[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-7; Ord. 6 S+FE, 10-17-2007; Ord. 6PSF-E, 8-6-2014]
No person shall have or keep upon any premises in the City any cattle, sheep, goats or swine without first obtaining a permit from the Director of the Department of Health and Community Wellness.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-8]
Permits issued under this Article shall expire annually on December 31.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-9]
The fee for a permit issued under this Article and for renewals thereof shall be $0.10 for each animal; provided, that the fee in no case shall exceed $50 for any one premises.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-10]
Permits issued under this Article shall be registered in the Office of the Division of Environmental Health.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-11; Ord. 6 S+FE, 10-17-2007; Ord. 6PSF-E, 8-6-2014]
Permits issued under this Article may be revoked after notice and hearing, by the Director of the Department of Health and Community Wellness, for cause.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-12]
No person shall keep, or allow to be kept, in any dwelling house, or in any part thereof, any horse, cattle, swine, goat, or sheep.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-13; Ord. 6 S+FB, 11-20-1995; Ord. 6 S+FA, 4-15-1998]
No person shall expose, exhibit or display in any public street, sidewalk or highway within the City, in any public ground or public access areas of single family or multi-family residential dwellings including but not limited to the entranceway, lobby, hallway, laundry room, attic, basement or porch areas in the City, any horse, sheep, swine, goat, cow, calf, cattle, boa constrictors or other types of snakes or reptiles which pose a threat of serious bodily injury or death to a person or other domestic animals.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-14]
No person shall drive or lead any horse, sheep, swine, goat, cow, calf, or cattle of any description, upon and along any sidewalk or footpath within the City.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-15]
No person being the owner or person in charge shall, at any time on any pretense whatever, stop or allow to stand in any of the streets of the City any drove or parts of droves of cattle.
Any of such cattle so found standing in any street shall be liable to be impounded according to law and subject to the provisions of Sections 6:2-21 and 6:2-22 of this Article.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-16]
No horse, sheep, goat, swine, or neat cattle of any description shall be permitted to run at large, at any time, within the City. Any animal found grazing or pasturing on any street or other public place in the City shall be considered as running at large, whether it is in the charge of any person or not. Any such animal so found running at large shall be liable to be impounded according to law and subject to the provisions of Sections 6:2-21 and 6:2-22 of this Article.
Editor's Note: For State law authorizing municipalities to regulate and prohibit the running at large of animals, see N.J.S.A. 40:48-1.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-17]
If no person shall appear to claim an impounded animal within five days after the animal has been impounded, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to give three days' notice of the sale thereof. The notice shall contain a general description of the animal impounded. The notice shall be inserted in two daily newspapers printed and published in the City.
[R.O. 1966 § 6:2-18]
In case of the sale of any impounded animal, the Chief of Police shall retain out of the proceeds of such sale sufficient money to pay all charges incurred by him/her on account of the animal.
If, after any such sale, and while the proceeds thereof remain in the hands of the Chief of Police, the former owner of any animal so impounded and sold, shall appear and claim the proceeds of such sale, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to deduct from the proceeds of such sale the charges as provided in paragraph a of this section, to ascertain the name and residence of such owner and to pay over the proceeds of such sale to the person so claiming to be the owner, upon proof of ownership satisfactory to the Chief of Police.