Editor's Note: This chapter was previously adopted by Ord. 1-19-1977, (R.O. 1966 C.S. 10:10-1 et seq.) entitled "Tax Abatement for Certain Rehabilitated Dwellings."
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-1; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022; 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024]
The City of Newark pursuant to N.J.S. 40A:21-1 et seq. makes known its intention to utilize the tax exemption and abatement provision authorized by the State legislature to provide five year exemptions and abatements for residential structures and commercial projects as defined herein.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-2; Ord. 6 PSF-G, 10-7-2015 § 2; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022; 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024]
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean that portion of the assessed value of a property as it existed prior to construction, improvement or conversion of a building or structure thereon, which is exempted from taxation to this act.
Shall mean a portion or all of a municipality which has been determined to be an area in need of rehabilitation or redevelopment pursuant to the "Local Redevelopment and Housing Law," (N.J.S. 40A:12A-1 et al.), a "blighted area" as determined pursuant to the "Blighted Areas Act," (N.J.S. 40:55-21.1 et seq.), or which has been determined to be in need of rehabilitation pursuant to N.J.S. 54:4-3.72 et seq., N.J.S. 54:4-3.95 et seq., or N.J.S. 54:4-3.121 et seq.
Shall mean the the Tax Assessor of the City of Newark, the officer of the taxing district charged with the duty of assessing real property for the purpose of general taxation.
Shall mean a structure or part thereof used for the manufacturing, processing or assembling of material or manufactured products, or for research, office, industrial, commercial, retail, recreational, hotel or motel facilities, or warehousing purposes, or for any combination thereof, which the Governing Body determines will tend to maintain or provide gainful employment within the municipality, assist in the economic development of the municipality, maintain or increase the tax base of the municipality and maintain or diversify and expand commerce within the municipality. It shall not include any structure or part thereof used or to be used by any business relocated from another qualifying municipality.
Shall mean substantially ready for the intended use for which a building or structure is constructed, improved or converted.
Shall mean a property created or recorded as a condominium pursuant to the "Condominium Act," N.J.S. 46:8B-1 et seq.
Shall mean the provision of a new dwelling, multiple dwelling or commercial or industrial structure, or the enlargement of the volume of an existing multiple dwelling or commercial or industrial structure by more than 30%, but shall not mean the conversion of an existing building or structure to another use.
Shall mean the alteration or renovation of a nonresidential building or structure, or hotel, motel, motor hotel or guesthouse, in such manner as to convert the building or structure from its previous use to use as a dwelling or multiple dwelling.
Shall mean a housing corporation or association, wherein the holder of a share or membership interest thereof is entitled to possess and occupy for dwelling purposes a house, apartment, or other unit of housing owned by the corporation or association, or to purchase a unit of housing owned by the corporation or association.
Shall mean when used with respect to abatements for dwellings or multiple dwellings, only the cost or fair market value of direct labor and materials used in improving a multiple dwelling, or of converting another building or structure to a multiple dwelling, or of constructing a dwelling, or of converting another building or structure to a dwelling, including any architectural, engineering, and contractor's fees associated therewith, as the owner of the property shall cause to be certified to the Tax Assessor of the City of Newark by an independent and qualified architect, following the completion of the project.
Shall mean a building or part of a building used, to be used or held for use as a home or residence, including accessory buildings located on the same premises, together with the land upon which such building or buildings are erected and which may be necessary for a fair enjoyment thereof, but shall not mean any building or part of a building, defined as a "multiple dwelling" pursuant to the "Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law," N.J.S. 55:13A-1 et seq. and containing more than four residential units so as to be consistent with Class II residential property as defined in N.J.A.C. 18:12-2.2. A dwelling shall include, as they are separately conveyed to individual owners, individual residences within a cooperative, if purchased separately by the occupants thereof, and individual residences within a horizontal property regime or a condominium, but shall not include "general common elements" or "common elements" of such horizontal property regime or condominium as defined pursuant to the "Horizontal Property Act," N.J.S. 46:8A-1 et seq., or the "Condominium Act," N.J.S. 46:8B-1 et seq., or of a cooperative, if the residential units are owned separately.
Shall mean that portion of the assessor's full and true value of any improvement, conversion, alteration, or construction not regarded as increasing the taxable value of a property pursuant to this act.
Shall mean a property submitted to a horizontal property regime pursuant to the "Horizontal Property Act," N.J.S. 46:8A-1 et seq.
