[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 10:9-1]
The Governing Body shall cause annual audits of the books, accounts and financial transactions of all Federal and State funded programs to be made and completed within three months after the close of the fiscal year of the individual program, and for that purpose shall employ a registered municipal accountant, or a certified public accountant of New Jersey; funds for such audits shall be provided for in the approved budgets of the individual programs.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 10:9-2]
Audits shall embrace the books, accounts and transactions of every program supported and maintained wholly or in part by Federal or State funds. Each audit shall cover a complete fiscal year and, in addition, shall include a verification of all cash and bank balances as of the date of the audit thereof and an audit of the accounts to such date.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 10:9-3]
Every such registered municipal accountant, or certified public accountant of New Jersey, shall file the original report of his/her audit and recommendations with the City Clerk and shall, within five days thereafter, file a certified duplicate copy thereof, in the Office of the Director of the Federal or State Program and the Business Administrator.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 10:9-4]
The Municipal Comptroller shall not disburse any funds in payment for audits approved by the Municipal Council until passage of an appropriate resolution by the Council permitting such payment. The aforesaid resolution shall not be approved by the Municipal Council until the original audit report and recommendations are filed with the City Clerk as required by Section 10:5-3 above.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 10:9-5]
No resolution, contract or other authorization for the continuation of any program or activity previously operated for six months or longer and funded by any Federal, State, County or other grant source shall be submitted for Municipal Council approval, unless the City Administration has previously supplied Council with a comprehensive programmatic evaluation report of subject program indicating the efficient and economic prior use of grant funds and the satisfactory accomplishment of subject program's goals and objectives and the specific reasons why the program should receive continued funding and further, that within 180 days of the completion of a subject program's individual funding period, the Municipal Council shall be in receipt of a certified fiscal audit of the grant program.