be considered a reference to any and all such genders.
Abandoned vehicles. It shall be unlawful for any person who is the owner, lessee, or is otherwise entitled to possession or control of a motor vehicle to cause or allow such vehicle to be abandoned within the City of Shamokin.
For the purposes of this section, an abandoned motor vehicle is any motor vehicle which:
Is left on a public City road or on public lands for longer than 48 hours in violation of an ordinance which prohibits parking at that location; or
Is left on private property without the consent of the owner, occupant, lessee, or person otherwise in control thereof for longer than 24 hours; or
Is left on a public City road or public property for more than 24 hours and is incapable of being operated in its usual manner due to accident, neglect or other cause or condition; or
Is left unattended for any period of time on a public City road or public property and does not bear all three of the following:
A valid registration plate;
A current certificate of inspection (if one is required in the jurisdiction where the vehicle is registered);
An ascertainable vehicle identification number (VIN); or
Is one which meets the definition of "abandoned vehicle" pursuant to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code (75 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.).
Nothing in this section shall prohibit a person charged with violating this section from being charged under or subject to any other applicable ordinance, law or regulation of the City of Shamokin or Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including, but not limited to, ordinances, laws or regulations which regulate or prohibit parking or provide for the public safety.
Hazardous, harmful or junked vehicles. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to cause or allow the storage of any hazardous, harmful or junked motor vehicle on any premises owned, leased, licensed to, or otherwise in the control or possession by him or any other person or on any public road or property. For the purposes of this section, a hazardous, harmful or junked vehicle is:
Any motor vehicle which does not bear all three of the following:
A valid registration plate;
A current certificate of inspection (if one is required in the jurisdiction where the vehicle is registered); and
An ascertainable vehicle identification number (VIN); or
Any motor vehicle which may or may not be moved under its own power and has any one of the following physical defects:
Broken windshields, mirrors or other glass with sharp edges; or
One or more flat or opened tires or tubes which could permit animal, insect or vermin harborage; or
Any missing door(s), window(s), hood, trunk or other body part which could permit animal, insect or vermin harborage; or
Any body parts with sharp edges or holes resulting from rust or other cause; or
Missing tires or wheels, resulting in unsafe suspension or support of the motor vehicle; or
Upholstery which is torn or open, which could permit animal, insect or vermin harborage; or
Broken headlamps, taillamps, bumpers or grills with sharp edges; or
Disassembled body or chassis parts stored in a disorderly fashion or loose in, on or about the vehicle; or
Protruding sharp objects from the chassis; or
A broken frame, and is suspended from the ground in an unsafe or unstable manner; or
Leaking or damaged oil pan or gas tank, which could cause a fire or explosion; or
Exposed battery containing acid; or
Inoperable locking mechanism for doors or trunk, permitting access by children; or
Open or damaged floorboards, including trunk and firewall; or
Damaged bumpers pulled away from the perimeter of the vehicle; or
Broken grill with protruding edges; or
Loose or damaged metal trim or clips; or
Broken communication equipment or antennae that expose sharp edges; or
Is suspended by blocks, jacks or other such materials in a location which may pose a danger to children or other persons using, visiting or who are attracted to the premises, or is otherwise suspended or supported on unstable platforms; or
Leaking fluids from the vehicle, which may be harmful to the public or to the environment; or
Such other defects which could threaten the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of and visitors to the City of Shamokin.
Exceptions. Unless otherwise prohibited by any other ordinance, rule or regulation of the City of Shamokin, or by any law, rule or regulation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (including, but not limited to, those regulating zoning, land use, nuisances, public safety, or vehicle storage and operation) it shall not be unlawful for a person:
To store on the interior his premises up to two vehicles which are either unlicensed, unregistered or uninspected, provided:
The vehicle or vehicles are titled in the name of the owner or bona fide lessee of the property upon which they are stored;
The vehicle or vehicles are stored inside a garage or other suitable permanent structure on the premises; and
The vehicle or vehicles do not present a health hazard (including, but not limited to, the excessive leaking of fluids and the harborage of animals or insects); or
To store on the exterior of his premises one vehicle which is either unlicensed, unregistered or uninspected, provided the vehicle:
Is covered by a cloth or plastic cover which has been specifically designed and manufactured for the covering of vehicles;
Does not present a health hazard (including, but not limited to, the excessive leaking of fluids and the harborage of animals or insects);
Is not visible to or easily accessible by the general public; and
Is titled in the name of the owner of the premises upon which it is stored; or
Who operates a bona fide auto repair or paint shop to store on the exterior of his premises up to five vehicles which would otherwise be considered hazardous, harmful or junked vehicles under this chapter, provided i) none of the vehicles present a direct health hazard to the surrounding area (including, but not limited to, the leaking of fluids and the harborage of animals or insects); ii) the vehicles are stored within an approved enclosure which may not exceed 250 square feet in area and which is surrounded by a sturdy opaque fence which is at least six feet high, the gate of which is locked when the vehicles are not attended, and such fence being the type which will reasonably prevent unauthorized access to the enclosure and keep the vehicles from the sight of the general public and the ground level of the adjoining property; iii) the enclosure is located within 75 feet of the structure in which the actual repairs are to be made; and iv) each vehicle is scheduled for repair by the auto repair or paint shop and is in fact repaired or otherwise permanently removed from the enclosure within 30 days of its original placement in the enclosure. The person seeking exemption under this provision shall maintain a register book listing the i) the name, make, model, color and