[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
Petit larceny is the taking of personal property of value not exceeding $50 accomplished by fraud or stealth and with intent to deprive another thereof, but it does not include the taking of such property from the "person" of another.
Petit larceny is unlawful, and any person who commits larceny shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful to buy, receive in any manner, upon any consideration, any personal property of any value whatsoever that has been stolen, embezzled, obtained by false pretenses or robbery, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe the same to have been stolen, embezzled, obtained by false pretense or robbery, or to conceal, withhold, or aid in concealing or withholding such property from the owner.
Any person who, without making reasonable inquiry, buys, receives, conceals, withholds or aids in concealing or withholding any property which has been stolen, embezzled, obtained by false pretense or robbery, or otherwise feloniously obtained, under such circumstances as should cause such person to make reasonable inquiry to ascertain that the person from whom such property was bought or received had the legal right to sell or deliver it, shall be presumed to have bought or received such property knowing it to have been stolen or wrongfully obtained. This presumption may, however, be rebutted by proof.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to start, otherwise meddle with, molest, enter, occupy, loiter in, take or drive away any automobile or other vehicle belonging to another, without the consent of the owner or person in charge thereof.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to destroy, injure, deface, besmear, or molest any structure, building, outbuilding, fence, or any other property, real or personal, public or private, belonging to another; or to use any such property wrongfully to the detriment of the owner or other person entitled to its use; or to interfere wrongfully with the use of any such property by its owner or any other person entitled to its use.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to place, stick, tack, paste, post, paint, mark, write or print any sign, poster, picture, announcement, advertisement, bill, placard, device or inscription upon any public or private building, fence, sidewalk, bridge, viaduct, post, automobile, other vehicle or other property of another, without the consent of the owner or person in charge thereof.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to throw or shoot any stone, shot or other object into or across any street or alley, or in any place where he is likely to hit another person wrongfully or to injure property, or to throw or shoot any stone, shot or other object at any person, vehicle, structure, electric light or other property of another (whether public or private), except in case where such is done in defense of oneself, of another person or of property.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14; amended by Ord. 693, 7-6-1987]
For the purpose of this section:
Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or association.
Any person, firm, corporation, district or association, whether private, municipal, body politic or cooperative, which is engaged in the sale, generation, distribution or delivery of electricity, water or gas.
The furnishing, sale, generation, distribution or delivery of electricity, water or gas by a "utility" as defined herein.
It is unlawful for any person, with intent to defraud a utility, to:
Alter, tamper with, injure or knowingly allow the altering, tampering with or injuring of any pipeline, line, wire, conduit, conductor, meter, meter seal, transformer or other equipment used by a utility to deliver or register service;
Prevent any installed metering device from registering correctly the quantity of service passing through such metering device;
Make or cause to be made any connection between any pipeline, lines, wires, conduits, conductors, meters, transformers or other equipment in such manner as to prevent the correct registration of service by any metering device, or to otherwise use electricity without the consent of the utility; or
Supply or cause to be supplied any utility service to any person without such service first passing through the metering device provided by the utility for measuring and registering the quantity of service.
If a civil action is brought by the City against a person for violation of this section, the person may post a bond, cash or other security with the City in an amount equal to double the value of the service alleged to be unlawfully used or diverted. Upon posting of the bond or cash, and until final disposition of the case, the utility shall restore to the person any service which it may have terminated, provided all subsequent bills are paid in full at the required time.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to licensed and certified contractors while performing usual and ordinary service in accordance with recognized standards.
Upon a violation of this section occurring while property is rented by the owner thereof to a second party, the utility involved may give a ten-day notice by certified mail, with return receipt requested, to the owner of such property of such violation, and upon the occurrence of a second violation while the property is yet rented to the renter occupying at the time of the original violation, the utility may remove its meters and subsequently refuse service to that location unless a bond in double the amount of the average monthly utilities or cash in such amount is deposited by the landowner.
It is unlawful for any person to connect or attach any kind of pipe, wire or other contrivance to any pipe, line, wire or other conductor carrying gas, water or electricity and belonging to a public utility (whether publicly or privately owned), in such a manner as to enable him to consume or use the gas, water or electricity without it passing through the meter or any other way so as to evade payment therefor. It is also unlawful for any person to damage, molest, tamper with, or destroy any telephone system.
