[R.O. 1966 § 2:14-6]
Except as otherwise provided by ordinance, salaries of officers and employees of the City shall be paid biweekly.
[Ord. 6 S+FJ, 11-6-1985 § 2:14-32]
Limitations on Retroactive Increases. The Council shall not consider any salary increases for Municipal employees other than for the current and subsequent years. Except as provided below, the Council shall not grant any salary increase retroactive beyond the first day of the calendar year in which the proposed increase first appears on the Council calendar. This limitation shall not apply to salaries of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.
[R.O. 1966 § 2:14-7]
Each year the City shall make provision in its annual budget for a certain fixed sum estimated to be sufficient to meet its obligations for the year for which the City may become liable under Chapter 15, "Workmen's Compensation," of Title 34 of the New Jersey Statutes. The sum so appropriated shall be administered by the Director of Finance. All authorized demands against the City under the Workmen's Compensation Law shall be paid in the same manner as other general debts of the City. In the event that the authorized demands in any one year shall exceed the funds so appropriated, then the City shall make additional appropriations according to law for the purpose aforesaid.
Editor's Note: For State Law authorizing the City to provide for the payment of compensation to any officer or employee injured in the performance of his/her duty, see N.J.S. 40:48-1(25).
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 2:14-7.1]
No public service employment participant, whose salary or wages is fully or partially funded by the United States Department of Labor under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 through the City of Newark, its Departments and agencies where the City maintains management and control, shall be employed in any position or title or receive any salary or wage unless authority is first obtained from the Municipal Council through the passage of an appropriate ordinance.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 2:14-7.2]
Except as is hereinafter provided, each active permanent, provisional and unclassified employee, under age 65 not covered in the uniformed Police and Fire agreements, shall, effective with the date of a contract with an insurance carrier or by the City no later than July 1, 1977, be provided with a $5,000 Death Benefit and a $10,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit.
The $5,000 Death Benefit and $10,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit shall reduce to a total of $1,500 for all eligible employees who, on the effective dates herein-above noted, are or who henceforth shall attain the age of 65.
All employees who, on or after the above noted effective dates, shall retire with a minimum of 15 years of service with the City of Newark shall be covered with $1,500 Death Benefit.
Active employees shall mean those employees who are active in their assigned duties on the effective dates as noted hereinabove.
The Death Benefits shall apply only to employees of the City of Newark and not spouses or dependents.
Provisional employees shall have served a minimum of 90 days of continuous service to be eligible for Death Benefits in all instances.
If the aforesaid coverage is provided by a contract of insurance, the liability of the City shall be limited to the terms of that contract.
The Accidental Death Benefit coverage shall cease when the employee retires, at any age, or otherwise departs from the employ of the City of Newark, New Jersey, except those employees who retire and are reemployed by the City of Newark.
Editor's Note: The above Death and Accidental Dismemberment Benefits provisions are subject to revision in accordance with individual labor agreements in effect.