[Prior Code, Sec. 2-34]
For the purpose of this chapter, the term "private club" means any association, person, firm or corporation, key club, bottle club, locker club, pool club, or any other kind of club or association, excluding the general public from its premises, place of meeting, congregating or operating or exercising control over any other place where persons are permitted to drink alcoholic beverages other than in a private home.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-35]
For the purpose of license and regulation, private clubs are divided into three classes:
Class A includes private clubs maintained, supported and controlled by nationally recognized lodges, fraternal societies, or veterans organizations for their members only;
Class B includes restaurants open to the general public but maintaining a private room opening into the restaurant, which private room is used as a private club. No food may be served in the private room nor dancing be permitted in the private room or in the adjacent restaurant; and
Class C includes any other private club.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-36]
A License Review Board is hereby established to review and pass upon qualifications of applicants or licensees under this chapter. The License Review Board shall issue licenses to applicants qualified under this chapter and hear complaints and determine revocations of licenses in proper cases. No license shall be issued by the Board until the application has been on file with the City Clerk at least 10 days.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-37]
The License Review Board shall be composed of five members, the Chief of Police, the Fire Chief, the Director of the Health Department, the City Clerk, and the City Attorney. The members shall elect a chairman of the Board and the City Clerk shall be secretary. In the event of the absence of either the chairman or secretary at any meeting of the License Review Board, the members present may elect a temporary chairman or secretary from among their number. A simple majority of the members of the Board present at any meeting shall be required for any action. Four members shall constitute a quorum.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-38]
No association, person, firm or corporation shall maintain or operate any private club in the City without first paying in advance to the City Clerk the license fee hereinafter prescribed, making application for a license therefor on forms provided by the City Clerk, and receiving a license from the License Review Board.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-39]
In addition to the payment of the prescribed fee to the City Clerk, an applicant for a license for a private club shall file with the City Clerk true copies of the articles of incorporation and bylaws if the applicant is an association; and a list of the officers, directors, owners and managers of the club, and any stockholders who receive a financial return on their stock. The copies shall be filed in duplicate.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-40]
If changes occur in the officers, directors, stockholders, owners or managers of any private club, after filing of their names with the City Clerk as aforesaid at any time during the year, the applicant shall furnish such changes in writing in duplicate on the forms provided by the City Clerk within one week after their occurrence.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-41]
The City Clerk shall forward one copy of the list of officers, directors, stockholders, owners and managers to the Chief of Police, who shall cause a check to be made of any criminal record of any persons named therein, and report in writing thereafter to the City Clerk as to his findings.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-42]
Applicants for Class B or Class C licenses shall be either Oklahoma corporations or associations with written articles of association and bylaws. The articles or bylaws shall provide for regular election of officers or directors.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-43]
No persons shall be eligible to election or to serve or act in any Class B or Class C private club as an officer, director, stockholder or owner, nor direct any policy thereof, who has not been a continuous resident in good faith of the State for a period of five years. No person shall be eligible to election or to serve or act in any private club as an officer, director, stockholder, owner or manager, nor direct any policy thereof, who has been convicted of any felony or of violating any of the gambling or prohibitory laws of the State, any other state, or the United States, including those heretofore in effect. A person holding such a position in any private club operating at the time of the enactment of this chapter shall not be subject to this Section as to the position he holds at the time of the enactment of this chapter.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-44]
No private club nor any officer, director, stockholder, owner or manager, thereof licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall violate any of the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of the State nor any other law of the State, nor knowingly permit the violation thereof on any premises subject to the control of any private club.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-45]
No private club licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall have or make any rental or lease agreement with any other person, firm, trust, estate, corporation or other entity providing for any rentals based upon percentage of profit of the private club, but any rentals paid or to be paid shall be on a fixed basis without relation to any income, volume, or profit of the private club.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-46]
No "private club" as defined herein shall be licensed to operate within 300 feet of any church or school property measured from the nearest point of such church or school land, on which there is located a church building or school building in normal use for such purposes, to the nearest point of the proposed private club building, in the normal and usual course of travel. However, if the church or school building is located in excess of 200 feet from the church or school property line nearest the proposed private club property, then the club shall not be located nearer than 500 feet from church or school building. The distance referred to in this Section shall mean from the club building to the nearest point of the church or school land or building in the normal and usual course of travel. The limitations of this Section shall not apply to a private club Which is in operation as of July 1, 1973, even though it be nearer a church or school property than 300 feet. Any private club building in existence as of July 1, 1973, may not be enlarged as much as 50% of its former size, and should the building cease to be used as a private club for a period of one year or more, or as much as 60% thereof be destroyed by wind or fire, the same may not thereafter be licensed as a private club. The use of premises subject to the control of a private club for any purposes other than as a private club is prohibited.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-47]