Shall mean a modernization, rehabilitation, renovation, alteration or repair which produces a physical change in an existing building or structure that improves the safety, sanitation, decency or attractiveness of the building or structure as a place for human habitation or work, and which does not change its permitted use. In the case of a multiple dwelling, it includes only improvements which affect common areas or elements, or three or more dwelling units within the multiple dwelling. In the case of a multiple dwelling or commercial or industrial structure, it shall not include ordinary painting, repairs and replacement of maintenance items, or an enlargement of the volume of an existing structure by more than 30%. In no case shall it include the repair of fire or other damage to property for which payment of a claim was received by any person from an insurance company at any time during the three-year period immediately preceding the filing of an application pursuant to this act.
Shall mean a building or structure meeting the definition of "multiple dwelling" set forth in the "Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law," N.J.S.A. 55:13A-1 et seq., and means for the purpose of improvement or construction of the "general common elements".
Shall mean any construction or development of residential, commercial, or industrial building on vacant land, or the demolition of existing structures on real property and the construction or development of a new structure on the previously developed real property.
Shall mean the Newark Downtown District, the area of and around the Newark Liberty International Airport, and the area in and around the Port of Newark.
Project means the construction, improvement or conversion of a structure in an area in need of rehabilitation that would qualify for an exemption, or an exemption and abatement, pursuant to P.L. 1991, c. 441 (C. 40A:21-1 et seq.)
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-3; Ord. 6 PSF-J, 1-21-2009 § 1; Ord. 6 PSF-G, 10-7-2015 § 3; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022; 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024]
Properties outside of non-applicable areas where the owner(s) seek to newly construct dwellings, multiple dwellings, commercial, or industrial structures, and properties outside of non-applicable areas where the owner(s) seek to construct improvements to dwellings, multiple dwellings, commercial, or industrial structures that are located outside of the non-applicable areas of City of Newark are entitled to avail themselves of the opportunity to receive a five-year tax exemption and/or tax abatement as provided in this chapter when the qualifications are met as follows:
All real estate taxes must be current;
Written application to the Tax Assessor shall be filed within 30 days, including Saturdays and Sundays, following completion of the improvements, and the form of the application shall contain requirements set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:21-9;
The application must include that the project complies with equitable opportunity and equitable development policies including but not limited to.
Verification and certification by the Office of Affirmative Action that the applicant complied with Affirmative Action; Contracting and Workforce Requirements During Construction. The applicant agrees that it shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the City Affirmative Action Plan for Construction and to the City's Revised Ordinance Section 2:2-28 et seq., as amended and supplemented, concerning affirmative action requirements and;
Verification and certification by the Office of Affordability and Sustainable Housing within the Department of Economic and Housing Development that the project complied with Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (City Ordinance No. 6PSF-B, duty adopted October 4, 2017, as amended by Ordinance No. 6PSF-G, duly adopted on August 2, 2023 as codified in the City's Municipal Code under Title XLI, Chapter 41:21, Section 41:21-1, et seq., and as may be further amended from time to time), such that 20% onsite affordable housing per the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance is provided or applicant contributed the $180,000 per unit, payment in lieu of fee. Failure by applicant to maintain compliance of the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance shall constitute a default of the Financial Agreement; and
Verification that a job fair was held in Newark and for Newark residents and that the applicant agrees that it shall be subject to the terms and conditions of Ordinance 6PSF-G, adopted by the Municipal Council on March 15, 2023, Codified in the City of Newark Municipal Code 10:24-1, et seq. (the "Job Fair Ordinance"). Applicant agrees that at the time of execution of this tax incentive that the entity shall be required to show proof to the City that it has fully complied with and satisfied the Best Efforts requirements as set forth in the Job Fair Ordinance. If the Project has already commenced construction, the entity agrees that it shall show proof to the City that prior to commencement and during the period of that construction entity fully complied with the Best Efforts requirements as set forth in the Job Fair Ordinance.
Approval by the Assessor in accordance with the requirements set forth in this chapter;
Submission by applicant of a Certificate of Occupancy; and
A Five Year Financial Agreement between the City and the applicant is executed.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-4; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022; 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024]
No application for Tax Exemption and Abatement submitted pursuant to this chapter shall be accepted unless it is accompanied by full payment of the required application fee. Such fees shall be in the amount of $250 for dwellings; and for multiple dwellings and commercial projects the fee shall be $2,500 for all projects whose total project cost is less than $1,000,000 and $5,000 for all projects whose total project cost is greater than $1,000,000 but less than $5,000,000 and $7,500 for all other projects. These fees shall be received as compensation for the legal review and related work of the City's departments and agencies. All checks shall be certified and payable to the City. This application fee shall be nonrefundable.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-5; Ord. 6 PSF-J, 1-21-2009 § 2; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022]
For the exemption from taxation of improvements to dwellings, in determining the value of real property, the municipality shall regard the first $25,000 in assessor's full and true value of improvements for each dwelling unit primarily and directly affected by the improvement in any dwelling more than 20 years old, as not increasing the value of the property for a period of five years, notwithstanding that the value of the property to which the improvements are made is increased thereby. During the exemption period, the assessment on the property shall not be less than the assessment thereon existing immediately prior to the improvements, unless an abatement is granted pursuant to this Section 10:23-5, or there is damage to the dwelling through action of the elements sufficient to warrant a reduction.
