Editor's Note: Sick leave provisions are subject to revision per the terms of individual Labor Agreements.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 2:14-5.1]
Every employee, permanent, provisional, unclassified and grant program employees, exclusive of Police Officers and Firefighters and their respective uniformed superiors, shall be entitled to sick leave with pay, based on their years of service and in accordance with N.J.S. 11:24A et seq. and the New Jersey Department of Civil Service Rules and Regulations 4:1-17 et seq.
Sick leave with pay shall accrue to any full time permanent provisional, unclassified and grant program employees on the basis of one working day per month during the remainder of the first calendar year of employment after initial appointment and 15 days in every calendar year thereafter to be credited on January 1 of each calendar year.
Part time permanent, provisional, unclassified and grant program employees shall be entitled to sick leave as prorated according to the work schedule assigned to their class/classes of positions.
Temporary and seasonal full time or part time employees hired for short term employment shall not be entitled to sick leave credits.
Any amount of sick leave allowance not used in any calendar year shall accumulate to the employee's credit from year to year and is to be used if and when needed for legitimate reasons as described for such purposes.
Generally an employee shall not be reimbursed for accured sick leave at the time of termination of his/her employment nor shall accrued sick leave arbitrarily be used to extend the time of retirement.
Effective January 1, 1982, the City will allow eligible employees who have accumulated unused sick leave to convert such time into a cash payment at retirement in accordance with the following schedule. Eligibility is contingent upon the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement governing the employee's title except that employees whose titles are not a part of any bargaining unit shall be eligible.
The first 0-50 days
no payment
The following 51-150 days
25% of value
The remaining 151 and over
50% of value
Calculations shall be based on the average daily base permanent salary, exclusive of longevity, overtime and all other compensation of the employees, for the 12 months preceding the effective date of retirement, with the total not to exceed $12,000. Effective January 1, 1985, for the purpose of conversion of unused sick leave to a cash payment, the salaries of otherwise eligible employees serving in unclassified titles shall be construed to be permanent salaries, and they shall be entitled to receive payments in accordance with the schedule established above.
Sick leave credits are transferable from one grant program to another, or from a grant program to the City, or from the City to the grant program.
An employee who is or has been reemployed from a Civil Service re-employment list shall be credited with the total accrued sick leave credits recorded at the time of layoff or termination of his/her previous employment. Otherwise voluntary resignation by an employee from the employ of the City shall cancel sick leave credits.
Sick leave credits shall continue to accrue while employee is on sick leave with pay. Credits shall not accrue while an employee is on leave without pay except in the case of military leave without pay as specified by civil service regulations or pertinent law.
Sick leave may be utilized by employees when they are unable to perform their duties by reason of personal illness, accident or exposure to contagious disease. Sick leave may also be used for short periods because of death in the employee's immediate family or for attendance (when necessary) of the employee upon a member of the immediate family who is seriously ill. In the case of attendance required for a member of the immediate family, proper notification and substantiation shall be provided for approval by the appointing authority.
Sick leave shall be used only for the reasons described above and not for personal business or vacation purposes. Improper use of sick leave shall be subject to disciplinary procedures.
An employee using sick time shall furnish the City with sufficient proof of need in accordance with the provisions of Title 11 New Jersey Statutes and applicable Civil Service rules and regulations.
After five days of continuous absence for sick leave or any other circumstances of excessive use of leave as deemed appropriate by the supervisor, an employee may be required to submit a medical certificate.
When an employee has used up all sick leave credits, the appointing authority may, with the employee's approval, grant vacation credits to the extent of such vacation credits. If the employee requires additional time beyond sick leave and vacation accruals, the appointing authority shall continue the employee on the active payroll with payroll deletions for a period of 10 days. For time required beyond the 10 days, a permanent employee shall be placed on sick leave without pay status.
The employee who is to be absent for reasons that entitled him/her to use sick leave shall be responsible to notify his/her immediate supervisor at least within 30 minutes of the usual reporting time of assignment, except in those work situations where notice must be made prior to starting time.
Failure to report as noted above, may be cause for denial of the use of sick time for that absence and may constitute cause for disciplinary action.
The City may consider an absence, by an employee, without notice for five consecutive days to constitute a resignation not in good standing. In the event the appointing authority deems it necessary to terminate an employee for reasons as noted in this section, proper notification on appropriate forms shall be made to the employee's last known address, the Personnel Division, and the New Jersey Department of Personnel.
The appointing authority and the employee's supervisor shall be fully responsible for the reporting, recording and certification of the accrual and use of sick time credits.
An employee hired on the first to the 15th of the month shall be credited with a sick leave credit for the month. An employee hired after the 15th of the month shall not accrue a sick leave credit for that month. This applies only to the first month of the first calendar year of service.
An employee who is disabled either through injury or illness as a result of or arising from his/her respective employment shall be responsible to initiate the proper reporting procedures. The appointing authority and supervisor shall be responsible for promptly notifying the Law Department and the Personnel Division on the proper forms provided for such instances. The Law Department shall take appropriate action as provided by law.
[Ord. 6 S+FI, 6-29-1988 § 2:14-5.1]
Effective April 1, 1988, an employee hired on the first day of the month through the eighth day of the month shall receive a sick leave credit of one day for the month. An employee hired on the ninth day of the month through the 23rd day of the month shall receive a 1/2 day sick leave credit for the month. An employee hired on the 24th day of the month through the last day of the month shall receive no sick leave credit for the month.
For the purposes of efficient sick leave scheduling and in accordance with the above schedules, an employee may be credited with sick leave (in each appropriate calendar year) prior to the leave actually being earned with the assumption that the employee will be employed for the full calendar year; however, an employee whose service is terminated or is placed on leave of absence without pay prior to the end of the calendar year shall have all non-earned used sick leave deducted from his/her last paycheck.
An employee whose service is terminated between the first and eighth day of the month shall not receive sick leave credit for the month. An employee whose service is terminated between the ninth and 23rd day of the month shall receive one-half-day sick leave credit for the month. An employee whose service is terminated on the 24th day of the month and thereafter shall receive one-day sick leave credit for the month.
[Ord. 6 S+FH, 10-4-1989 § 2:14-5.1]
Effective June 1, 1989, any incumbent or employee thereafter appointed to the title of Director, Department of Police, or Director, Department of Fire, who held permanent Civil Service status with the City of Newark in any title within the uniform ranks entitling him/her up to one year sick leave immediately prior to the appointment to the aforementioned titles, shall be entitled to receive up to one year sick leave, subject to the relevant rules, regulations and General Orders established by the Police Department or Fire Department of the City of Newark.
All employees appointed to the position of Director, Department of Police, or Director, Department of Fire, who do not hold permanent Civil Service status within the City of Newark in any of the uniform ranks entitling them up to one year sick leave immediately prior to the appointment to the aforementioned titles shall be entitled to receive 15 days sick leave per year, which shall accrue and accumulate in accordance with all relevant ordinances of the City of Newark.
Editor's Note: See now the Division of Police and the Division of Fire under the Department of Public Safety in Section 2:22-1 pursuant to Ord. 6PSF-A(S), 1-7-2016.