Editor's Note: Refer also to Mayor's Executive Orders.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 2:14-24]
The compensation of all employees of the City of Newark who have previously been covered for group hospital and medical benefits under the Hospital Service and Medical-Surgical Plans of New Jersey (Blue Cross-Blue Shield Plans) and who have reached the age of 65, but who are not eligible under both Parts A and B of Medicare, and are therefore removed from group coverage under the plans, is hereby adjusted and increased to the extent of payments made by such employees on a direct payment basis to continue their coverage under the plans as long as such coverage shall continue.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 2:14-25]
The Director of Finance is authorized and directed to reimburse all such eligible employees who have attained the age of 65 and who have been compelled to make direct payments for group hospital and medical benefits to continue the coverage as provided by the City of Newark. Such payments shall be made upon the submission of appropriate vouchers and proof of continued coverage in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Director of Finance.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 2:14-25.1]
Effective January 1, 1985, the City of Newark, New Jersey, shall offer to spouses age 65 through 69 of active employees who are less than 70 years of age the choice for their primary health coverage between either:
The current City-paid health benefits plan as presently provided to active employees under age 65; or
Coverage under the Federal Medicare Program.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 2:14-25.2]
The City of Newark will continue to provide city-paid health benefits coverage for those of its part-time employees, and for the eligible dependents of these employees, who are not otherwise covered for these benefits under collective bargaining agreements, and who work a regularly scheduled work week of more than 20 hours.