[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-112]
Only the Health Officer may approve and authorize the use of abbreviations of marks of inspection under these regulations. Such approved abbreviations shall have the same force and effect as the respective marks for which they are the authorized abbreviations.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-113; Ord. 6PSF-E, 8-6-2014]
Except for the purpose of submitting a sample of the same to the Health Officer for approval, no person shall make or prepare, or cause to be made or prepared, labels, brands or other marking devices bearing the inspection legend of the Department of Health and Community Wellness of the City, or any abbreviation, copy or representation thereof, for use on any product, without the written authority therefor of the Health Officer given in advance.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-114]
No person shall affix or place, or cause to be affixed or placed, the inspection legend, or any abbreviation, copy of representation thereof, to or on any product or container thereof, except under the supervision of an inspector.
No person shall fill, or cause to be filled, in whole or in part, with any product, any container bearing or intended to bear, the inspection legend, or any abbreviation, copy or representation thereof, except under the supervision of an inspector.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-115]
Establishments shall furnish such approved ink brands, burning brands and like devices for marking products as the Health Officer may require. Every such device which bears the inspection legend must be delivered to the inspector assigned to the establishment, and shall be used only under the supervision of an inspector. When not in use for marking inspected and passed products, all such brands and devices bearing the inspection legend shall be kept locked in properly equipped lockers or compartments, the keys of which shall not leave the possession of the assigned inspector.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-116]
No person shall remove or cause to be removed from an establishment any items which the regulations in this Article require to be marked in any way unless the same is clearly and legibly marked in compliance with the regulations in this Article.
[R.O. 1966 12:7-117]
Establishments shall furnish all ink for marking products. Such ink must be made with harmless ingredients approved by the Health Officer for the purpose. Only purple ink shall be applied to carcasses and fresh meats, except that all horse meat and horse meat products shall be marked with green ink.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-118]
All marks of inspection shall be carefully and legibly applied and securely affixed.
Beef livers shall be marked with an inspection legend by means of a burning brand on the convex surface of the thickest part of the organ.
Unskinned calf carcasses shall be marked with the inspection legends on the fore and rear legs, on each half of the opened brisket and on the skirt of each half of the diaphragm and on each fat capsule of the kidneys.
Beef tongues shall be branded with a burning brand bearing the inspection legend on the ventral surface of the free margin of the tongue.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-119]
Each carcass which has been inspected and passed in an establishment shall be marked at the time of inspection with the inspection legend.
Each primal part of a carcass, the beef cod fat and beef kidney fat and each liver, beef tongue and beef heart which has been inspected and passed, shall be marked with the inspection legend before it leaves the establishment in which it is first inspected and passed, and each inspected and passed product susceptible of being marked shall be marked with the inspection legend of the establishment where it was last processed.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-120; Ord. 6PSF-E, 8-6-2014]
No person or officer or agent, or employee thereof, shall forge, counterfeit, simulate or falsely represent or without authority use or detach or knowingly or wrongfully alter, deface or destroy any of the stamps or marks or brands or tags recognized by the Department of Health and Community Wellness, on any cattle, calf, sheep, lamb, goat or swine or any carcass, or on any part of any carcass of any such animal.