vehicle identification number (VIN) of each vehicle placed in the enclosure; ii) the initial date the vehicle was placed in the enclosure; iii) the date repairs are scheduled to be made to the vehicle; iv) the date(s) the repairs were made; and v) the date the vehicle was removed from the enclosure. This register book shall be made available for inspection by the City Codes Enforcement Officer, or any City police officer or other City official (hereinafter referred to as "City officials") having legitimate reason to inspect the same. Any of these City officials shall also be permitted to inspect the enclosure and the vehicles contained therein to determine whether there has been compliance with this provision. The City Codes Enforcement Officer or his designee may also extend the permitted storage time for a particular vehicle upon the showing of extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the owner of the premises which prevent the vehicle from being repaired within the permitted time. Prior to the construction of any such exterior enclosure, the owner of the premises must obtain a permit from the City Codes Enforcement Officer. In order to obtain this permit, the owner of the premises must submit to the City Codes Enforcement Officer detailed plans as to the location and materials to be used in the construction of the enclosure. Before issuing the permit, the City Codes Enforcement Officer must be satisfied that these plans are in conformity to the provisions of this chapter and that the construction of the enclosure will not be in violation of any other ordinance, rule or regulation of the City of Shamokin or in violation of any law, rule or regulation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (including, but not limited to, those regulating zoning, land use, nuisances, public safety, or vehicle storage and operation); or
Who operates a bona fide auto repair or paint shop to store in the interior of a permanent structure on his premises up to five vehicles which would otherwise be considered hazardous, harmful or junked vehicles under this chapter, provided i) none of the vehicles present a direct health hazard to the surrounding area (including, but not limited to, the leaking of fluids and the harborage of animals or insects); ii) the vehicles are stored in such a manner as not to be visible by or accessible to the general public and iii) each vehicle is scheduled for repair by the auto repair or paint shop and is in fact repaired or otherwise permanently removed from the structure within 30 days of its original placement in the enclosure. The person seeking exemption under this provision shall maintain a register book listing the i) the name, make, model, color and vehicle identification number (VIN) of each vehicle placed in the enclosure; ii) the initial date the vehicle was placed in the interior of the premises; iii) the date repairs are scheduled to be made to the vehicle; iv) the date(s) the repairs were made; and v) the date the vehicle was removed from the premises. This register book shall be made available for inspection by the City Codes Enforcement Officer, or any City police officer or other City official having legitimate reason to inspect the same. These City officials shall also be permitted to inspect the interior premises and the vehicles contained therein to determine whether there has been compliance with this provision. These City officials may also extend the permitted storage time for a particular vehicle upon the showing of extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the owner of the premises that the repairs could not be completed within the permitted time; or
Who is a duly licensed used car dealer to offer for sale unregistered or unlicensed vehicles, provided i) the vehicles offered for sale are located in the area approved for such sale by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pursuant to the dealer license application form submitted by the dealer; ii) the vehicles bear a current Pennsylvania inspection sticker and do not present a health or safety hazard; and iii) the sale of the vehicles is not otherwise prohibited by any other ordinance, rule or regulation of the City of Shamokin (including, but not limited to, those regulating zoning, land use, nuisances, public safety, or vehicle storage and operation). All other vehicles on the general premises which are not within the approved sales area, including those being prepped for sale, are subject to the provisions of this chapter which regulate the storage of abandoned, hazardous, harmful or junk vehicles.
Any person found to be in violation of this chapter shall first be given 10 day's written notice to correct the violation by removing the abandoned, hazardous, harmful or junked vehicle from stated premises. This notice may be given by personal service, by United States first-class mail, or by physically posting the vehicle. Upon failure to remove said vehicles from said premises, the owner, tenant or person in possession shall be cited for a violation of this chapter without further notice. A continuance of such violation for each separate day shall constitute a separate offence, and the person allowing or permitting the continuance of the violation may be punished as set forth below for each separate offence.
Any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of not less than $100 nor more that $1,000 for each offence hereunder, and shall also be assessed the costs of such proceedings. Failure to pay the fine and costs assessed shall result in imprisonment for a period not to exceed 90 days.
In addition to any other remedy or penalty provided for herein, pursuant to the terms of Section 2403(16) of the Pennsylvania Third Class City Code [53 Pa.C.S.A. § 37403(16)], the City Council of the City of Shamokin may authorize the City Solicitor to enforce the provisions of this chapter by instituting an equity action in the Northumberland County Court of Common Pleas against anyone violating the terms and provisions of this chapter. The use of this provision shall not in any way diminish, reduce or otherwise affect the right or ability of the City of Shamokin to pursue or impose any other penalties or provisions of this chapter.
The provisions of this chapter are severable, and if any section, clause, sentence, part or provision, hereof shall be held illegal, invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision of the court shall not affect, impair or invalidate any of the remaining sections, clauses, sentences, parts or provisions of this chapter. It is hereby declared to be the intent of the City Council of the City of Shamokin that this chapter would have been adopted if such illegal, invalid or unconstitutional section, clause, sentence, part or provision had not been included herein.
The paragraph headings (titles) in this chapter are for convenience only and do not expand, contract, restrict or otherwise modify or change the actual text of the provisions contained herein.