[Prior Code, Sec. 3-13]
The owner of a dog shall have the dog vaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian or other authorized person every calendar year before May 1 thereof, or, in the case of a pup, before he is six months old. The person vaccinating the dog shall furnish the owner a certificate of vaccination.
[Prior Code, Secs. 3-15, 3-17]
A tax as set forth in Chapter 1-3, Fees, for every male or spayed female dog more than six months of age, and a tax as set forth in Chapter 1-3, Fees, for every unspayed female dog more than six months of age, is hereby levied upon the owner of any such dog kept or harbored within the City.
[Amended 4-5-2021 by Ord. No. 1320-2021]
The tax levied in this Section shall not apply to a dog only temporarily brought and kept within the City, nor to a dog brought within the City to participate in a dog show, nor to a "seeing eye" dog when such dog is actually being used by a blind person to aid him in going from place to place, nor to dogs being kept in kennels or pet shops for sale.
The owner shall pay the tax levied to the City Clerk for every calendar year at the following times:
Before July 1 of each calendar year; or
If the dog is acquired or brought in the City after July 1, within 30 days after acquiring or bringing the dog into the City.
Before the City Clerk accepts any money offered in payment of the tax for a dog or issues a license for it, the person offering the tax shall present to the City Clerk the certificate of a veterinarian or other person legally authorized to immunize dogs, showing that the dog has been immunized against rabies during the calendar year, that is, since the last December 31.
The owner of the dog shall, at the time of paying the tax, register the dog by giving the City Clerk the name and address of the owner, the name, breed, color and sex of the dog, and such other reasonable information as the Clerk may request.
The City Clerk thereupon shall deliver an original receipt to the taxpayer and also an appropriate tag to him for the dog. Such tag shall constitute a license for the dog.
All funds collected by the City Clerk pursuant to this chapter shall be paid to the City Treasurer.
[Prior Code, Sec. 3-16]
The owner shall cause the tag received from the City Clerk to be affixed to the collar of the dog upon which the tax has been paid so that the tag can easily be seen by officers of the City. The owner shall see that the tag is so worn by the dog at all times.
In case the tag is lost before the end of the year for which it was issued, the owner may secure another for the dog by applying to the City Clerk, presenting to him the original receipt, and paying to him a fee as set forth in Chapter 1-3, Fees.
[Amended 4-5-2021 by Ord. No. 1320-2021]
[Prior Code, Sec. 3-18]
No person shall counterfeit, or attempt to counterfeit, any tag issued for a dog as provided in this chapter, or take from any dog a tag legally placed upon it, or place such tag upon a dog for which the tag was not specifically issued.
[Prior Code, Sec. 3-20]
When the Health Officer determines and certifies that a dog, a cat or other animal in the City or within five miles of the City is or was infected with rabies and that an epidemic of rabies threatens the City, the Council, by resolution, may order all dogs to be muzzled when at large within the City, and if deemed desirable, all cats to be confined, during a period of time to be determined by the Council. Such resolution or an adequate notice of its passage shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City and shall go into effect on the date following such publication unless the resolution prescribes a later time.
While such resolution is in effect, it is unlawful for any owner to permit an unmuzzled dog or a cat to be at large in violation of such resolution, or for any such dog or a cat to be at large in violation thereof.
[Ord. 679, 9-2-1986]
From and after September 2, 1986, it is unlawful for any person to keep, maintain, and harbor within the corporate limits of the City, any vicious animal of the canine family, including dogs, coyotes, wolves or any other animal belonging to the canine family, hereinafter referred to as "vicious dog."
Any person may kill a dog in self-defense or in defense of another when the dog, without undue provocation, bites him or the other, or attempts to bite or attack, him or the other in such a manner than an ordinarily prudent person would be led to believe that the person toward whom the efforts of the dog are directed is about to be bitten or otherwise physically harmed.
Any person violating the provisions of this Section upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in Section 1-108 of this Code. Each day a vicious dog is kept, maintained, or allowed by any person, firm, corporation, or any combination thereof, within the corporate limits of the City shall constitute a separate offense.
[Added 5-15-2023 by Ord. No. 1353-2023]
Any animal found at large which the code officer believes to be a vicious dog shall be impounded by the code officer pending a vicious dog determination. The code officer shall use reasonable efforts to notify the owner of the impoundment and of their rights to a hearing. In the event the code officer is unable to determine the identity of the owner, the code officer shall cause the animal to be destroyed without delay, provided, prior to any such destruction the code officer shall, under oath, state with particularity all reasonable efforts attempted in locating the owner and shall file the same with the City Clerk.
In the case of animals not found at large, it is the duty of the code officer, upon receipt of a verified complaint, to cause the animal involved to be impounded pending a vicious dog determination. The verified complaint may be filed by a citizen, a police officer, or an animal control officer and shall clearly state the facts and circumstances surrounding the incident. The owner shall immediately surrender possession of the animal when presented with a copy of the complaint. Refusal to surrender the animal shall be an offense and each day that the owner fails or refuses to allow the code officer to impound an animal shall be a separate offense. Any and all expenses associated with the impoundment, including costs of shelter, food, handling and veterinary care shall be borne by the owner of such animal during the period of impoundment.
Upon receipt of a verified complaint, the code officer shall promptly hold a hearing to determine if the animal shall be declared vicious.
The code officer shall be empowered to make one of the following determinations at the hearing:
That the animal is in fact not vicious. In that event the code officer shall cause the animal to be surrendered to the owner;
That the animal is in fact vicious and should be destroyed; or
That the animal is vicious but that for good cause shown the animal should not be destroyed. In that event, the code officer shall order the animal permanently removed from the city limits.
The owner may appeal the determination of the code officer to municipal court by requesting a hearing with the City Clerk within five days of the determination. The municipal judge shall hold a hearing de novo within 10 days of the determination of the code officer to determine if the animal is vicious and shall be empowered to affirm, deny, or modify the determination of the code officer.
[Prior Code, Sec. 3-13]
Any dog or other animal which is suspected of having rabies, or any dog or other animal which has bitten a person and caused an abrasion of the skin of the person, shall be confined by the owner as follows:
If the dog or other animal has been properly vaccinated and licensed, the owner may confine the animal, isolated from the public, for a period of 10 days or for any term designated by the State Department of Health;
If the dog or other animal is not licensed or vaccinated, or if the owner does not have adequate facilities to properly confine the animal, the animal shall be seized and confined in some veterinary hospital, and such confinement shall be for a period of 10 days or for any term designated by the State Department of Health. The fee for the confinement shall be paid in advance by the owner of the dog or other animal; and
If the owner of the dog or other animal refuses to confine the dog under the applicable subsections of this Section, the dog or animal shall be ordered confined or destroyed by the appropriate officer of the City. Any animal ordered destroyed shall be killed by a competent person. The animal's head shall be furnished to the State Department of Health for rabies observation.
[Prior Code, Sec. 3-22]
Any person may kill a dog the appearance or conduct of which is such as would cause an ordinarily prudent person to believe the dog to be afflicted with rabies.