Editor's Note: *1 denotes that this regulation was included in the R.O. 1966. *2 denotes that this regulation was included in the R.O. 1966 Cumulative Supplement.
[R.O. 1966 § 23:9-1; R.O. 1966 C.S.]
The following described premises owned by the city be and the same are hereby established as municipal parking areas for the parking of vehicles owned by the city and its duly authorized officers and employees; to wit:
Franklin Street: All that parcel and parcels of municipally owned land and premises on the northerly side of Franklin Street, adjacent to and east of the Police Headquarters building, described as follows:
Franklin Street
BEGINNING at a point in the northerly line of Franklin Street distant 238.30 feet from the intersection of the westerly line of Mulberry Street and the northerly line of Franklin Street:
Thence (1) along said northerly line of Franklin Street north 67° 21' West 168.60 feet;
Thence (2) north 23° 17' east 31.38 feet;
Thence (3) north 66° 43' west 7.30 feet;
Thence (4) north 23° 17' east 80.55 feet;
Thence (5) south 67° 21' east 174.94 feet;
Thence (6) south 22° 47' 30" west 112.00 feet to the said northerly line of Franklin Street and the point and place of beginning.
Green Street: All that parcel and parcels of municipally owned land on the southerly side of Green Street, adjacent to and east of the Board of Education building, described as follows: *2
Green Street
BEGINNING at a point in the southerly line of Green Street distant 118 feet, more or less, westerly from the intersection of the westerly line of Mulberry Street and the southerly line of Green Street; thence,
Southerly 78 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 68 feet, more or less; thence,
Southerly 9 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 21 feet, more or less; thence,
Southerly 12 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly 21 feet, more or less; thence,
Southerly 60 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly 70 feet, more or less; thence,
Southerly 115 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 120 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly 133 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly 9 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly 13 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 13 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly 127 feet, more or less to the southerly line of Green Street; thence,
Easterly along the line 125 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
Mulberry Street. All that parcel and parcels of municipally owned land and premises on the westerly side of Mulberry Street described as follows: *2
Mulberry Street
BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly line of Green Street and the westerly line of Mulberry Street; thence,
Southerly along the westerly line of Mulberry Street 272 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 118 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly, 115 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly 26 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly 148 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly 12 feet, more less; thence,
Northerly 10 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of Green Street; thence,
Easterly along the line 80 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
40 Green Street: All that parcel and parcels of municipally owned land on the northerly side of Green Street, adjacent to and east of 32-36 Green Street described as follows: *2
Green Street
BEGINNING at the intersections of the northerly line of Green Street and westerly line of Hockenjos Place; thence,
Northerly along the westerly line of Hockenjos Place 90 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 79 feet, more or less; thence,
Southerly 88 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of Green Street, thence,
Easterly along said line 79 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
Halsey Street: All that parcel and parcels of municipally owned land on the westerly side of Halsey Street adjacent to and north of 293-289 Halsey Street, described as follows: *2
Halsey Street
Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Halsey Street, distant 197 feet, more or less, northerly from the intersection of the westerly line of Halsey Street and the northerly line of Hill Street; thence,
Northerly along the westerly line of Halsey Street 68 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 111 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly 18 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 63 feet, more or less; thence,
Southerly 11 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 124 feet, more or less; to the easterly line of Washington Street; thence,
Southerly along the line 92 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly 102 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly 16 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly 187 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Halsey Street, to the point of beginning.
University Avenue: All that parcel and parcels of municipally owned land on the westerly side of University Avenue adjacent to 415 University Avenue, described as follows: *2
University Avenue
BEGINNING at a point in the westerly line of University Avenue, distant 202 feet, more or less, southerly from the intersection of the westerly line of University Avenue and the southerly line of William Street; thence,
Southerly, along the westerly line of University Avenue, 90 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 166 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Arlington Street; thence,
Northerly, along the easterly line of Arlington Street, 88 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly, 166 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of University Avenue and the point of beginning.
BEGINNING at a point in the westerly line of University Avenue, distant 416 feet, more or less, southerly from the intersection of the westerly line of University Avenue and the southerly line of William Street; thence,
Southerly, along the westerly line of University Avenue, 72 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly, 170 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Arlington Street; thence,
Northerly, along the easterly line of Arlington Street, 72 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly, 169 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of University Avenue and the point of beginning.
110 William Street: All that parcel and parcels of municipally owned land on the westerly side of Arlington Street, adjacent to and south of 110 William Street, described as follows:
110 Williams Street
BEGINNING at a point adjacent to the Health Center, said point being distant the following courses and distances from the intersection of the westerly line of Arlington Street and the southerly line of William Street;
Southerly, along the westerly line of Arlington Street, 75 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly, 30 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; thence,
Southerly, 63 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly, 175 feet, more or less, thence,
Northerly, 63 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly, 175 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
318-326 Washington Street: All that parcel and parcels of municipally owned land on the easterly side of Washington Street adjacent to and north of 328-332 Washington Street, described as follows: *2
318-326 Washington Street
BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly line of Washington Street and the southerly line of William Street; thence,
Southerly, along the easterly line of Washington Street, 154 feet, more or less; thence,
Easterly, 313 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Halsey Street; thence,
Northerly, along the westerly line of Halsey Street, 50 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 109 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly, 108 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of William Street; thence,
Westerly, along the southerly line of William Street, 130 feet, more or less; thence,
Southerly 83 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 52 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly, 82 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of William Street; thence,
Westerly, along the southerly line of William Street, 34 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
17-19 Edison Place.
