[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 17:9-1; Ord. 6 S+FF, 5-2-2007 § 1]
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean any vehicle which is self-propelled.
Shall mean work performed or to be performed upon any vehicle including but not limited to motors, ignition system, transmission, drive or electrical system, or body or fender work.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 17:9-2; Ord. 6 S+FF, 5-2-2007 § 1]
No motor vehicle of any type whatsoever shall be repaired on any public streets or public highways located within the City except for emergency repair, which emergency repair work shall be limited solely to that required in order to remove any such vehicle from the public street or public highway.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 17:9-3; Ord. 6 S+FF, 5-2-2007 § 1]
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not less than $25 and not exceeding $500 or by a period of community services not exceeding 90 days or both.
[R.O. 1966 § 23:5-8]
No person shall leave any vehicle standing on any street with a sign thereon "For Sale" or clean any vehicle or repair the same on the street, except in case of emergency.
[R.O. 1966 § 23:5-9]
No person shall move a vehicle not owned by, or in charge of, or in custody of such person, into any area or position declared to be unlawful under the provisions of this chapter or the laws of the State.
[Ord. 6 S+FS, 6-29-1988; Ord. 6PSF-F, 6-15-2016]
It shall be unlawful for any person to place, keep or permit the keeping or placing on any sidewalk, street, highway, public land, including any land owned by the City of Newark, or any private parcel of land located in an area zoned as a business district, or residential district any motor vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer:
Which is missing tires, wheels, the engine or essential parts; or
Which displays extensive damage caused by fire or vandalism; or
Which is partially disassembled, or wrecked; or
Which does not display a current valid State inspection decal; or
Which does not display a current valid State registration plate.
The aforementioned restrictions shall not apply to any vehicle located at a business duly licensed to deal in the buying, selling, storing or disassembling of vehicles or the temporary storage of vehicles for repair or to any vehicle located within a fully enclosed structure in a residential, business or industrial district.
The owner of any vehicle that is described in paragraph a as well as the owner of land wherein such a vehicle is found shall be notified to remove the vehicle within 72 hours of the receipt of the notice. The failure of the owner of the land or vehicle to remove the vehicle after being duly notified shall constitute a violation of this section.
In addition to a notice sent by certified mail, a notice may be sent by regular mail to the last known address of the owner of the vehicle as well as the owner of the land. If the notice sent by certified mail is returned unclaimed the notice sent by regular mail shall be presumed to have been received when sent to the last known address of the owner. In addition, a notice may be adhesively affixed to the inoperable vehicle notifying the owner of the vehicle that the vehicle must be removed within 72 hours. The owner of the vehicle shall be presumed to have received this notice, if there is no current registration plate affixed to the vehicle.
The notices referred to herein shall inform the owner of the vehicle and the owner of the land of the nature of the violation, that the violation must be abated within 72 hours and that they may seek a hearing before the Director of the Department of Engineering if they contend that they are not in violation of this section. A request for a hearing must be made in writing before the expiration of the 72 hours. If the request for a hearing is received in the office of the Director within the time described herein, further proceedings shall be suspended pending a determination of the presence of a violation of this section at a hearing before the Director at which all the parties referred to in the notice shall be permitted to testify.
All notices shall be on forms approved by the Director of the Department of Engineering.
Any person who shall be found to be in violation of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than $100 but not more than $1,000 for each violation or be imprisoned for not more than 90 days or both. Any vehicle that is found to be in violation of this section, after the owner of the vehicle and the owner of the land have been notified in accordance with the provisions of this section of the violation and their right to a hearing, may be towed by a Law Enforcement Officer as an abandoned vehicle in accordance with the procedure described in Section 23:5-11 of this chapter.