Any person who is convicted of violating any of the subsections of this section shall be fined as provided in Section 1-108 of this Code. Each day of violation of this section shall be considered a separate offense.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to intrude or squat upon any lot or piece of land within the City without a license or authority from the owner thereof, or to erect or occupy thereon any hut, hovel, shanty or other structure without such license or authority, or to place, erect or occupy within the bounds of any street, alley or avenue of the City, any hut, shanty, hovel, or other structure without authority of law or ordinance.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is illegal for any person to enter upon the property of another or into an area or structure on such property (whether such property, area or structure is public or private), when such entrance is plainly forbidden by signs or otherwise or when the property, area or structure is enclosed, except when such entrance is in line of duty, or with the expressed, or tacit consent of the owner or person in charge, or otherwise by authority of law or ordinance.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to throw, leave or deposit, or cause to be thrown, left or deposited, upon any street, alley, sidewalk, or other public area, any handbill, circular, or other advertising matter.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to purposely or premeditatedly put or throw upon the person or property of another, or upon any animal, any acid, corrosive or other irritating or harmful substance, or human or animal waste or urine, with intent to injure or harass the person, property or animal.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to wilfully and without authority cut, pull, pluck or otherwise injure any flowers, flowering plants, shrubs or trees growing in or around any park or public street within the City, or wilfully or without authority to tear down, remove, cut or otherwise injure or destroy any gate or fence enclosing any such park or ground, or wilfully injure or destroy any stand, bench, seat or other property situated upon such park or ground.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14; amended by Ord. 1126-2008, 4-7-2008]
It is unlawful for any person to:
Wilfully or wantonly cut, deface or in any way injure any tree or sapling standing or growing in any of the streets, alleys or public places within the City;
Attach any guywires, telephone, telegraph, or electric wire, or any wire to any live tree;
Dig any hole, ditch or trench in any public street, road, avenue or alley, or any other public premises or ground within, belonging to or under the supervision or control of the City;
Take or remove any dirt, earth or any substance from any street, road, alley or other public place in the City; or to cut, break or otherwise injure any pavement, curb or gutter therein; or
Connect any driveway to any street or other public place without first securing permission from the City inspector so to do.
Any such digging, removing, or driveway connection shall be done under the supervision of the street department or City engineer.
[1982 Code]
For the purpose of this section, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
Any property other than public property.
That property which is dedicated to public use and over which the federal, state or municipal government or any subdivision thereof exercises control.
Each and every actual entry upon the premises of an owner or other person in lawful possession of the premises without the express or the implied consent of the owner or other person in lawful possession. "Trespass" shall also mean remaining upon the premises of an owner or other person in lawful possession after having been told to leave the premises by the owner, or the agent, or employee of the owner, or other person in lawful possession of the premises. "Trespass" shall also be defined as the act of remaining on private property at any time other than during posted hours of business operation after having been directed to vacate such premises by a police officer; provided that the provisions of this sentence shall not apply to persons, including employees, whose presence upon such premises is authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of such premises; nor shall the provisions of this sentence apply unless hours of business operations are posted upon such premises. Trespass shall also be defined as the act of returning to private property before the posted time of opening for business operation on the next business day after having been directed to vacate such premises under the terms of this definition.
It is unlawful for any person to trespass on private property.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to park an automobile or other vehicle, or to place any structure or object on the driveway, yard, or property of another without the expressed or tacit consent of the owner or person in charge, or otherwise by authority of law or ordinance of a duty.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to wilfully or wantonly molest any animal in the City pound or to interfere with any officer in the discharge of his duties under the pound regulations or ordinances of this City, or to obtain or attempt to obtain any animal from such pound or from any officer having custody thereof without complying with the ordinances or regulations.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person to:
Wilfully or wantonly destroy or injure any water pipe, hydrant, faucet or trough erected or placed in the City for its use or the use of the public or to take any water therefrom except for drinking for persons or animals, at such time and places as may be allowed by law; or
Take any water from any hydrant, faucet or pipe in any park, street, public room, or building in the City except for use on the premises where the same is permitted to be taken.
[Prior Code, Ch. 14]
It is unlawful for any person except one duly authorized by the City utility superintendent or a member of the fire department to open, turn on or off, interfere with, attach any pipe or hose to, or connect anything with, any fire hydrant or stopcock belonging to the municipality.
It is unlawful for any person to obstruct access to any fire hydrant by placing around or thereon brick, lumber, dirt or other thing, or in any other manner obstructing access to a fire hydrant.
[Ord. 576, 3-5-1978]
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to set out or use in any other manner whatever, what is commonly known as a steel jawed trap or steel trap, for the purpose of trapping, catching or ensnaring any rodent or animal upon any premises owned by such person, firm or corporation, or any other premises whatever.
[Ord. 632, 8-1-1983]
From and after August 1, 1983, it is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to tamper with, attach a hose to, remove water from, attempt to remove water from, or in any manner whatever make use of any fire hydrant being the property of the City, and regardless of where the same might be situated upon property belonging to the City.
The use of fire hydrants and the water therefrom shall be made only under the authority and jurisdiction of the utility board of the City, the street department of the City, and the fire department of the City, by and through their duly authorized and constituted agents.
[Ord. 1131-2008, 7-21-2008]
Purpose: The purpose of this section is to protect the public health and welfare by prohibiting the use of skateboards in those designated areas listed in Subsection C of this section.
To ride upon, drive, propel or otherwise convey a person or others on skateboards.
Vehicles used for the propulsion of people by human power, not subject to registration under state motor vehicle laws. This designation does not include any device operated by a person or a person directly assisting a person, who is unable to walk or otherwise ambulate without the assistance of a human powered conveyance.
Skateboards and other similar vehicles.
Restricted areas:
Floyd H. Norris Park: No person shall operate a skateboard in Floyd H. Norris park in the City of Tahlequah, Oklahoma.
Enforcement: This section may be enforced by any law enforcement officer authorized by City, county, or state law.
Penalties: Upon a conviction of this section, the penalty shall be as follows:
First Offense: Surrender of skateboard 30 days. Must be picked up by offender and must be accompanied by parent/guardian at the Tahlequah police department.
Second And Subsequent Offenses: Surrender of skateboard 90 days. Must be picked up by offender and must be accompanied by parent/guardian at the Tahlequah police department. In addition to this, the court may impose a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $200.