[HISTORY: Derived from Chapter 183, Art. II of the prior Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 5-12-1997 Selectmen Meeting]
Ninety days before the Annual Town Meeting, all money articles involving $5,000 or more shall be submitted to the Financial Planning Committee.
Sixty days before the Annual Town Meeting:
Contact School Department for use of High School auditorium.
Check with Town Clerk and Moderator.
Notify all town boards and committees of closing date of warrant.
Fifty days before the Annual Town Meeting, the Selectmen shall review proposed articles and discuss other possible legislation.
Forty days before the Annual Town Meeting:
Close the warrant.
The Selectmen shall review the proposed warrant and reports on articles.
Warrant shall be sent to Town Counsel for review.
Twenty-one days before the Annual Town Meeting:
Hold all necessary hearings.
Assign articles.
Fourteen days before the Annual Town Meeting:
Secretary reminds presenters of articles of their responsibility.
Send copies of warrant to all Town Meeting participants.
Thirty days after the Annual Town Meeting, the Town Clerk shall be requested to file with the Board of Selectmen a copy of the Town Meeting record.