[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 7A:2-1]
All construction fees shall be payable by check or money order to the "Construction Official-City of Newark, New Jersey," at 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey. The fees are calculated to reasonably cover the municipal costs as required in the Regulations of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, and will be the sum of the subcode fees as follows:
Plan Review. 20% of the construction fee shall be the plan review fee paid at the time of submission of an application for a permit, the amount of this fee shall then be deducted from the amount of the fee due for a construction permit when same is issued. Plan review fees are not refundable.
Plan Review Waiver. The construction permit shall be reduced 20% when a plan review is waived.
Partial Plan Review. For projects that do not require plan review for all subcodes, the fee shall be the appropriate percentage of the subcodes, which are applicable.
Fee Waiver. There shall be a waiver of Enforcing Agency fees for construction contracted for or conducted by the City of Newark, within its boundaries.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 7A:2-2]
For the determination of the permit fees the volume of the structure shall be computed as follows:
Structure With Basement or Cellars. The volume of the structure shall include all enclosed dormers, porches, penthouses, and other enclosed portions of the structure, extending from the basement or cellar floor to the mean height of a pitched roof or the average height to the top of the roof beams of a flat roof.
Structures Without Basements or Cellars. For structures without basements or cellars the volume shall be based on the height measured to a level located 1/5 the distance from the first floor level to the bottom of the footings, but not to exceed 2 1/2 feet below the first floor level.
Open Sheds. For open sheds and structures of a similar character the volume shall be measured within the perimeter of the roof for a height from grade line to the mean roof level.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 7A:2-3; Ord. 6 S+FE, 4-20-1988 § 1; Ord. 6 S+FO, 8-3-1988 § 1; Ord. 6 S+FC, 4-6-1994; Ord. 6 S+FD, 9-21-1994; Ord. 6 S+FF, 4-19-1995; Ord. 6 S+FA, 5-21-1997; Ord. 6 S+FP, 9-17-1997; Ord. 6 S+FH, 4-7-1999; Ord. 6 S+FA, 11-8-2001; 6 S+FD, 9-5-2007 § 1; amended 3-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6PSF-A, 03-20-2024]
Permit Review Fee. There shall be a non-refundable processing fee of $58 applied to all permits, due at the time of application. This procurement fee will be applied against the total permit fee.
Construction Permit (Building) — New Construction and Addition Fees.
A - Assembly Buildings
$0.02 per cubic foot
B - Business Buildings
$0.03 per cubic foot
E - Educational Buildings
$0.03 per cubic foot
F - Factory and Industrial Buildings
$0.02 per cubic foot
H - High Hazard Buildings
$0.03 per cubic foot
I - Institutional Buildings
$0.02 per cubic foot
M - Mercantile Buildings
$0.03 per cubic foot
R - Residential Buildings
$0.03 per cubic foot
S - Storage Buildings
$0.02 per cubic foot
U - Utility and Miscellaneous Use Group
$0.03 per cubic foot
State Surcharge
$0.016 per cubic feet
Building Renovation and Alteration.
Fees based on estimated cost of construction for all building types are:
Estimated Cost of Construction: Fees per $1,000.
Between $0 - $50,000
$50,001 - $100,000
Over $100,000
An administrative surcharge for the State of New Jersey, Department of Community Affairs (DCA) of 0.80 per $1,000 rounded to the nearest $1 will be added to the building permit fee as required by U.C.C. 5:23-4.19 (B).
In order to determine estimated cost of construction, the applicant shall submit to the Construction Official such cost data as may be available, produced by the architect or engineer of record or by a recognized estimating firm or by the contractor. A bona fide contractor's bid, if available, shall be submitted. The Construction Official shall make the final determination regarding estimated cost of construction.