The right of entry and inspection of any premises subject to the control of any private club by any uniformed or nonuniformed officer or agent of any department charged with the enforcement of this chapter shall be a condition on which every license is issued. The application for, and acceptance of, any license hereunder shall conclusively be deemed to be consent of the applicant and licensee to such entry and inspection.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-48]
No Class C private club licensed pursuant to this chapter nor restaurant maintaining a Class B private club licensed pursuant to this chapter shall be operated or maintained without regular, constant, complete kitchen and restaurant facilities including an adequate sized refrigerator, approved dishwashing equipment, an oven and a range with at least four burners.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-49]
No Class C private club licensed pursuant to this chapter nor restaurant maintaining a Class B private club licensed pursuant to this chapter shall be operated or maintained without preparing and serving hot foods at all hours while open for business, including meats, vegetables and dessert.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-50]
Every private club licensed pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to all ordinances regulating food handling establishments.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-51]
Every private club licensed pursuant to this chapter shall, as a minimum, provide sanitary and toilet facilities as required by the ordinances or Health Department regulations governing beer taverns.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-52]
Membership in any private club subject to this chapter shall be regulated by articles or bylaws. The articles or bylaws of every Class C private club shall provide that after application for membership at least one week shall elapse before the applicant shall be eligible for election to membership. Upon election to membership in any private club, a membership card shall be issued to the member, and his name and his age enrolled on a list of members, which shall be kept on the premises of every private club and be subject to inspection at all times. The list of members shall show the full name of the member, his age, his address and the dates of his application for membership and election to membership. The bylaws or articles may provide for temporary membership for nonresidents of the City, temporarily present in the City, as members of another organization holding a meeting in the City. Temporary memberships shall extend to all members of the organization affected. Temporary membership shall be effected by notice in writing to the presiding officer of the organization meeting in the City, limiting the time of temporary membership to the time the organization shall meet in the City. A copy of the notice shall be filed with the City Clerk. Any convention badge or identification of membership in the visiting organization selected by the private club shall serve as the temporary membership card.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-53]
No person under the age of 21 years shall be permitted in or on that part of the premises subject to the control of any private club where persons are permitted to drink alcoholic beverages unless accompanied by and in custody of one of his parents or a guardian.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-54]
All licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire on June 30 of each year. License fees shall be prorated in the following manner: Applicants filing applications more than six months prior to June 30 of any year shall pay the license fee in full. Applicants filing applications less than six months prior to June 30 of any year shall pay 1/2 of the fee prescribed herein. No license shall be returned or transferred from person to person or from place to place. Licenses shall be signed by the City Clerk and countersigned by the chairman of the License Review Board. The City Clerk shall affix the Corporate Seal of the City thereto.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-55]
No free licenses shall be granted, nor rebates allowed, for any cause, nor any sum accepted less than the amount herein specified, nor for a shorter period than therein required. In any case when an application for a license is denied, there shall be refunded to the applicant an amount equal to 90% of the license fee paid by the applicant to the City Clerk at the time of making the application.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-56]
A separate license must be obtained for each branch established or separate place operated by any private club, and each license shall authorize the operation of a private club only at the location described in the license, and in conformity to the ordinances of the City and the laws of the State and of the United States. No license shall be transferable to another person, firm, association or corporation or to any other location.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-57]
Every private club having a license under the provisions of this chapter shall place and exhibit the same at all times while In force in some conspicuous place in the premises licensed, and shall produce or exhibit the same when applying for a renewal thereof. The entrance of every private club shall be plainly marked "Private Club Members Only."
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-58]
Every private club having a license under the provisions of this chapter shall close and remain closed, permitting no members, other than employees, to remain on the premises of the club between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m. of each weekday and from 12:00 midnight Saturday to 8:00 a.m. Monday and from 12:00 midnight preceding any legal holiday or election day to 8:00 a.m. the morning succeeding such holiday or election day.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-59]
An annual license tax or fee is hereby levied upon all persons, firms, associations or corporations operating a private club within the City in the following amounts:
Class A
Class B
Class C
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-60]
The Police, Fire and Health Departments shall inspect all private clubs regularly to enforce all of the terms of this chapter, and report any violations to the License Review Board.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-61]
Any person, partnership, corporation or association, or officer, director, stockholder, owner Or manager of any private club, who violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of an offense, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by fine and costs as provided in Section 1-108 of this Code.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-62]
In addition to any other penalty provided herein, any violation of the terms of this chapter shall be grounds for revocation of any license issued hereunder by the License Review Board, after notice to the licensee affected and a public hearing by the License Review Board.
[Prior Code, Sec. 2-63]
Prior to June 30 of each year, each applicant desiring a renewal of license for a private club hereunder shall pay to the City Clerk the annual fee for such license in the amount herein specified. All such licenses shall expire on June 30 of each year unless so renewed. In the case of a renewal of license, the applicant shall not be required to refile the formal application and other documents herein mentioned unless directed to do so by the License Review Board.