[Ord. 6PSF-B, 9-17-2014 § 1]
There shall be within the Department of Administration (Section 2:5-1) an Office of Information Technology. The Office shall be responsible for the development, maintenance and operation of the City of Newark's computerized systems and related network infrastructure.
[Ord. 6PSF-B, 9-17-2014 § 2]
The Office of Information Technology shall be managed by the Chief Information Officer.
[Ord. 6PSF-B, 9-17-2014 § 3]
The Chief Information Officer, prior to his/her appointment, shall be qualified to coordinate all computer related activities of the City including, but not limited to, the maintenance of existing systems, development and purchase of new hardware and software, implementation of new technologies, and supervision of technology related projects.
[Ord. 6PSF-B, 9-17-2014 § 4]
The Office of Information Technology shall be responsible for the following:
Information Technology Systems shall be defined, without limitation, as any office automation systems, information systems, database management, data processing, networking, electronic data communication and other collection, organization, transmission and storage of electronic information.
The Office of Information Technology shall assume authority and responsibility for planning, designing, implementing, operating and coordinating the City's Information Technology Systems and networks, either directly or by oversight of these activities when carried out by other departments.
The Office of Information Technology shall prepare plans and recommendations for the consideration of the Mayor, the Business Administrator, and the departments with respect to functions and services relating to Information Technology Systems to increase City efficiency and proficiency as to such matters.
The Office of Information Technology shall have the power and duty to supervise, manage, design, develop and administer all of the Information Technology Systems which may be developed and which are used by the offices and departments of the City of Newark so as to provide optimum utilization of equipment, devices and systems consonant with sound economic, managerial and systems design practices.
Develop and coordinate municipal uses of Information Technology Systems for public and City government information dissemination and other applications, and coordinate all technical matters involving usage of Office Technology Systems for both public and City government purposes.
Monitor and report to the Mayor, the Business Administrator and to the Municipal Council all legislative and industry matters impacting the City's Information Technology policies, programs and applications.
[Ord. 6PSF-B, 9-17-2014 § 5; Ord. 6PSF-A(S), 1-7-2016]
The Office of Information Technology shall coordinate with the Division of Police and the Division of Fire for any issue involving the construction, installation, operation or maintenance of criminal law enforcement related computer networks, scientific investigation electronic equipment of the Division of Police, and dispatch operations of the Police and Fire Communications Centers.