[Prior Code, Sec. 3-23; amended by Ord. 557, Sec. III; Ord. 671, 3-3-1986]
A City pound is hereby established to be under the immediate control of the pound officer hereinafter authorized by this Section. A pound officer shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council, and the pound officer shall be under the immediate control and supervision of the City Council. He shall be specifically directed in his duties by that member of the City Council who shall be designated by the Mayor to be in control of the animal pound. The pound officer shall provide proper sustenance for all animals impounded and shall treat them in a humane manner. The City may contract with another agency for the use of a pound maintained by such agency, if such should exist within the City.
[Prior Code, Sec. 3-24; amended by Ord. 557, 10-1-1973; Ord. 671, 3-3-1986; Ord. 852, 6-3-1996]
The pound officer shall:
Take into custody and impound any animal running at large in violation of any provision of the ordinances of the City;
May enter upon the premises of the owner or other private premises to take such animal into custody; and
If with reasonable effort a dog or a cat running at large cannot be caught, may kill it, whether on or off private premises.
Any other person may take such animal into custody and present it to the authority in charge of the pound for impounding. The Council, by motion or resolution, may provide for the payment of rewards to private persons who present such animals at the pound if funds exist for the purpose.
Upon the impounding of any animal found running at large, diligent effort shall be made by the pound officer or appropriate agents of the City to ascertain the owner of the animal. If the owner can be ascertained, notice of the impounding of the animal shall be given either by mail or by telephone to the owner's usual place of residence. The owner may redeem the animal as provided in this chapter.
No animal taken into custody as provided in this Section shall destroyed or permanently disposed of prior to the expiration of five days from the date of taking the animal into custody.
The pound officer is authorized and empowered to sign complaints in his own name charging persons with violations of the animal laws of the City. The pound officer is further authorized to investigate nuisances concerning animals within the City, and is authorized to initiate complaints and to sign petitions in the proper courts to abate either public or private nuisances, in regard to animals, which nuisance petitions shall be prepared by the City Attorney.
[Prior Code, Sec. 3-25]
No unauthorized person shall:
Break or attempt to break open the pound, or take or let out any animal therefrom;
Take or attempt to take from any officer or employee of the City any animal taken into custody as provided by this chapter; or
In any manner interfere with or hinder an officer or employee in the discharge of his duties relating to the taking into custody and impounding of animals as provided in this chapter.
[Prior Code, Sec. 3-29]
The fees for impounding and keeping an animal, to be paid upon redemption, shall be determined by the Council by motion or resolution.
Any person redeeming an impounded animal shall pay the above fees to the City Clerk and present his receipt therefor to the person in charge of the pound before the latter releases the animal.
Any person redeeming a dog not licensed as required by ordinance shall pay the required license tax to the City Clerk and secure a tag and present the receipt therefor and the tag to the person in charge of the pound before the latter releases the dog. If a dog has been licensed but is not wearing the tag, the person in charge of the pound shall require adequate evidence of the proper licensing of the dog before releasing it.
[1957 Code, Sec. B24]
An owner of an impounded animal or his agent may redeem the animal, prior to its sale or destruction as provided for herein, by paying the required fees against the animal and meeting any other requirements which may be prescribed in this chapter.
[Prior Code, Sec. 3-28]
As soon as practicable after any animal of apparent value has been impounded, the pound officer or other employee or officer impounding the animal, shall post a notice thereof at the police office of the City. The notice shall describe the animal and notify the owner to pay the charges thereon and remove the same prior to a designated time. The notice shall also state that, unless the animal is redeemed, the animal will be sold.
Sales herein provided for shall be for cash and shall be conducted by, or under the direction of the Chief of Police. If an impounded animal cannot be sold, he shall destroy the animal, or have it destroyed, in a humane manner, or otherwise dispose of it in a legal manner.
The purchaser of an animal at a sale held as provided herein shall acquire absolute title to the animal purchased.
The Chief of Police shall pay to the City Clerk all money received from the sale of impounded animals on the day it is received or on the next day upon which the office of the City Clerk is open for business.
[Prior Code, Sec. 3-29; amended 4-5-2021 by Ord. No. 1320-2021]
The owner of an impounded animal sold as provided herein may claim the excess of the sale price of the animal above the fees for impounding and keeping the same and a fee as set forth in Chapter 1-3, Fees, to reimburse the City for any expense it has had in making the sale, at any time within three months after the sale. If a claim is so made and approved by the Council, the City Clerk shall pay him such excess. If a claim is not made within three months after the sale, the excess shall belong to the City.