For any property for which an exemption is granted under the preceding paragraph of this Section 10:23-5, the Assessor upon approving said exemption may also provide for the abatement of some portion of the assessed value of the property (including the land) receiving the exemption as it existed immediately prior to the improvement, as provided in and subject to the limitations of N.J.S.A. 40A:21-5(b).
If the applicant shall transfer ownership of a dwelling during the term of the applicable tax abatement and/or exemption or if any such transferee shall thereafter again transfer such ownership, the tax abatement and/or exemption relating thereto shall be deemed to be assigned to and assumed by each such subsequent owner. Accordingly, the abatement and/or exemption shall continue notwithstanding such transfer, and the tax agreement shall remain in effect during the original term thereof. Such continuation shall also apply to any tax abatement and/or exemption relating to a dwelling which has been transferred prior to the effectiveness of the ordinance authorizing this amendment to Section 10:23-5, provided that the Tax Assessor has not previously notified either the transferor or the transferee of the lapse of such abatement and/or exemption.
[Ord. 6 PSF-J, 1-21-2009 § 3; Ord. 6 PSF-A, 7-1-2015; amended 11-18-2020 by Ord. No. 6PSF-M, 11-18-2020; 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022; 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024]
In the case of construction of a multiple dwelling project consisting of housing units, or of conversions of other buildings and structures, including unutilized public buildings, to housing use, or both, the owner of such property may apply for an exemption and abatement in respect of such project. Such application shall be made in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:21-9, and upon approval by the Assessor authorizing the tax abatement and/or exemption for the project, the applicant (or, if an Eligible Property shall have been conveyed to an individual owner thereof and the requirements of the following paragraph have been satisfied, such owner) shall, in lieu of full property tax payments on the Eligible Property, pay to the municipality an amount annually equal to the following percentage of taxes otherwise due:
In the first full tax year after completion, no payment in lieu of taxes otherwise due on the Eligible Property;
In the second tax year, an amount not less than 20% of taxes otherwise due on the Eligible Property;
In the third tax year, an amount not less than 40% of taxes, otherwise due on the Eligible Property;
In the fourth tax year, an amount not less than 60% of taxes, otherwise due on the Eligible Property; and
In the fifth tax year, an amount not less than 80% of taxes otherwise due on the Eligible Property.
If the applicant shall transfer ownership of an Eligible Property during the term of the applicable tax abatement and/or exemption, or if any transferee shall thereafter again transfer such ownership, the Municipal Council hereby determines that, in the absence of information to the contrary, each such subsequent owner shall continue to use the property pursuant to conditions which qualified the property for its abatement and/or exemption, and the tax abatement and/or exemption relating thereto shall be deemed to be assigned to and assumed by each such subsequent owner. Accordingly, the abatement and/or exemption shall continue notwithstanding such transfer and shall remain in effect during the original term thereof.
No exemption or abatement shall be granted under this Section 10:23-5A more than ten years following the date of final adoption of this amendment to Section 10:23-5A of this chapter.
All other provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:21-8 through N.J.S.A. 40A:21-13 shall be applicable to any exemption and abatement granted pursuant to this Section 10:23-5A.
Any applications on file for such abatements or exemptions, as of June 21, 2022, shall be eligible for consideration. However, the abatement or exemption shall not obligate the City to pay a refund of any taxes paid. Any adjustments to the assessment for each property shall be made by the Tax Assessor from the date of the enactment of this Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024 was adopted March 20, 2024.
[Added 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024]
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022 repealed prior Section 10:23-5B, Exemptions and Abatements for Multiple Dwellings. Prior history includes Ord. 6-PSF-G, 10-7-2015 § 4; Ord. 6PSF-C, 6-15-2016; and Ord. No. 6PSF-M, 11-18-2020.
Exemptions and abatements from taxation shall be permitted within the City other than the Non-Applicable Areas for improvements to Multiple Dwellings.
Categories of improvements eligible for the abatement or exemption shall be approved on an individual basis after review, evaluation, and approval of each application by the Assessor.
