[Prior Code, Sec. 1-24]
The City Treasurer shall receive all monies due this City from any and all sources, and pay out the same on warrants ordered by the City Council and signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk, with the Seal of this City impressed thereon. At the expiration of his term of office, he shall turn over and deliver to his successor in office, all monies, books, records, and papers connected therewith.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-25]
The City Treasurer shall keep the cash accounts of this City in a book to be kept for that purpose. The accounts must clearly and fully show all monies received and disbursed by him as Treasurer of this City, showing the date of receipt, and date of disbursement, from whom received and to whom paid, on what account received and on what account paid out.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-26]
The City Treasurer shall keep a register of all warrants redeemed, describe each one by date, number and amount and the name of the payee. All warrants so redeemed shall be cancelled and kept in his office until the end of each month, which said warrants shall be examined by the City Council or by an auditor duly appointed, by comparison with the Clerk's warrant register, and checked as redeemed and permanently filed with the City Clerk. The Treasurer shall keep in a book a complete list of every bond and coupon redeemed showing number, date of issue, time to run, amount of, when redeemed, and the amount actually paid therefor.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-27]
The City Treasurer shall deliver to every person paying money into the City Treasury a duplicate receipt therefor, one of which must be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and such receipts must be specific, and show the date of payment, the amount, and to whom paid, and on what account paid.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-28]
The City Treasurer shall pay on presentation any warrant properly drawn on any fund in his custody by virtue of his office. When a warrant is paid the Treasurer shall write across the face of such warrant in red ink, or stamp or cut out thereon the word "paid," the date of payment, the amount of principal and interest, if any paid, and shall sign the same officially, if there is sufficient money in his hands and in such fund upon which such warrant is drawn.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-29]
In case there is not sufficient money in his hands belonging to any particular fund drawn upon to pay any warrant when presented for payment, it shall be his duty to make a certificate of that fact upon such warrant, and to date, sign and number the same in regular order, and he shall set down and enter in a book to be kept for that purpose the registry number, amount, date, and upon what fund drawn, to whom payable, and the date when presented for payment. All such warrants shall be paid in their order of presentation for payment and of their registration as shown by the book. The book shall be known as the "warrant register." All warrants after registration shall draw interest at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of such registration, until fully paid, and such registration book shall be open to the inspection of any person interested at all times of the day.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-30]
Whenever any money shall come into his hands by virtue of his office, the City Treasurer shall set apart a sufficient sum from several funds to which money belongs to pay all warrants that may have been registered against the several funds in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, or so much thereof as shall be necessary for such purpose. If the money in any fund is not sufficient to pay all the warrants registered against such fund, he shall set apart money for the payment of the warrants registered against the fund to which the money belongs until the money is exhausted, and he shall keep the money so set apart until it is called for by the person to whom it is payable.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-31]
The City Treasurer shall deposit daily all the funds and monies of whatsoever kind that shall come into his hands as Treasurer of this City, in his name as City Treasurer, in some solvent and reliable bank of this City, designated as a depository by the City Council. The Council may designate more than one bank as a depository.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-32]
The City Treasurer shall, when making up his deposit for the bank, make a duplicate ticket for such deposit and file the same with his monthly report in the City Clerk's office.
[Prior Code, Sec. 1-33]
The City Treasurer shall at the end of each month, report to the City Council a statement of all the financial transactions of his office for that month, which statement shall be in writing and under his oath, and shall set forth clearly and fully:
The balance in the Treasury at the beginning and end of each month;
The amount received during the month, from whom, and on what account received;
The amount of money credited to each fund;
The amount of warrants redeemed during the month, from whom received, and on what account drawn;
The amount of bonds or the amount of bond coupons issued or redeemed during the month;
The amounts that have been credited to the respective funds which are, or which may be provided for by the Council; and
The amount of interest, profits, compensation, or money received by him from any person, firm or corporation for the use, control or deposit of the City funds in his charge or keeping.