[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-145]
No person shall sell, offer or expose for sale, or in anywise aid in the selling or the offering or exposing for sale or distribute or in anywise aid in the distribution of any horseflesh, without first having obtained a written permit therefor, from the Health Officer, upon written application made for such permit.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-146; Ord. 6 S+FE, 10-17-2007; Ord. 6PSF-E, 8-6-2014]
The Director of Health and Community Wellness may, after hearing held by him/her, suspend or revoke the permit issued pursuant to the preceding section for failure of the permittee, or the agent of the permittee, to abide by the provisions of Sections 13:7-145 to 13:7-150 of these Revised General Ordinances, provided, that the permittee be given at least three days' notice of the hearing, so as to afford the permittee an opportunity to be heard prior to such suspension or revocation.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-147]
No person shall sell or offer or expose for sale or hold in possession in any store in which food is sold, any horseflesh, unless the animal has been examined, both before and after slaughter by a meat inspector duly appointed by the United States government, or by some other competent public official. After the horseflesh has been duly passed as fit food for human consumption, it shall have stamped thereon a proper identification mark to that effect, in accordance with the system adopted by the United States Department of Agriculture.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-148]
No person shall sell or offer or expose for sale, or in anywise aid in the selling or offering or exposing for sale, any horseflesh unless every carcass, piece and parcel thereof shall have conspicuously attached thereto a label or tag not less than three inches wide and four inches long, on which shall be printed or stamped in letters not less than one inch in height, the word, "horseflesh."
Editor's Note: For similar statutory provisions, see N.J.S.A. 24:5-21.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-149]
In all retail stores where horseflesh is sold, there shall be prominently displayed in a front window of the store a sign advising that horseflesh is offered for sale within the store. The aforesaid sign shall be not less than 24 inches in length and eight inches in height, and shall contain the words "horseflesh for sale."
[R.O. 1966 § 12:7-150]
No person shall erase, cancel, obliterate, deface, cover, remove or alter any brand, tag, label or other marking required by any provision of sections 13:7-145 - 13:7-150 of these Revised General Ordinances to be attached or affixed to any package or container.