17-19 Edison Place
All that parcel and parcels of municipally owned land known as 17-19 Edison Place, Block 164, Lot 92, on the Official Tax Maps and Tax Duplicate of the City of Newark.*2
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 23:9-2; Ord. 6PSF-A(S), 1-7-2016]
Franklin Street Parking Area: No vehicles, except municipal Division of Police vehicles properly identified, shall enter upon or park on the aforesaid Franklin Street premises.*2
Green Street Parking Area: No vehicles, except municipally owned vehicles, authorized for parking by the director of the Department of Administration, and those municipally owned vehicles of the City Clerk and Municipal Council, properly identified and with parking spaces specifically designated for the said municipal vehicles, shall enter upon or park on the aforesaid Green Street premises, except for in the following area which shall be designated solely for the employees of the Office of the City Clerk and Municipal Council properly identified.
BEGINNING at a point in the southerly line of Green Street distant 118 feet, more or less, westerly from the intersection of the westerly line of Mulberry Street and the southerly line of Green Street; thence,
Southerly, 78 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly, 62 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly, 78 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of Green Street; thence,
Easterly, along said line, 62 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
Mulberry Street Parking Area: No vehicles, except vehicles of municipal employees properly identified, shall enter upon or park on the aforesaid premises.*2
40 Green Street Parking Area: No vehicles, except vehicles of the employees of the Office of the City Clerk and Municipal Council properly identified, shall enter upon or park on the aforesaid 40 Green Street premises.*2
Halsey Street Parking Area: No vehicles, except vehicles of municipal employees properly identified, shall enter upon or park on the aforesaid premises.*2
University Avenue Parking Areas: No vehicles, except vehicles of municipal employees properly identified, shall enter upon or park on the aforesaid premises.*2
110 William Street Parking Area: No vehicles, except vehicles of municipal employees properly identified and municipally owned vehicles authorized for parking by the director of the Department of Administration and with parking spaces specifically designated for the said municipal vehicles, shall enter upon or park on the aforesaid premises.*2
318-326 Washington Street Parking Area: No vehicles, except vehicles of municipal employees properly identified, shall enter upon or park on the aforesaid premises.*2
17-19 Edison Place parking areas: No vehicles, except vehicles of municipal employees properly identified and municipally owned vehicles authorized for parking by the director of the Department of Administration and with parking spaces specifically designated for the said municipal vehicles, shall enter upon or park on the aforesaid premises.*2
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 23:9-3; Ord. 6PSF-A(S), 1-7-2016]
All persons, except the drivers of vehicles of the duly authorized employees of the city of Newark, are hereby prohibited from parking a vehicle upon the aforedescribed Mulberry Street parking area, Halsey Street parking area, University Avenue parking area and 318-326 Washington Street parking area.
All persons, except the drivers of vehicles of employees of the office of the City Clerk and Municipal Council properly identified, are prohibited from parking vehicles in the following portion of the Green Street parking area:
BEGINNING at a point in the southerly line of Green Street distant 118 feet, more or less, westerly from the intersection of the westerly line of Mulberry Street and the southerly line of Green Street; thence,
Southerly 78 feet, more or less; thence,
Westerly 62 feet, more or less; thence,
Northerly 78 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of Green Street; thence,
Easterly along said line, 62 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
All persons, except the drivers of municipally owned vehicles, are prohibited from parking a vehicle upon the aforedescribed Green Street parking area, except for the portion of the parking area herein provided for the vehicles of employees of the Office of the City Clerk and Municipal Council properly identified.
All persons, except employees of the Office of the City Clerk and Municipal Council, properly identified are prohibited from parking a vehicle upon the aforedescribed 40 Green Street parking area.
All persons, except the drivers of municipal vehicles of the Newark Division of Police as herein provided, are hereby prohibited from parking a vehicle upon the aforedescribed Franklin Street parking area.
All persons, except the drivers of municipally owned vehicles and the drivers of vehicles of the duly authorized employees of the city of Newark, are hereby prohibited from parking a vehicle upon the aforedescribed 110 William Street parking area.
All persons, except the drivers of municipally owned vehicles and the drivers of vehicles of the duly authorized employees of the city of Newark, are hereby prohibited from parking a vehicle upon the aforedescribed 17-19 Edison Place parking area.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 23:9-5]
All vehicles parking in municipal parking areas designated as a parking meter zone pursuant to Section 23:7-14 must display on the lower right hand corner of the back windshield a current, authorized municipal parking decal to be issued yearly and sold by the Division of Revenue Collection to each City Hall employee so requesting the privilege of parking in the aforedescribed parking areas for a fee of $5.