[Prior Code, Sec. 1-9]
The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the City Council, and shall have a casting vote when the Council is equally divided, and shall have the superintending control of all administrative officers and administrative affairs of the City except as the Charter provides otherwise, and shall take care that the ordinances of the City are enforced and complied with.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-10]
The Mayor shall sign the commissions and appointments of all officers appointed by the Mayor with the consent and confirmation of the Council, and endorse the approval of all official bonds approved by the Mayor and Council.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-11]
The Mayor shall sign all orders and warrants drawn upon the Treasurer for money, and require the City Clerk to attest the same, and to affix thereto the Seal of this City, and to keep an accurate record thereof in a book to be provided for that purpose.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-12]
The Mayor shall, from time to time, communicate to the City Council such information and recommend such measures as in his opinion may tend to the well-being of the City.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-13]
The Mayor shall, when he deems it necessary, require an officer of the City to exhibit his accounts, or other official papers, and to make a report to the City Council in writing, touching any subject matter pertaining to his office; and if any officer, upon such accounting, be found a defaulter, he shall be removed by the Mayor and Council.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-14]
The Mayor shall be active and vigilant in enforcing all laws and ordinances, and shall cause all officers to be dealt with promptly for any neglect or violation of their duty; and he shall have such jurisdiction as may be vested in him by ordinance over all places within five miles of the corporate limits of the City, for the enforcement of any health, quarantine, cemetery or waterworks ordinance and regulation thereof.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-15]
The Mayor is hereby authorized to call upon every male inhabitant of this City, over 18 years of age, and under 50 years of age, to aid in enforcing the laws,
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-16]
The Mayor shall have power to remit fines and forfeitures, and to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses arising under the ordinances of this City, by and with the consent of the Council; but no such fine or forfeiture shall be remitted or pardon granted, except at a session of the Council; nor unless the reasons therefor, together with the order of remission or pardon be entered upon the journal by the Clerk. He also shall have power to suspend all City officers against whom charges of incompetency or dereliction of duty are preferred, until the Mayor and City Council can act thereon.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-17]
In the event of the absence, disability; resignation or removal of the Mayor, the President of the Council shall act as Mayor, as provided by the City's Charter. During the time the President shall act as Mayor, he shall receive the same compensation that the Mayor would be entitled to. In case of a vacancy in the office of Mayor more than 90 days prior to the next election, the person acting as Mayor shall cause a new election to be held, giving at least 10 days' notice thereof by proclamation.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-18]
The Mayor shall appoint, by and with consent and confirmation of the Council, such other officers and employees as the Mayor and Council may deem necessary, in addition to those provided by the Charter and ordinances.