Editor's Note: *1 denotes that this regulation was included in the R.O. 1966. *2 denotes that this regulation was included in the R.O. 1966 Cumulative Supplement.
The traffic lanes along the following streets shall reverse normal direction during the periods indicated:
First Street, the traffic lane to the left of the curb lane of the northerly directional flow be reversed to a southerly direction between the southerly curbline extension of the Route 280 exit ramp and Sussex Avenue, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. *2
[Ord. 6 S+FD, 12-18-1996]
The Director of the Department of Engineering, the City Traffic Engineer, or in their absence the person duly authorized in accordance with law to act in their place and stead, is authorized to declare an emergency and to direct a change in the hours of operation on streets with reversible lane designations when conditions occur which interfere with the free flow of traffic.
All vehicles shall move only as indicated on the following streets:
First Street at Sussex Avenue, vehicles in the reversible traffic lane as described in section 23:14-1, shall TURN LEFT ONLY, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. *2
Franklin Street at Broad Street, vehicles in the left lane of the easterly approach of Franklin Street shall TURN LEFT ONLY.*2
Only the indicated vehicles shall move on the designated lanes of the following streets:
Raymond Plaza West: Between Market Street and Raymond Boulevard. Buses and cabs only east of the traffic control island. *2