[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-3; Ord. 6 S+FA, 5-1-1991; Ord. 6 PSF-A(S), 1-7-2016]
No person shall operate or permit a taxicab owned or controlled by him/her to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Newark without first having obtained a taxicab license and/or a license renewal from the Manager, after review by the Taxicab Commission.
It shall be unlawful or a violation of this chapter for taxicabs licensed in other municipalities or state to receive passengers in the City of Newark and regularly discharging passengers originating in other municipalities or states in the City of Newark without obtaining a license from the Manager, Office of Taxicabs.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-4; Ord. 6 S+FA, 5-1-1991]
An application for taxicab license shall be filed with the Manager upon forms provided by the City. The application shall be verified under oath and shall contain the following information:
Name and address of the applicant; and, where the applicant is not a natural person, the name and address of all owners or participants in the ownership of the legal entity and all officers, directors or others of like position whatever be their title.
The year, type and model of vehicle for which the license is desired.
The number of persons the vehicle is capable of carrying.
Such further information as the Manager may require.
The annual application for renewal of taxicab licenses shall be filed not later than 30 days prior to the expiration date.
All summonses issued under Title 34, Transportation, or N.J.S.A. Title 39 (State), during the calendar year must be settled in full prior to the issuance of a current license.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-5; Ord. 6 S+FM, 12-20-1995; Ord. 6 S+FD, 9-4-1996; Ord. 6 S+FF, 4-1-1998; Ord. 6 S+FD, 3-1-2006 § 1; Ord. 6 S+FD, 1-17-2007; Ord. 6 PSF-1, 9-1-2010; Ord. 6 PSF-B, 4-18-2012; Ord. 6 PSFA(S), 1-7-2016]
If the Manager after review by the Taxicab Commission finds that the applicant is fit, willing, and able to perform such public transportation and in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the rules promulgated by the Manager, then the Manager shall issue a license stating the name and address of the applicant, the date of issuance and the year, type and model of the vehicle; otherwise, the application shall be denied. In making the above findings, the Manager and the Taxicab Commission shall take into consideration the character, experience and responsibility of the applicant.
No license or renewal thereof shall be issued for any taxicab which shall not have had installed a partition in accordance with the requirements of Section 34:1-22, and the continuous maintenance of such partition shall be a condition of the license.
The number of licenses issued and in use in the City at any one time shall not exceed 600.
The Office of Taxicabs shall be, and hereby is, empowered to issue a maximum of 200 Restrictive Endorsements to existing licenses to operate from Newark Liberty International Airport for the sole purpose of picking up passengers at the Airport and transporting them to destinations in accordance with the legislated flat rates. The operating authority of such Airport Taxicabs shall be limited to Newark Liberty International Airport only, and such Restrictive Endorsements shall be effective for a period of one year from the date of issuance.
Any existing taxicab license holder may apply for this limited operating authority. Such license holder shall execute an affidavit that the authority to pick up passengers shall be limited to Newark Liberty International Airport only. This Affidavit must be filed the first week of January in each year. Upon its acceptance of the affidavit, the Office of Taxicabs shall issue a special decal for limited authority. This decal shall be affixed to the rear windshield of the taxicab. No license holder will be permitted more than one Restrictive Endorsement.
The selection criteria to be employed in issuing the Restrictive Endorsements shall include, but not be limited to:
Category I: A maximum of 50 of the Restrictive Endorsements shall be reserved for taxi license holders who own a taxicab license for 15 years or more.
Category II: A maximum of 10 of the Restrictive Endorsements shall be for taxi license holders for use by taxicab drivers who shall have at least 15 years or more experience as a Newark taxicab driver.
Category III: A maximum of 60 of the Restrictive Endorsements shall be reserved for taxi license holders who own a taxicab license for 10 to 14 years.
Category IV: A maximum of 10 of the Restrictive Endorsements shall be reserved for taxi license holders for use by taxicab drivers who shall have at least 10 to 14 years experience as a Newark taxicab driver.
Category V: A maximum of 30 of the Restrictive Endorsements shall be reserved for taxi license holders who own a taxicab for five to nine years.
