[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 2:14-5; Ord. 6 S+FJ, 6-29-1988; Ord. 6 S+FF, 1-18-1989; Ord. 6 S+FH, 12-4-1991; Ord. No. 6 S+FE, 10-17-2007; Ord. 6PSF-E, 8-6-2014; Ord. 6PSF-F, 6-15-2016]
Number of Vacation Days. Annual vacation leave for Municipal officials and employees shall be as follows:
Except as otherwise provided herein or in collective negotiations agreements with representatives of employee units, all employees shall be entitled to annual vacation leave with pay, based on their years of service and in accordance with N.J.S. 11:24A-1 et seq. During an employee's first calendar year of employment, vacation leave shall be earned at the rate of one working day of vacation for each month of service from his/her date of original employment and continuing through the remainder of the calendar year.
Municipal officials who are serving in the following Departments and Agency Head positions shall be credited with 20 working days annual vacation leave irrespective of their years of service: Mayor, Presiding Judge, Judges, City Clerk, Business Administrator, Assistant Business Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Aide to the Mayor (Chief of Staff), Directors of the Departments of Economic and Housing Development, Engineering, Finance, Health and Community Wellness, Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Senior Services, Water and Sewer Utilities and Public Works. During the first calendar year of appointment, annual vacation leave shall be prorated based upon the date of hire of an official.
Practices and Procedures. Except as otherwise provided in collective negotiations agreements with representatives of employee units, the following practices and policies shall apply to vacation leave:
Effective April 1, 1988, an employee hired on the first day of the month through the eighth day of the month shall receive a one-day vacation credit for the month. An employee hired on the ninth day of the month through the 23rd day of the month shall receive a one-half-day vacation credit for the month. An employee hired on the 24th day of the month through the last day of the month shall receive no vacation credit for the month.
For the purposes of efficient vacation scheduling and in accordance with the above schedules, an employee may be credited with vacation leave (in each appropriate calendar year) prior to the leave actually being earned with the assumption that the employee will be employed for the full calendar year; however, an employee whose service is terminated or is placed on leave of absence without pay prior to the end of the calendar year shall have all non-earned used vacation leave deducted from his/her last paycheck.
An employee whose service is terminated between the first and eighth day of the month shall not receive vacation credit for the month. An employee whose service is terminated between the ninth and 23rd day of the month shall receive one-half-day vacation credit for the month. An employee whose service is terminated on the 24th day of the month and thereafter shall receive one day vacation credit for the month.
An employee who is on leave of absence without pay shall not earn vacation credits while on such leave nor be granted prior earned credits until he/she shall return to active status. Upon return to employment, an employee who has been on an approved leave of absence shall have such time of his/her leave adjusted based on his/her original date of employment and shall receive vacation leave in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
All earned vacation credits shall be paid to the employee or to his/her estate in case of termination or death in accordance with existing law.
An employee who is on sick leave with pay or an employee who is injured or disabled as a result of, or arising from, his/her employment shall continue to receive vacation credits in the same manner as that granted for active status.
Vacation leave can only be taken with the approval of an employee's Department Head or Division Manager and according to appropriate seniority rights.
Vacation leave allowed for any given year should be used during the year in which it is granted. Any unused vacation leave may be carried over into the succeeding year only. Under no circumstances shall more than one year of allowed vacation leave be carried over into the following year.
An employee who becomes ill or incapacitated while on vacation may, upon proper notification and verification to the appointing authority, transfer time required for illness or incapacity to available sick leave credits; however this transfer shall not extend that date of return from vacation unless otherwise approved by the appointing authority.
Vacation leave is not transferable from one grant program to another, nor from a grant program to the City, nor from the City to a grant program. Any employee involved in changes of this nature shall be paid for any vacation leave due him/her or shall reimburse the City for any time not earned similar to an employee terminating his/her services prior to the advanced time being earned. The employee shall then earn vacation leave during his/her first calendar year in the new program at the rate of one day per month; however, an employee's original date of hire shall be considered in terms of credits due with regard to the 10th and 20th years of service.
[Ord. 6PSF-A(S), 1-7-2016]
Editor's Note: See the Labor Agreement in effect pertaining to Fire and Police Departments, now the Division of Fire and the Division of Police.