[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-29; Ord. 6 S+FB, 10-7-1992]
No person, other than the licensed driver of the taxicab, shall ride or sit in the front seat of the taxicab unless the rear seat is fully occupied by passengers. This provision shall not apply:
To those passengers who must use the front seat for physical or health reasons; or
When and if the vehicle is not being used for commercial purposes, and its off duty light is on.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-30]
It shall not be unlawful for the owner of any taxicab to hire out or rent such taxicab to a taxicab driver or any other person for use within the City for a stipulated sum over a definite period of time, provided that:
The lessee hereunder is licensed by the Manager to drive a taxi upon the streets of the City; and
The owner files with the Manager a certificate of insurance that the operators and drivers of such taxicabs, pursuant to a lease hereunder, are covered by automobile liability insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey. The period of insurance coverage as evidenced by the certificate shall be concurrent with the term of the license.
No holder of a taxicab license or driver of a taxicab shall knowingly permit his/her taxicab to be used for any illegal or immoral purpose.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-31]
No taxicab driver shall solicit passengers for a taxicab except when sitting in the driver's compartment of such taxicab or while standing immediately adjacent to the curb side thereof.
No taxicab driver shall solicit taxicab patronage in a loud tone of voice or in any manner annoy any person or obstruct the movement of any person or follow any person for the purpose of soliciting patronage.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-32]
Taxicab drivers shall not receive or discharge passengers in the roadway, but shall pull their taxicabs as close as possible to the right-hand sidewalk, or in the absence of a sidewalk, to the extreme right-hand side of the road and there receive or discharge passengers. On one-way streets passengers may be discharged at either the right or left-hand sidewalk or side of the roadway where no sidewalk exists.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-33]
No driver shall cruise in search of passengers except in such areas and at such times as may be designated by the Manager. Such areas and times shall be designated only when the Manager finds that taxicab cruising would not congest traffic or endanger pedestrians or other vehicles.
No driver shall cruise back and forth in front of, or otherwise interfere with the proper and orderly access to or egress from, any place of public accommodation, public resort or public assemblage.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-34]
No driver shall permit any other person to occupy or ride the taxicab unless the person or persons first employing a taxicab shall consent to the acceptance of an additional passenger or passengers.
No charge shall be made for an additional passenger except when the additional passenger rides beyond the previous passenger's destination and then for only the additional distance so traveled. Upon reaching the original passenger's destination the driver shall throw the flag into the nonrecording position, collect his/her fare, then throw the flag into the recording position as if the additional distance traveled were a new trip.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-35]
No driver shall permit more than four persons to be carried in a taxicab as passengers. A child under six years of age shall not be counted as a passenger. This provision shall not apply to Section 34:1-25b, 4.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-36]
No driver shall refuse or neglect to carry any orderly person or persons, upon request, to the destination requested, unless the driver is previously engaged or unable or forbidden by the provisions of this chapter to do so.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-37]
It shall be unlawful for any taxicab driver to solicit business for any hotel, motel, rooming house, bar, tavern, restaurant, theatre and the like, or to attempt to divert patronage from one such place to another.
No driver shall engage in selling intoxicating liquors or solicit business for any house of ill repute or use his/her vehicle for any purpose other than for the transporting of passengers.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-38]
The driver, while engaged in the operation of a taxicab, shall behave himself/herself in a gentlemanly manner, and he/she shall not use any indecent, profane or insulting language while engaged in such operation.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-39; Ord. 6 S+FB, 10-7-1992]
All taxicab drivers, when operating their taxicabs, must obey the following rules regarding their appearance:
Driver must be neat and clean in their personal appearance and must have their hair, beards, mustaches, etc., well trimmed and kept;
Drivers shall wear only the following items of dress:
Headgear: Drivers may wear a chauffeur's cap; that is, a black, grey or dark blue peaked cap of military style, with or without a chinstrap, and having a leather visor, the cap having a band of the same material as the cap, or a band of black mohair or artificial black mohair braid;
Shirt: Drivers shall wear a normal sleeved shirt, of white or light blue, that may be worn with a neatly tied black bowtie or necktie. Collars may be wing collars or turndown collars (with or without buttondowns).
Jacket: Drivers may wear a jacket of solid black, grey or dark blue cloth, either of suit type (single-breasted) or a chauffeur's type of double-breasted jacket buttoned up to the collar and with a standing collar. Buttons shall be plain and of black or grey color, except that on a chauffeur's coat they may be silver or gold colored.
