[Ord. 6 S+FB, 5-15-1996 § 1]
This section shall be known as the 911 Locatable Address System.
[Ord. 6 S+FB, 5-15-1996 § 2]
The Director, Department of Engineering, through the Municipal Surveyor, is designated as the person responsible for the administration and implementation of this section.
[Ord. 6 S+FB, 5-15-1996 § 3]
The Director, Department of Engineering, through the Municipal Surveyor shall, in coordination with the Tax Assessor, establish street address numbers in accordance with the following guidelines:
Street addresses shall be assigned to each lot on new subdivision plats at the time of initial submission of the plats to the Central Planning Board for approval. The developer of the property shall be advised of the assigned addresses by the Director, Department of Engineering.
In those areas where needed, a systematic renumbering program for streets within the City in accordance with the policies and guidelines established herein shall be implemented. In the interim, as building permit applications are filed for development on parcels along streets which have not yet been systematically renumbered, an appropriate street address number for such development shall be assigned prior to the approval of the building permit.
As street address numbers are determined and assigned as provided above, such addresses shall be recorded in the Newark Geographic Information System, hereinafter known as GIS, to be maintained by the Municipal Surveyor. No building permit shall be approved until a street address has been determined, assigned and recorded in the GIS.
The Director, Department of Engineering shall notify property owners in writing by certified mail, of any change in their address due to the renumbering system. Bell Atlantic-New Jersey shall also be notified in accordance with the procedures developed by the State of New Jersey 911 Commission and the Office of Emergency Telecommunications Services (OETS).
Property owners are required to notify any tenants of an affected premise and the United States Postal Service in writing by certified mail, of any changes to the street name and/or street address number within 10 days of receipt of the information from the Director, Department of Engineering as outlined in Section 29:15-3(d).
Within 30 days after receipt of written notification of change or assignment of address, the property owner shall, at his/her own expense, affix/display the assigned number as prescribed in Section 29:15-5. It shall be the duty of the property owner, upon affixing the new number, to immediately remove any different address number. For new construction, the property owner shall prominently display the address used on the building permit at the site prior to construction. Upon completion of construction or for each partial occupancy, street address numbers shall be affixed by the property owner prior to actual occupancy as described in Section 29:15-5.
[Ord. 6 S+FB, 5-15-1996 § 4]
Street address numbers shall be determined in accordance with the following:
Official property numbers shall proceed from a logical point of origin and shall be in proper numerical sequence in relation to the numbers assigned to other lots with frontage on or access to the same street.
Odd and even numbers shall be assigned so as to be in keeping with the current odd/even numbering system on the respective side of the street. There shall be sufficient flexibility so that the numbering system may accommodate maximum density as allowed by zoning regulations now in effect. If existing lot frontage is less than the minimum zoned frontage, the numbering shall compress to accommodate the existing lot frontage.
Numbers shall be reserved for vacant parcels a minimum of every 25 feet, with the exception of less than the minimum zoned frontage as described in Section 29:15-4b.
In multi-family, commercial, industrial and similar development situations where density of development may render the above described addressing system ineffective, a building or building group may be assigned a single number and a numerical or alphabetical suffix may be assigned to each building, dwelling unit, business or establishment.
All Municipal, County and State roads and private roads shall have a street sign in accordance with the GIS of the City of Newark. Street signs shall comply with the current street sign standards for the City. The installation, cost, and maintenance of street signs on private roads shall be the responsibility of the developer or property owner.
Any private street shall, in accordance with law, have a unique name which the Director, Department of Engineering shall confirm in writing that it is unique and not in conflict with any existing street names. This confirmation must be secured by the owner/developer prior to the issuance of a construction permit and installation of any street signs.
Any new public streets or re-named public streets shall also have a unique name and the name of such new or re-named public street shall be approved by the Municipal Council through an ordinance.
The Director, Department of Engineering shall prepare and recommend for Municipal Council approval through ordinance, names for any existing unnamed public alleys, courts, etc. to easily identify these areas for emergency response. The approved names shall be included in the GIS.
The Director, Department of Engineering shall be responsible for updating the official City Map and GIS.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to require the renumbering of existing streets unless a substantial problem with existing addresses is identified by the Director, Department of Engineering, who shall notify the City Clerk after any renumbering.
Any property seeking a unique designation, other than the official address, must first have the designation recommended by the Director, Department of Engineering, who shall forward same to the Municipal Council for approval.
Upon implementation and adoption of 911 Locatable Address System, the Director, Department of Engineering shall forward a correct version of the official City map to the United States Postal Service, Bell Atlantic and all appropriate emergency services serving the City.
[Ord. 6 S+FB, 5-15-1996 § 5]
Street address numbers shall be conspicuously placed above or at the side of the main entrance door so that the number is discernible from the street. Numbers shall be a minimum height of five inches, be of a durable and clearly visible material and of a contrasting color to the background on which they are mounted.
When the entrance to a building is not visible from the street, the street address numbers shall be displayed on a post situated at a vehicle entry point or a pedestrian walkway to the property.
[Ord. 6 S+FB, 5-15-1996 § 6]
This section shall be enforced by the Director, Department of Engineering or his/her designated representative.
The Director, Department of Engineering shall send a notice of violation to the property owner failing to comply with any provision of this ordinance and order the person to take corrective measures within 30 days from the date of notification.
If such person fails to comply with the duly issued order, the Director, Department of Engineering shall notify the Corporation Counsel who shall initiate necessary action in a Court to enforce the provisions of the order.
[Ord. 6 S+FB, 5-15-1996 § 6]
Any violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $25 per day. Each day the violation remains unabated shall constitute a separate violation of this chapter.