[Prior Code, Chapter 20]
All parking zones heretofore created and existing at the time this chapter goes into effect, are hereby approved. The City Council, by motion or resolution, shall have the power to extend, reduce, abolish, and create such zones. When their installation has been thus authorized, the Mayor shall have parking meters installed in such areas. Parking in the various zones shall be at an angle of approximately 45° with the curb or parallel to the curbs as the City Council or the Mayor may determine. Appropriate lines shall be marked on the streets to delineate the individual parking spaces.
[Prior Code, Chapter 20]
Parking meters shall be coin-operated devices which shall show on their faces the amount of parking time purchased by the insertion of a coin or coins and which shall indicate by an appropriate flag or other signal the expiration of the parking time purchased.
[Prior Code, Chapter 20]
The charge per hour or for a period of minutes for parking in a parking meter zone shall be determined by the type of meter installed within the respective zone and by the instructions on the meter.
[Prior Code, Chapter 20]
When a vehicle is parked or left in any space alongside or at which a parking meter is installed, the driver or person in charge of such vehicle shall immediately deposit in the meter a coin or coins of the United States of the denomination or denominations indicated by the directions on the meter unless the meter is already registering time which has not yet expired; and in this case, the driver or person in charge of the vehicle may purchase additional time by the insertion of an appropriate coin or coins. The driver or person in charge may then leave the vehicle in the space until the time purchased has expired, and may purchase additional parking time by the insertion of an appropriate coin or coins.
[Prior Code, Chapter 20]
Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, any driver or person in charge of a vehicle who shall park or leave such vehicle in a space alongside or at which a parking meter is installed and does any of the following is guilty of an offense:
Failing to immediately insert a proper coin in the meter to purchase parking time when the meter is displaying a signal showing that the parking time has expired; or
Leaving the vehicle in such space after the parking time purchased has expired (as shown by such signal) and does not immediately deposit another coin therein.
[Prior Code, Chapter 20]
Every vehicle parked or left in a parking meter zone shall be parked at the approximate angle indicated by the lines marking the space in angle parking areas, and approximately parallel to the curb in parallel parking areas. In either case, it shall be within the space marked by the lines. Parking a vehicle in any manner contrary to this Section shall constitute a misdemeanor.
[Prior Code, Chapter 20]
Any person who deposits, or causes to be deposited, in any parking meter installed by the City anything other than a coin of the United States as indicated by the directions on the meter, such as a slug or substitute for a coin of the United States, or who defaces, injures, breaks, destroys, or tampers with a parking meter, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
[Prior Code, Chapter 20]
The Police Department shall have charge of the operation, supervision, and control of parking meters, shall have supervision of parking and traffic in parking meter zones as well as in other areas within the City, and shall be responsible for the enforcement of all ordinance provisions relating to parking meters and to parking within meter zones.
[Prior Code, Chapter 20]
The installation and operation of parking meters is hereby declared to be a measure for control and regulation of traffic and parking in the interest of the public safety and welfare. The revenue and fees to be derived therefrom shall be appropriated and applied as determined by the Mayor and the City Council.
[Prior Code, Chapter 20]
Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, vehicles may be parked in parking meter areas at any time on Sundays and on other days designated as holidays, and on other days during hours when meters are not in operation, without inserting coins in parking meters. Parking meters shall not be in use during such times.