[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 12:2-22]
All itinerant eating and drinking establishments shall be permitted to sell food only in sealed pre-packaged containers except as otherwise permitted by the provisions of paragraph b of this section.
The preparation and sale of food in or from any pushcart, automobile, truck or other moveable vehicle from the street, highway or other public place is hereby prohibited unless the vehicle shall conform with the following requirements:
The vehicle shall be of sound construction. That part containing the products, preferably of an acceptable metal, shall be entirely enclosed and kept in a sanitary condition both inside and outside at all times. The truck shall be thoroughly and efficiently insulated, with all openings screened and glass-enclosed. The products-containing compartment of the truck shall have adequate working space to avoid overcrowding. Floors, walls and ceilings thereof shall be constructed of an acceptable impervious material and their fibers shall be properly drained. The truck shall be provided with adequate light and ventilation.
Double washtrays of an adequate size to wash the largest moveable piece of equipment shall be provided with hot and cold running water, hot water to be of a temperature not less than 170° F. The sinks shall be properly drained to a septic tank on the truck.
The truck shall be equipped with a hand washbasin equipped with hot and cold running water. Soap and a single service toweling shall be provided.
Dispensing windows shall be of sliding construction, properly screened or glassed.
The unit shall be provided with proper disposal cans for consumer use.
All utensils used in the dispensing of the products shall be of single service type.
All edible products used in the manufacture shall be from sources approved by the City.
A proper and permanent place shall be provided where the truck and all equipment used in the processing of the product will be thoroughly washed and sanitized following each day's operation and before starting the next day's operation.
At all times, the operation of handling, preparation, storage and dispensing of food and drink shall be carried on or conducted in a manner so as not to constitute a hazard or nuisance so that the food and drink shall be protected from contamination by dust, dirt, filth and whatever may in any way cause it to become unwholesome or render it unfit for human food.
CROSS REFERENCE: For requirement that street vendors provide waste receptacles, see Section 29:20-7 of these Revised General Ordinances.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:2-23]
The utensils, implements, heating equipment, heating plate, heating compartment, griddle, refrigerator, closets, compartments, table, bench, drawers, receptacles, cases, range, cans, covers, bottles, or containers used by the owner, person or employee in the operations of handling, preparation, mixing, storage and dispensing of food and drink shall be clean and kept clean at all times.
[R.O. 1966 § 12:2-24]
The walls, ceilings, floors, windows and partitions of an itinerant eating and drinking establishment shall at all times be clean and kept clean.