Applicants shall provide a completed application containing information set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:21-9 for the applicant to pay to the City in lieu of full property tax payments an amount annually to be computed as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:21A-6.
Notwithstanding that the value of the property to which the improvements or conversion alterations are made is increased, in determining the value of the real property, the City shall regard the Tax Assessor's full and true value of the improvements as not increasing the value of the property for a period of five years (0% increase to the value of the property for the improvements or alterations for a period of five years). The assessment on any property granted an exemption pursuant to this Section shall not be less than the assessment on the property existing immediately prior to the improvements or conversion.
Any adjustments to the assessment for each property shall be made by the Tax Assessor and credits applied to the account for the applicable property.
[Added 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024]
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022 repealed prior Section 10:23-5C, Exemptions and Abatements for Commercial and Industrial Structures. Prior history includes Ord. 6-PSF-G, 10-7-2015 § 4 ; Ord. 6PSF-C, 6-15-2016; and Ord. No. 6PSF-M, 11-18-2020.
Exemptions and abatements from taxation shall be permitted within the City other than the Non-Applicable Areas for improvements to Commercial and Industrial structures.
Categories of improvements eligible for the abatement or exemption shall be approved on an individual basis after review, evaluation, and approval of each application by the Tax Assessor.
Applicants shall provide a completed application containing information set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:21-9 for the applicant to pay to the City in lieu of full property tax payments an amount annually to be computed as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:21A-7.
Notwithstanding that the value of the property to which the improvements or conversion alterations are made is increased, in determining the value of the real property, the City shall regard the Tax Assessor's full and true value of the improvements as not increasing the value of the property for a period of five year (0% increase to the value of the property for the improvements or alterations for a period of five years). The assessment on any property granted an exemption pursuant to this section shall not be less than the assessment on the property existing immediately prior to the improvements or conversion.
Any adjustments to the assessment for each property shall be made by the Tax Assessor and credits applied to the account for the applicable property.
[Ord. 6 PSF-G, 10-7-2015 § 4; Ord. 6PSF-C, 6-15-2016; amended 11-18-2020 by Ord. No. 6PSF-M, 11-18-2020; 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022; 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024]
Exemptions and abatements from taxation shall be permitted within the City other than the Non-Applicable Areas for New Construction of Dwellings, Multiple Dwellings, Commercial and Industrial structures.
Categories of improvements eligible for the abatement or exemption shall be approved on an individual basis after review, evaluation, and approval of each application by the Tax Assessor.
Applicants shall provide a completed application containing information set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:21-10 for the applicant to pay to the City in lieu of full property tax payments an amount annually to be computed by the following formulas:
Tax Phase-in Basis (0% payment in lieu of taxes in year one, 20% payment in lieu of taxes in year two, 40% payment in lieu of taxes in year three, 60% payment in lieu of taxes in year four, 80% payment in lieu of taxes in year five) as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:21A-10.
Any applications on file for such abatements or exemptions, as of June 21, 2022, shall be eligible for consideration. However, the abatement or exemption shall not obligate the City to pay a refund of any taxes paid. Any adjustments to the assessment for each property shall be made by the Tax Assessor from the date of the enactment of this Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024 was adopted March 20, 2024.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-6; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022; 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024]
Applicants for tax exemption and abatement shall provide the Department of Finance, Office of the Tax Assessor with an application setting forth:
A general description of a project for which exemption and abatement is sought;
A legal description of all real estate necessary for the project;
Plans, drawings and other documents as may be required by the Tax Assessor to demonstrate the structure and design of the project;
A description of the number, classes and type of employees to be employed at the project site within two years of completion of the project;
A statement of the reasons for seeking tax exemption and abatement on the project, and a description of the benefits to be realized by the applicant if a tax agreement is granted;
Estimates of the cost of completing such project;
A statement showing (1) the real property taxes currently being assessed at the project site; (2) estimated tax payments that would be made annually by the applicant on the project during the period of the agreement; and (3) estimated tax payments that would be made by the applicant on the project during the first full year following the termination of the tax agreement;
Such other pertinent information as the Assessor may require to effectuate the authority granted to the Assessor by N.J.S.A. 40A:12-16.
If the project is a commercial or industrial structure, a description of any lease agreements between the applicant and proposed users of the project, and a history and description of the users' businesses.
