[Added 4-21-2021 by Ord. No. 6PSF-C, 4-21-2021]
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean the City of Newark.
Means a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or other entity that is registered as a business in the State or operates in this State, and uses a digital network to connect a transportation network company rider to a transportation network company driver to provide a prearranged ride. A transportation network company shall not include an individual, corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or other entity arranging non-emergency medical transportation for individuals qualifying for Medicaid under P.L. 1968, c. 413 (C. 30:4D-1 et seq.) or Medicare under Pub.L.89-97 (42 U.S.C. s.1395 et seq.) pursuant to a contract with the State or a managed care organization, whereby Medicaid or Medicare funding is used to pay for the non-emergency medical transportation services.
Means a person who receives connections to potential riders and related services from a transportation network company in exchange for payment of a fee to the transportation network company, and uses a personal vehicle to offer or provide a prearranged ride to a rider upon connection through a digital network controlled by a transportation network company in return for compensation or payment of fee.
Means a person who uses a transportation network company's digital network to connect with a transportation network company driver to receive a prearranged ride from the driver using the driver's personal vehicle.
[Added 4-21-2021 by Ord. No. 6PSF-C, 4-21-2021]
Any Transportation Network Company seeking to operate within the City of Newark must negotiate and execute a Financial Access Agreement with the City of Newark. Any Transportation Network Company already operating in the City of Newark shall negotiate and execute a financial agreement with the City of Newark within 30 days of the effective date of this chapter.[1]
A Transportation Network Company driver shall not knowingly operate in the City of Newark for a Transportation Network Company that has not negotiated and entered into a Financial Access Agreement with the City of Newark.
The City of Newark reserves the right to negotiate and/or renegotiate any Financial Access Agreement with a Transportation Network Company that is in existence at the time of the effective date of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Chapter 34:4 was adopted April 21, 2021 by Ord. No. 6PSF-C, 4-21-2021.
[Added 4-21-2021 by Ord. No. 6PSF-C, 4-21-2021]
A Transportation Network Company (TNC) that violates or permits, aids or abets the violation of any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not less than $100 nor exceeding $2,000 or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
A Transportation Network Company driver who knowingly violates or permits, aids or abets the violation of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not less than $100 nor exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.