Certificates and Other Permits. Inspection fees for Certificates of Occupancy shall be as follows:
1-2 Unit dwelling
3-10 Unit dwelling
11-20 Unit dwelling
21-40 Unit dwelling
41-100 Unit dwelling
Over 100 Unit dwelling
$460+$20 per unit over 100
0-5,000 square feet
5,001-10,000 square feet
10,001-20,000 square feet
20,001 or more square feet
Business, Factory, Mercantile and Storage Buildings:
0-5,000 square feet
5,001-10,000 square feet
10,001-20,000 square feet
20,001 or more square feet
Up to 100 person occupancy
Over 100 person occupancy
Up to 100 person occupancy
Over 100 person occupancy
High Hazard:
Certificate of Continued Occupancy Fee: $138
Certificate of Occupancy — Change of Use: $138.
Less than 30 feet and less than 5,000 square feet
All other structures
Asbestos Hazard Abatement:
Permit Fee
Certificate of Clearance
DCA Training Fee
80 per $1,000
Lead Hazard Abatement:
Permit fee
Certificate of Clearance
Sign Fees:
Signs Computed
One Side Only
$1 per square foot
Siding and Roofing Permits
R-3, R-4, R-5: $58
Minimum Building Permit: $58.
Annual Construction Permit. Repair or work in or on premises occupied by a firm or corporation may be performed on behalf of such firm or corporation on an annual permit basis either by a New Jersey Uniform Construction Code licensed building contractor or by the firm or corporation itself, if the firm or corporation has in its employ a New Jersey Uniform Construction Code licensed journeyman who is a regular full time employee. The annual permit will be issued in the name of the firm or corporation and is valid from January 1 through December 31 or part thereof. The annual fee for work performed under an annual permit shall be $173. Additionally, the applicant must pay a State training registration fee of $161 which must be submitted by the applicant to the Municipal Construction Official who shall forward the fee to the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Technical Assistance, Training Section. All work under the Annual Construction Permit shall be consistent with the State of New Jersey Uniform Construction Code N.J.S. 52:27D-123 et seq.
Fee Waiver for Qualified Developers of Low and Moderate Income Housing. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7:2-3.1, the Director of Engineering is hereby authorized to waive building permit fees where:
The Developer/Owner is a Corporation organized pursuant to the "New Jersey Non-Profit Corporation Act" N.J.S. 15A:1-1 et seq. and
The Developer/Owner is actively engaged in construction or rehabilitation of housing units for the occupancy by low or moderate income households and
Private and Non-Profit Developer/Owner qualifies for the New Jersey Low Income Tax Credit Program promulgated by the New Jersey Housing Finance Mortgage Agency and
Eleemosynary institutions providing low and moderate income housing, that do not qualify for the New Jersey Low Income Tax Credit Program of the New Jersey Housing Finance Mortgage Agency for rental properties, because they are providing condominium, cooperative or fee ownership housing, are also qualified.
Fee Waiver for City-Occupied Properties. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 7:2-3.1, the Director of Engineering is hereby authorized to waive building permit fees for properties that are/or will be occupied exclusively by City Agencies.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 7A:2-3(2); Ord. 6 S+FD, 4-20-1988 § 1; Ord. 6 S+FC, 4-6-1994 § 2; Ord. 6 S+FF, 4-19-1995; Ord. 6 S+FA 5-21-1997; Ord. 6 S+FD, 9-5-2007 § 2]
Scope. This Subcode covers the electrical conductors and equipment installed within or on public and private buildings and other premises including yards, carnivals, and parking lots, bazaars and industrial substations; also the conductors and equipment that connect the installations to a supply of electricity and other outside conductors adjacent to the premises. This Code shall apply to all electrical wiring and equipment installed, used, maintained, rented, leased, or distributed for use in the City of Newark, except that electrical work or construction which is listed below:
Any work with a potential of less than 10 volts.
Minor repair work, such as replacement of lamps, fuses, sockets, receptacles, snap switches, and ballasts.
The connection of portable electrical appliances to suitable permanently installed receptacles.
The repair or replacement in kind of fractional h.p. motors and controls, provided no changes are made in electrical circuit wiring or overcurrent protection.
Electrical work on ships, railway cars, or automotive equipment.