[Added 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-F, 03-20-2024]
Each approved tax exemption and/or abatement pursuant to Chapter 10:23, Five-Year Tax Exemption and Abatement, shall be evidenced by a Financial Agreement between the City of Newark and the applicant. The Financial Agreement shall contain the representations that are required by this chapter, together with such other information required by the Corporation Counsel. The form of the Financial Agreement shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel and shall be on file in the Office of the City Clerk. The Financial Agreement shall provide for the applicant to pay to the municipality in lieu of full property tax payments an amount annually to be computed by the formulas as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:21-10.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-7; Ord. 6 PSF-G, 10-7-2015 § 4; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022]
All tax exemptions and/or tax abatements shall be approved by the Assessor authorizing a tax exemption and/or tax abatement for a particular property for a period of five years following completion that meet the requirements of this chapter as authorized by N.J.S.A. 40A:21-1, et seq.
[Added 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022]
Ord. No. Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022 repealed prior Section 10:23-8, Financial Agreement. Prior history includes Ord. 6-S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-8.
Failure to meet qualifying conditions. If during any tax year prior to the termination of the tax agreement the property owner ceases to operate or disposes of the property, or fails to meet the conditions for qualifying, then the tax which would have otherwise been payable for each tax year shall become due and payable from the property owner as if no exemption and abatement had been granted. The City through the Assessor shall notify the property owner and Tax Collector forthwith, and the Tax Collector shall, within 15 days thereof, notify the owner of the property of the amount of taxes due. However, with respect to the disposal of the property, where it is determined that the new owner of the property will continue to use the property pursuant to the conditions which qualified the property, no tax shall be due, the exemption and the abatement shall continue, and the tax abatement and/or exemption shall remain in effect.
Termination. At the termination of a tax abatement and/or exemption, a project shall be subject to all applicable real property taxes as provided by state law and regulations and local ordinances, but nothing herein shall prohibit a project at the termination of the tax abatement and/or exemption from qualifying for and receiving the full benefits of any other tax preferences provided by law.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-9; Ord. 6 PSF-J, 1-21-2009 § 4]
In addition to the payments required in lieu of taxes via Section 10:23-8 of this chapter, the owner of property which has qualified for tax exemption and/or tax abatement shall be liable for all real estate taxes assessed and levied against the land on which the qualified property is located, except as such taxes may be abated pursuant to Section 10:23-5 or Section 10:23-5A.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-10]
No exemption and abatement shall be granted pursuant to this chapter with respect to any property for which real estate taxes or other municipal charges are delinquent or remain unpaid, or for which penalties and interest for nonpayment of taxes are due.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-11]
The payment in lieu of full property taxes shall be made in quarterly installments according to the same schedule as real property taxes are due and payable. Failure to make these payments shall result in the termination of the exemption or abatement. In addition to the remedy set forth herein, the payment authorized by Section 10:23-8 of this chapter shall be enforced in the same manner as is provided for in real property taxes.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-12; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022]
The exemption and abatement of real property taxes provided by the Assessor on behalf of the City of Newark pursuant to this chapter shall apply to property taxes levied for municipal purposes, school purposes, county/government purposes, and for the purposes of funding any other property tax exemptions or abatements.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022 repealed prior Section 10:23-13, Applicant's Responsibility for Costs. Prior history includes Ord. 6-S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-13.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-14; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022]
All projects as provided herein shall be subject to all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations on pollution control, worker safety, discrimination in employment, housing provision, zoning, planning and building code requirements.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-15]
The Division of Tax Abatement and Special Taxes shall be responsible to administer the terms of the Agreement during the period of the exemption and abatement.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-16]
The added assessment provisions of N.J.S. 54:4-63.3 and the omitted assessment provisions of N.J.S. 54:4-63.20 and N.J.S. 54:63-33 shall not be applicable to any property for which the owner-occupant has been granted a tax exemption and/or abatement under this chapter.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 2-2-1994 § 10:10-17; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022]
Any property which is granted a Tax Exemption and/or Abatement pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to an inspection by the City of Newark on an annual basis to ensure that such properties are in compliance with all ordinances, regulations, and safety codes of the City. Any property which is determined to be in violation of any ordinance, regulation, and/or safety code of the City, shall be subject to recission by the Assessor.
[Ord. 6 PSF-G, 10-7-2015 § 5; amended 6-21-2022 by Ord. No. 6PSF-I(s), 06-21-2022]
Five year tax abatements shall be applied for and granted on a project basis pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-8.
[Ord. 6 PSF-G, 10-7-2015 § 6; amended 11-18-2020 by Ord. No. 6PSF-M, 11-18-2020]
The Five-Year Tax Exemption and Abatement shall apply to all areas outside of the nonapplicable areas for the next ten years following the date of final adoption of this amendment (amended by Ord. No. 6PSF-M, 11-18-2020) to this chapter.