Category VI: A maximum of 15 of the Restrictive Endorsements shall be reserved for taxi license holders for use by taxicab drivers who shall have at least five to nine years experience as a Newark taxicab driver.
Category VII: A maximum of 20 Restrictive Endorsements shall be reserved for taxi license holders who own a taxicab license for one to four years.
Category VIII: A maximum of five of the Restrictive Endorsements shall be reserved for taxi license holders for use by taxicab drivers who shall have at least one to four years experience as a Newark taxicab driver.
Each of the Restrictive Endorsements in the above eight categories shall be selected by lottery conducted by the Manager of the Office of Taxicabs. In the event that the maximum number of Restrictive Endorsements in any one category is not issued, the remaining Restrictive Endorsements shall be assigned to the next successive category. This process shall be followed with respect to each category until all 200 Restrictive Endorsements are issued;
All drivers of vehicles with Restrictive Endorsement Licenses shall not have had any motor vehicle accidents resulting in conviction of any motor vehicle violation under Title 39 of the New Jersey Statutes for which six or more points are assessed, or any motor vehicle violation under Title 39 of the New Jersey Statutes for which six or more points are assessed, for one year preceding the application;
All drivers of vehicles with Restrictive Endorsement Licenses must have had experience working as a taxicab driver at Newark Liberty International Airport for at least one full year preceding the application;
All drivers of vehicles with Restrictive Endorsement Licenses shall have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the roads and geography of the City of Newark and the surrounding region within 25 miles around; and
All drivers of vehicles with Restrictive Endorsement Licenses must meet the normal criteria for being a Newark taxicab driver.
Enforcement. The Manager of the Office of Taxicabs shall employ the following methods as an enforcement mechanism to ensure that the terms of this chapter are not circumvented:
Restrictive Endorsement Licensed taxicabs shall operate without containing a meter in the vehicle.
Taxicabs shall operate with a sign on each side of the vehicle which will clearly indicate its sole function as an "Airport Taxicab - Newark, New Jersey," permanently affixed in four-inch high contrasting colored lettering.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-6; Ord. 6 S+FM, 12-8-1986; Ord. 6 S+FB, 4-1-1987; Ord. 6 S+FF, 1-17-2007 § 1]
Each taxicab license shall be for the year ending on November 30th of each year, and shall expire on that date.
No license shall be issued or renewed unless the applicant therefor has paid an annual license fee of $300 for the right to engage in the taxicab business; provided, however, that the fee for any license issued after the 1st day of June and expiring the 30th day of November of the same year shall be $150. Such license fee shall be in addition to any other fee or charges established by proper authorities and applicable to the holder of the vehicle or vehicles under his/her operation and control.
The license fee shall be payable upon the presentation of the application and shall be returned less the sum of $25 in the event such license is not granted.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-7; Ord. 6 S+FM, 12-8-1986]
No taxicab license may be sold, assigned or otherwise transferred without the consent of the Manager upon recommendation of the Taxicab Commission. A license may be transferred to another person to be used in a bona fide operation of a taxicab business, with the consent of the Manager upon recommendation of the Taxicab Commission upon the filing of an application, as provided in Section 34:1-4 of these Revised General Ordinances, and upon payment of a transfer fee of $500 and in the case of a transfer to a corporation, a copy of the certificate of incorporation issued by the State of New Jersey and the name of its registered agent shall also be filed; provided that if a corporation wishes to transfer a taxicab license to another corporation to be used in a bona fide operation of a taxicab business, and not less than 75% ownership of each corporation rests with the same person or group of persons, then upon application and upon filing of a certificate of incorporation issued by the State of New Jersey and the name of its registered agent, and the consent of the Manager upon recommendation of the Commission, and upon payment of an administrative fee of $100, the license shall be transferred. No transfer may be made during the month of November.
No taxicab license shall be assigned, mortgaged, pledged or otherwise transferred to secure a debt, loan, advance or other financing transaction, unless such assignment, mortgage, pledge or other security arrangement is first approved by the Manager upon the recommendation of the Taxicab Commission.
Approval of such transfers shall not be unreasonably withheld.