Fee Schedule.
Receptacles and Fixtures:
First 50
Each additional 20
Motors and Electrical Devices:
1-10 hp
Up to 50 hp
Up to 100 hp
Larger than above
Transformers and Generators:
Up to 10 kw
Up to 45 kw
Up to 112.5 kw
Larger than above
Service Panels, Entrances and Subpanels:
Up to 200 amps
Up to 1,000 amps
Larger than above
D.C.A. fee: 1 per $1,000.
Minimum fee: $58
Annual construction permit:
Annual fee: $173
State Training Registration Fee: $161.
Permits and Registration Required; Administration; Inspections.
Before any electrical work covered by this Code may be installed, altered, or repaired, a permit shall be secured from the central permit office. When the central permit office is not open, emergency repair work may be started without a permit, provided the application for the permit is filed as soon as is practicable on the next day on which the central permit office is open.
Regular permits. Regular permits will be issued only to licensed electrical contractors complying with the requirements of the Electrical Contractors Licensing Act of 1962, Section 45:5A-1 et seq. of the New Jersey Statutes.
Restricted permits; registrations. Electrical work exempted by Section 45:5A-18(m) of the New Jersey Statutes, but not exempted by Newark ordinance, such as maintaining and installing elevators, escalators, oil burners, and gas pumps, may be done on a regular permit by a licensed electrical contractor, or may be done on a restricted permit with each restricted permit limited to one class of work.
Such restricted permits will be issued to persons, firms, or corporations who have in their employ a licensed journeyman electrician. Registration in the name of the persons, firms, or corporations shall be on an annual basis from January 1 through December 31. Application for each restricted permit shall be accompanied by an annual registration fee of $50.
Annual repair and maintenance permits. Work in or on premises occupied by a firm or corporation may be performed on behalf of such firm or corporation on an annual permit basis either by a New Jersey Uniform Construction Code licensed electrical contractor or by the corporation itself, if the corporation has in its employ a New Jersey Uniform Construction Code licensed journeyman who is a regular full time employee. The annual permit will be issued in the name of the firm or corporation and is valid from January 1 through December 31 or any part thereof. The annual fee for work performed under an annual permit shall be $150. Additionally, the applicant must pay a State training registration fee of $140 which must be submitted by the applicant to the Municipal Construction Official who shall forward the fee to the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Technical Assistance, Training Section. All work under the Annual Construction Permit shall be consistent with the State of New Jersey Uniform Construction Code N.J.S. 52:27D-123 et seq.
The Electrical Subcode Official or his/her duly authorized representative is hereby empowered to inspect all wiring, appliances, devices, and equipment coming within the scope of this Subcode. When the installation of any such wiring, appliances, devices, equipment is found to be in dangerous or unsafe condition, the person, firm or corporation owning, using, or operating the same shall be notified and shall make the necessary repairs or changes required to place such wiring, appliances, devices, or equipment in a safe condition and have such work completed within 15 days after notification thereof, or within such further reasonable time as may, upon request, be prescribed.
Whenever a person, firm or corporation owner shall apply to the City for an inspection of any building used for dwelling, commercial, business and industrial purposes, in order to ascertain if any of the Electrical Codes have been violated, the Construction Official, upon payments of the fees specified in subparagraph 4 below, shall cause an inspection to be made of the premises and issue a certificate or report of the inspection to the applicant, indicating therein, any violation of the Electrical Code found and any necessary repairs or changes to be made on such inspected premises.
There shall be a minimum charge of $5 for the Electrical Inspection of not more than five dwelling units and $0.75 for each additional dwelling unit up to 21 units. There shall also be a minimum charge of $20 for the Electrical Inspection of not more than 21 dwellings units and $0.50 for each additional dwelling unit. There shall be a charge for the Electrical Inspection of mercantile, industrial, and business buildings, according to the following schedule: from 1 to 1,000 square feet $5 minimum fee and $0.01 for each additional square foot; from 1,001 to 5,000 square feet $10 minimum and $0.005 for each additional square foot; from 5,001 to 10,000 square feet $25 minimum and $0.0025 for each additional square foot; over 10,000 square feet $25 minimum and $0.0020 for each additional square foot.
