[R.O. 1966 § 2:14-2]
Prior to making any temporary or permanent appointment to any office, position or employment in the City Government, the Department Head shall transmit to the Personnel Officer a notice of each proposed new appointment, in such form as shall be prescribed by the Business Administrator. The Personnel Officer shall determine from the records in his/her office and through further investigation, whether any qualified person in the service of the City may then or within a reasonable time be available for transfer to such office, position or employment. He/she shall thereupon endorse upon the notice of proposed appointment his/her determination and recommendation as to each proposed new appointment.
If any such person shall be available, and the Personnel Officer shall, with the approval of the Business Administrator, recommend his/her transfer and appointment, subject to the provisions of Title 11, Civil Service, of the New Jersey Statutes, the Department Head shall not make such proposed new appointment except by transfer of the person so recommended. The Business Administrator may except from this section certain appointments such as engaging day laborers and others, when the use of the notice of such proposed new appointment would not be practicable.
[R.O. 1966 § 2:14-3]
Any employee of the City occupying a position in permanency under civil service and who has qualified and is eligible for appointment to a position under civil service in another classification in the Municipal service, shall, when appointed to such position for which he/she has been certified for appointment by the Department of Civil Service of the State of New Jersey, receive a salary not less than the minimum salary of the position to which he has been certified or his/her present salary, whichever is greater.
[Ord. 6 S+FF, 10-20-1993; Ord. 6 PSF-A(S), 1-7-2016]
Authority to Perform. The Division of Personnel is hereby authorized to initiate criminal history record checks on potential (non-criminal justice) employees.
Criteria. Criminal history record checks shall be based upon criteria established by the Division of Personnel. The criteria shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
The position involves interaction with a highly vulnerable or at risk population, such as but not limited to: the frail, the elderly, juveniles, and others whose natural defenses may be impaired.
The position is one where the appointee will have access to sensitive or confidential information.
The appointee will have access to the City's financial system.
Any such other considerations as are prudent and reasonable.
Processing. The Division of Personnel shall process the request for the State and/or Federal criminal history record checks through the Newark Division of Police. All requests shall be accompanied by the prospective employee's written consent to conduct the background check.
Newark Division of Police Authorized to Act. The Newark Division of Police is authorized to submit applicant fingerprint cards, request forms and to receive State and/or Federal criminal history record information from the Division of State Police, State Bureau of Identification and the Department of Justice on behalf of the Division of Personnel.
Confidentiality of Information. All information obtained will be confidential and used only in accordance with any applicable laws or regulations, including the City and Division Policy and Procedure Manuals.
Policy on Use of Information. The City of Newark shall adopt a policy outlining the permissible use of information obtained in a criminal history record report and measures which will be taken to assure confidentiality. The policy shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations thereon.