Trousers, Skirts and Shoes: Drivers shall wear trousers of solid dark colored cloth, either plain or with a stripe of no more than one inch width of black mohair or artificial mohair braid. Female drivers may wear, instead, skirts of the same cloth. Trousers may be pleated. Shoes shall be black, worn with socks at all times, and shall be kept clean and polished. Belts shall be of plain black leather and have plain metal buckles.
Accessories: Drivers shall not wear any jewelry except for watches, rings, earrings and I.D. bracelets (if irremovable). Drivers shall not wear excessive makeup, cologne or perfume. Drivers may wear a cloth blazer badge on the breast pocket of their jacket if it is issued by the company they drive for.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-40]
Subject to rules and regulations of the Manager, any person owning or operating a taxicab may permit advertising matter to be affixed to a rack installed upon either the roof or trunk of such taxicab, provided that such advertising matter shall meet the following requirements:
The advertising apparatus with advertising matter affixed shall not exceed three feet in length nor two feet in width.
The advertising apparatus shall not interfere with the operation of the taxicab nor the comfort of its passengers.
The advertising matter shall not be of a lewd, lascivious or obscene nature.
The advertising apparatus shall be approved by the Commission as a condition for issuance of the taxicab license, and annually thereafter, as a condition for renewal of same.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-41; Ord. 6 S+FB, 10-7-1992; Ord. 6PSF-A(S), 1-7-2016]
At the termination of each trip, every driver of a taxicab shall thoroughly search the interior of such taxicab for any property lost or left therein by a passenger. Such property, unless sooner claimed or delivered to the owner(s), must be reported in writing by the driver or holder to the Office of Taxicabs with full particulars and description of the property within 24 hours after the finding thereof.
If the owner of an article can be determined, he/she shall be notified immediately, in writing, by the Office within 48 hours of its notification, and the article must be kept by the taxi driver or holder for 90 days after such notification. If claimed within 90 days, the article shall immediately be given to the owner. If after 90 days the owner does not claim the article, it shall be donated to charity and the Office shall be so notified.
If the owner of an article cannot be determined, the article must be kept by the taxi driver or holder for 90 days after notifying the Office. If the article is claimed within 90 days by its owner, the article shall immediately be given to the owner. If after 90 days the article is unclaimed, it shall be donated to charity and the Office shall be so notified.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-42]
It shall be unlawful for any person owning or operating a licensed taxicab to permit such taxicab to be operated by any person who does not hold a valid taxicab driver's license required by this chapter.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-43]
All persons engaged in the taxicab business in the City operating under the provisions of this chapter shall render an over-all service to the public desiring to use taxicabs.
All taxicab licensees or their representatives shall answer all calls received for taxicab service inside the City limits as soon as they can do so. If such services cannot be rendered within a reasonable time, they shall then notify the prospective passenger as to how long it will be before the call can be answered and give the reason therefor.
Any licensee or his/her representative who shall refuse to accept a call for taxicab service anywhere within the City limits at any time when such holder has a taxicab available, or who shall fail or refuse to give over-all service, shall be deemed a violator of this chapter.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-44]
No driver of any taxicab shall induce any passenger to employ him/her by knowingly misinforming or misleading any such prospective passenger, either as to time or place of the arrival or departure of any train, motor vehicle, or airplane or as to the location of any hotel, public place or private residence or as to the distance between any two points, nor shall such driver deceive any prospective passenger or make any false representations to him/her.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-45]
No driver shall convey any passenger to any other place or over any route contrary to a passenger's instructions.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 24:1-46; Ord. 6 PSF-A(S), 1-7-2016]
The holder of a taxicab license shall require the driver to keep, and the driver of each taxicab shall keep, a daily record upon which all trips shall be recorded. The daily record shall show the taxicab number, license number of the driver, specific hours of duty, time and place of origin and destination of each trip and the amount of fare received for each trip. All such records shall be given to the holder and shall be retained for one year by the holder of the taxicab license. The holder shall be responsible for the maintenance of daily records of all taxicabs operated by him/her.
Every holder shall record in a book, maintained solely for such purpose; the time of departure from the garage of every licensed taxicab; name, address and license number of the driver thereof; license number of the taxicab and the time of the taxicab's return to the garage.
All records provided for in this section shall be open to inspection by representatives of the Division of Police and the Office of Taxicabs.