The Electrical Subcode Official is empowered to disconnect or order the disconnection of electrical service to conductors or apparatus found to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition, or to have been installed without acquiring a permit, or not in accordance with the provisions of this Code. He/she shall thereupon attach a violation notice which states that such conductors or apparatus have been disconnected because of their having been found unsafe to life and property, and it shall be unlawful for any person to remove the notice of disconnection or to reconnect such defective conductors or apparatus until the same has been placed in a safe and secure condition, and until the inspector has replaced the red violation notice by a green approval label.
Used electrical equipment shall not be installed unless specifically approved by the Electrical Subcode Official prior to installation.
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 7A:2-3; Ord. 6 S+FC, 4-6-1994 § 4; Ord. 6 S+FA 5-21-1997; 6 S+FD, 9-5-2007 § 3]
Wet and Dry Sprinkler Heads.
1 — 20
21 — 100
101 — 200
201 — 400
401 — 1,000
Over 1,000 heads
Smoke and Heat Detectors.
1 — 12
13 — 40
41 — 65
66 — 100
Pre-Engineered Systems.
Co suppression
Halon suppression
Foam suppression
Dry chemical
Wet chemical
Standpipes: $263.
Kitchen hood exhaust system: $58.
Incinerators: $420.
Crematoriums: $420.
Gas or oil fired appliances: $58.
Minimum fee: $58
D.C.A. fee: 1.00 per $1,000
[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 7A:2-3(4)(h); Ord. 6 S+FD, 9-5-2007 § 4]
Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment.
The fee shall be in the amount of $14 per fixture, piece of equipment or appliance connected to the plumbing system, and for each appliance connected to the gas piping or oil piping system.
The fee shall be $75 per special device for the following: Grease traps, oil separators, refrigeration units, utility service connections, backflow preventers equipped with test ports (double check valve assembly, reduced pressure zone and pressure vacuum breaker backflow preventers), steam boilers, hot water boilers (excluding those for domestic water heating), active solar systems, sewer pumps, and interceptors.
Minimum fee: $58.
D.C.A. fee: $1 per $1,000
Annual Permit. Repair or work in or on premises occupied by a firm or corporation may be performed on behalf of such firm or corporation on an annual permit basis either by a New Jersey Uniform Construction Code licensed plumbing contractor or by the corporation itself, if the corporation has in its employ a New Jersey Uniform Construction Code licensed journeyman who is a regular full time employee. The annual permit will be issued in the name of the firm or corporation and is valid from January 1 through December 31 or part thereof. The annual fee for work performed under an annual permit shall be $173. Additionally, the applicant must pay a State training registration fee of $161 which must be submitted by the applicant to the Municipal Construction Official who shall forward the fee to the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Technical Assistance, Training Section. All work under the Annual Construction Permit shall be consistent with the State of New Jersey Uniform Construction Code N.J.S. 52:27D-123 et seq.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, all plumbers and plumbing work performed in the City of Newark shall be done consistent with the State Plumbing License Law of 1968 (N.J.S. 45:14C-1 et seq.) except for work specifically performed by individual homeowners for their own occupied single family premises as prescribed by law and DCA regulation.
[Ord. 6 S+FO, 8-3-1988; Ord. 6 S+FA, 5-21-1997; Ord. 6PSF-J, 9-18-1913]
Elevator fees shall be based upon fee prescribed in N.J.A.C. 5:23-12.5 and 5:23-12.6. The Uniform Construction Office shall collect an administrative fee, set at 40% of Third Party Vendor fees, in order to cover a proportionate share of administrative costs incurred by the local enforcing agency in connection with inspections performed by private agencies for the enforcement of the Elevator Subcode. The monies so collected shall be deposited in a Dedicated Trust by Rider, which monies may be expended to offset such administrative costs.