[Prior Code, Sec. 1-34]
The Chief of Police and other police officers of the City shall keep and preserve the peace and quiet of this City, and suppress all affrays, riots and unlawful assemblies therein, and strictly enforce all laws and ordinances of this City.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-35]
The Chief of Police and other police officers shall serve all warrants, orders, writs, processes and notices directed to them by the Municipal Judge, Mayor, Council, Board of Health, Superintendent of Health, or other officer of this City charged with the duty of enforcing the laws of this City.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-36]
The Chief of Police shall be and remain in attendance at the City Court at all times when the same is in session, and shall attend all meetings of the Council.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-37]
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or other police officers to attend all public meetings and gatherings in this City, if requested or at his discretion, and to have sufficient force at any such public meetings or gatherings to preserve order and decorum and to prevent any breach of the peace.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-38]
The Chief of Police in the discharge of his duties shall be subject to the orders of the Mayor of this City only.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-39]
The Chief of Police may appoint, by and with the consent and confirmation of the Mayor and a majority of the members of the City Council, such additional peace officers for this City as the Council may authorize, and in cases of emergency and in cases where a meeting of the Council will not be had in time for Council to give consent and approval to such appointments, before the time at which such additional officers will be needed, he shall have authority to appoint such temporary officers for this City as shall be needed for the time.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-40]
Approval is hereby given for service of members of the regular Police Department of this City as police officers of any other City or town, in an emergency situation, in the State, not more than 50 miles distant from this City, when such service is requested by the Mayor or Chief of Police of the City or town.
Requests for service under this Section shall be made by writing or by telephone, or other means of communications, to the Mayor and, in his absence, the President of the Council of this City, who, if he determines that the request can be granted consistent with the continuance of the proper police protection to the inhabitants of this City, shall direct the Chief of Police to furnish the number of officers requested and to arrange their transportation to the requesting municipality.