[Ord. 1020-2003, 10-10-2003]
The final plat shall be clearly and legibly prepared by a surveyor or engineer. The size of the map shall not be less than 22 inches by 34 inches and shall be drawn to the scale of one inch equals 100 feet, unless the commission or its designee authorizes a different scale in writing.
[Ord. 1020-2003, 10-10-2003]
Name of subdivision and the name and number of any larger subdivision of which this tract now subdivided was once a part.
Legal description.
Names and location of adjacent subdivisions.
General location map of subdivision with vicinity sketch drawn to scale in relation to section, township, and range.
Names, widths, and location of streets adjoining the plat or paralleling the exterior boundaries of the plat.
Number of lots and the acreage platted.
Existing Conditions:
Boundary lines: All plat boundary lines with lengths of courses to hundredths of a foot and bearing to seconds. These boundaries shall be determined by an accurate survey in the field, which shall be balanced and closed with an error of closure not to exceed 10,000.
Bearing Distances: True bearings based upon the state or local coordinate system and distances to nearest established section corners, other established survey lines, or other official monuments, which monuments shall be located or accurately described in the plat.
Layout: The exact layout including:
Street and alley lines, including their names, bearings, angles of intersection and widths (including widths along the line of any intersecting street);
The length of all arcs, radii, points of curvature, and tangent bearings;
All easements and rights of way, when provided for or owned by public services (with limitation of the easement rights definitely stated on the plat) including the volume and page number where separate instruments are filed.
Survey Data:
Setback Lines: Setback building lines as fixed by the zoning ordinance or the official street plan and any other setback line or street lines established by public authority, and those stipulated in the deed restrictions.
Property Offered for Dedication: The accurate outline of all property which is offered for dedication for public use, and of all property that may be reserved by covenant in the deeds for the common use of the property owners in the subdivisions, or storm water detention area, with the purpose indicated thereon. All lands dedicated to the public other than streets or roads shall be marked "dedicated to the public."
Drafting the Plat: Scale of map, and north points.
Proposals for New Construction:
All easements and rights of way provided for public services or utilities, including any limitations of such easements; street and alley lines, including names, bearings, angle of intersection and widths.
All lot numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions in feet in hundredths, and with bearings or angles to streets and alleys.
Accurate outlines of any areas to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use with the purpose indicated thereon.
Building setback lines with dimensions.
In case the subdivision is traversed by watercourse, channel, stream, or creek, the prior or present location of such watercourse, channel, stream, or creek shall be shown on the plat and the boundary of the regulatory flood and the 100-year flood. It will be assumed that there is no significant difference between the two and the regulatory flood will be used, unless the owner shows the 100-year flood on the map.
[Ord. 1020-2003, 10-10-2003]
Covenants: Protective and restrictive covenants including use restrictions shall be shown or referenced on the plat.
Lots and Blocks: All lot lines with dimensions and feet in hundredths, and with bearings and angles to minutes and seconds at other than right angles to the street and alley lines. Lots shall be numbered in numerical order. In tracts containing more than one block, the block shall be likewise numbered in numerical order. In the case of a resubdivision of lots in any block, such resubdivided lot shall be designated by their original number prefixed with the term most accurately describing such division (e.g., West Half of 3, North 40 feet of 5, etc.), or they shall be designated numerically beginning with the number following the highest lot numbered in the block prior to the resubdivision.
Planning Commission Certificate of Approval: The final plat shall contain a certificate signed by the chairman and attested by the secretary of the City planning commission reflecting date of approval of the final plat.
Acceptance of Dedication by City Council: The final plat shall contain a certificate of acceptance of dedication signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk reflecting date of acceptance of dedication of the final plat.
Surveyor's Certificate: Affidavit and certificate by the owner's surveyor to the effect that he has fully complied with the requirements of this chapter and the subdivision laws of the state of Oklahoma governing surveying, dividing and mapping of the land; that the plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the subdivision of it; that the plat represents a survey made by him and that all monuments indicated thereon actually exist in their location, as required by state regulations are correctly shown.
Owner's Certificate: A certificate by the owner of the land in substantially the following form: "As owner, I hereby certify that I have caused the land described in this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped, dedicated and access rights reserved as represented on the plat." Dedication of the streets, easements and other public areas shall be made as a part of this certificate. This certificate shall be executed in the same manner as a real estate conveyance is executed.
Reference to Any Separate Instruments: Reference to any separate instruments, including restrictive covenants, filed in the office of the county Clerk which directly affect the land being subdivided.
Certificate of County Clerk: Certificate of county Clerk.
County Treasurer's Certificate: County Treasurer's certificate as to payment of taxes.
Department of Environmental Quality's Certificate: Department of environmental quality's certificate whenever a sanitary sewer is not reasonably accessible and a unit disposal system is proposed.
Acknowledgment Required for Minimum Improvements: The owner shall acknowledge the several improvement requirements as set forth herein by notation on the final plat which shall be worded substantially as follows: "All streets shall be graded, base material applied and surface paved in accordance with the standards and specifications of the City of Tahlequah to include curbs and gutters, visual screens established, if required, utilities installed, and drainage structures constructed in accordance with the approved plans on file in the office of the City Clerk by the owner, at his expense, and in compliance with and to the standards, plans, and specifications of the City." The streets shall be maintained in good repair by the owner for a period of five years after the City's written approval of the construction, and all other improvements by owner shall be maintained in good repair by the owner for a period of three years after the City's written approval of the construction. Written approval and start date for such responsibility of repair shall be set forth in the form, letter of responsibility and completion, which shall be executed by the owner.
Legend: Legend of the codes and abbreviations used on the plat.
[Ord. 1020-2003, 10-10-2003]
Proposed Plans: The proposed final construction plans and other engineering data for water, sewer, grading, paving and drainage, and any other requirements of the preliminary plans, as prepared and certified by an engineer shall be submitted to the City Clerk's office with the proposed final plat. Water valves and water crossings shall be shown on the paving plans. No hearings or reviews shall be scheduled until both the proposed final plat and the proposed construction plans have been submitted.
Planning Commission and Council Approval: Construction plans for the improvements shall be certified by the owner's engineer and shall be submitted to the office of the City Clerk along with the final plat. The planning commission shall advise the City council whether or not the plat meets all applicable requirements and forward same to the council, whose final approval and certificate of compliance shall be affixed to the final plat. Prior to certifying that the plat meets all applicable requirements, the council may request affidavits, certificates, acknowledgments, agreements or endorsements from any public agency concerned as to engineering requirements and specifications, the health department as to public health regulations, the utility board as to regulations concerning public water and sanitary sewer facilities, the state highway department as to coordination with existing planned state and federal highways (if applicable).
Monuments: Accurate location of all monuments shall be shown on the construction plans.
Bench Marks: Bench marks based on state regulations shall be shown.
Drawings of Improvements: Construction drawings for all other public or common improvements constructed or to be constructed in the subdivision.