[Ord. 559, 1-7-1974]
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to operate or cause to be operated, an ambulance within the City limits of the City without having first obtained a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the City Council of the City. No such certificate shall be required of the City for its operations, and no certificate shall be required for any person operating an ambulance or other vehicle which:
Renders assistance during any catastrophe or major emergency when the ambulances authorized to operate in the City by certificate are insufficient in number or for any other reason inadequate;
Operates from a location outside the City and transports any patient from a point of origin outside the City to a destination inside the City;
Operates from a location outside the City and transports any patient from a point of origin within the City to a destination outside the City;
Municipal service agencies, including police and fire rescue units; or
Private companies operating an ambulance solely for the transportation of their employees for illness or injuries sustained while performing their work.
Any person having been issued a certificate shall comply with all provisions of this chapter as well as all other applicable local, State and Federal laws.
[Ord. 559, 1-7-1974]
Applications for a certificate shall be filed with the City Clerk on forms provided by the Clerk. Each application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant and shall contain at least the following:
The name and address of the applicant;
The trade name under which the applicant does or proposes to do business;
If the applicant is an individual, the name, age and address of the applicant, and the length of time the applicant has resided in the City;
If the applicant is a partnership or association, the business name thereof, and the name, age, and address of each partner, and the length of time each partner has resided in the City;
If the applicant is a corporation, the names and addresses of all officers and directors of such corporation;
The number of ambulances for which the certificate is requested;
The locations at which the ambulances are to be stationed;
Whether or not the applicant has been finally convicted of any felony or other offense involving moral turpitude;
Whether or not the applicant has any claims or judgments against him for damages resulting from the negligent operation of an ambulance;
The financial ability and responsibility of the applicant; and
Such other information as the City Clerk may require in order to evaluate the applicant.
[Ord. 559, 1-7-1974]
Upon receipt of an application for a certificate the City Council shall cause an investigation to be made of the applicant. If the City Council approves the application, a certificate shall be issued by the City Clerk upon payment of a fee of $25. A copy of every certificate shall be filed with the City Clerk.
[Ord. 559, 1-7-1974]
Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a public offense and shall be fined as provided in Section 1-108 of this Code.