[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Shamokin 11-5-1940 (Ch. 51 of the 1967 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
If any person or persons shall willfully give or cause to be given any false alarm of fire from a fire alarm, telegraph or signal box or boxes or shall break or cause to be broken any fire alarm, signal box or lock or fastening thereof, or any pole, post or wire connected with the police or fire alarm, telegraph or signal system within the Borough (now City) of Shamokin, or shall injure or in any manner interfere with or interrupt the working of the same, he, she or they shall, upon conviction thereof before the Chief Burgess (now Mayor) or any Magisterial District Judge of said Borough (now City), forfeit and pay a fine of $200, with costs of suit, and in default of payment thereof shall be confined in the lockup of said Borough (now City) for a term not exceeding 30 days or be compelled to work upon the public works or streets of the said Borough (now City) not exceeding said period of time at the discretion of the said Chief Burgess (now Mayor) or Magisterial District Judge.