CROSS REFERENCE: The sale of certain foods on streets is prohibited by Section 13:2-6 of these Revised General Ordinances. The making of noises by hawkers and peddlers is regulated by Section 20:3-13 c, d. Street vendors are required to provide waste receptacles in accordance with Section 29:20-7. Ice cream peddlers are licensed pursuant to Section 13:4-67 et seq. Canvassers and solicitors are licensed and regulated by Section 8:7-10 et seq.
Editor's Note: For State Statute authorizing a municipality to license and regulate hawkers and peddlers or to prescribe and regulate the place of vending or exposing for sale articles and merchandise from vehicles, see N.J.S. 40:48-1 and N.J.S. 40:52-1(c), as amended. See also Tagmire v. Atlantic City, 35 N.J. Super. 11, 113 A. 2d 59 (App. Div. 1955), holding that an exempt fireman and honorably discharged military personnel holding a special license to hawk and peddle issued by the County Clerk pursuant to N.J.S. 4:24-9 et seq. are exempt from the municipal licensing requirement.
[R.O. 1966 § 8-7.1; Ord. 6 S+FK, 3-21-1990 § 1]
As used in this Article:
Shall mean Director of the Department of Finance and/or his designee.
Shall mean any person commonly referred to either as a peddler or hawker, who goes from place to place or from house to house by traveling on the streets and carries with him goods, wares and merchandise for the purpose of selling or delivering them to consumers or any person who has goods, wares and merchandise of any description sent from place to place or from house to house by traveling on the streets for the purpose of selling and delivering goods to consumers.
[R.O. 1966; R.O. 1966 C.S. § 8-7.2; Ord. 6 S+FK, 3-21-1990; Ord. 6 PSF-E, 4-15-2015]
No person shall hawk or peddle any merchandise goods or articles of any description, or shall operate any peddler's cart, wagon, motor vehicle or other vehicle, without first procuring a license therefor from the Director.
No person shall hawk or peddle any food, drink, candy or other consumable or shall operate any peddler's cart, wagon, motor vehicle or other vehicle which sells, dispenses, vends or peddles any food, drink, candy or other consumable item without first procuring a license therefor from the Director which license shall bear the notation food peddler.
Each application for a license under paragraph b must be accompanied by a certificate from a licensed and practicing physician of the State of New Jersey, certifying that the applicant has been examined on a certain date, within 60 days prior to the filing of the application; and that, in his opinion, the applicant is of sound physique, not subject to any contagious disease, illness, sickness and/or any other infirmity of body or mind which might make him unfit for the safe selling, dispensing, peddling, vending of any food, drink or other consumable item.
Each applicant for a license under paragraph a and b shall possess a City of Newark Municipal Identification Card upon implementation of the Municipal Identification Card program. Each applicant shall be required to produce a certificate of registration from the Director of the Division of Taxation of the New Jersey State Department of the Treasury. Every applicant who held a license issued under this chapter during the year preceding the application shall present proof of payment of New Jersey Sales Tax required pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:32B-1 et seq.
[R.O. 1966; R.O. 1966 C.S. § 8-7.3; Ord. 6 S+FO, 6-25-1986 § 1; Ord. 6 S+FK, 3-21-1990 § 1; Ord. 6 PSF-D, 8-3-2016 § 5]
The fee for a license issued to a hawker or peddler or any person operating any peddler's cart under this Article shall be $250 per year, except that the fee for a license issued to an applicant who has attained the age of 62 years or older shall be $100 per year and the fee for a license issued to hawk or peddle goods or merchandise at a parade or other public event shall be $50 per day.
The fee for a license issued to a motor vehicle under this Article shall be $500 per year, except that the fee for a license issued to an applicant who has attained the age of 62 years or older shall be $100 per year and the fee for a license issued to hawk or peddle goods or merchandise at a parade or other public event shall be $50 per day.
All licenses issued, and renewals thereof, under this chapter shall expire on April 30th after its date of issuance. The Division of Tax Abatements/Special Taxes shall establish administrative rules and/or regulations pertaining to scheduling for the issuance of a peddler's/hawker's license.
The license fee shall be payable upon the presentation of the application and shall be returned less the sum of $10 in the event such license is not granted.
The fee for issuance of a duplicate license to replace a lost license or for an amended license shall be $25.
[R.O. 1966 § 8:7-4; Ord. 6 S+FK, 3-21-1990 § 1]
Any person holding a license issued pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:24-9 et seq. shall be exempt from the licensing provisions of this Article provided, however, that such a license-holder shall be required to comply with all other provisions of this Article.
No provision of this Article, except Section 8:7-6, shall be applicable to any person who is licensed as an ice cream peddler pursuant to the provisions of Section 13:4-67 et seq. of these Revised General Ordinances.
[R.O. 1966 § 8:7-5; Ord. 6 S+FK, 3-21-1990 § 1]
Upon the issue of such license, the Director shall furnish the licensee with a plate or badge bearing a number corresponding to the number of the license and the year in which issued. If a vehicle is used in the conduct of his business, the licensee shall attach the plate to some conspicuous part of his vehicle, and if no vehicle be used, the licensee shall expose his badge to public view, by wearing the same upon some conspicuous place upon his person.
[R.O. 1966; R.O. 1966 C.S. § 8:7-6; Ord. 6 S+FG, 12-20-1989 § 1; Ord. 6 S+FK, 3-21-1990 § 1; Ord. 6 PSF-D, 8-2-2017; amended 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. 6PSF-A, 04-19-2023]
No peddler shall:
Engage in the business of peddling unless his cart is mounted on at least 2 wheels, which wheels are of a diameter of not less than 8 inches.
Station, place, set up or maintain his cart or vehicle or allow it to remain on any sidewalk if to do so would place him closer than 50 feet to any other peddler if not separated by a public street.
Station, place, set up or maintain his cart on the sidewalk or allow it to remain there except at the curb line for the purpose of selling goods, wares or merchandise therefrom.
Station, place, set up or maintain his cart or vehicle or allow it to remain at the same location on any sidewalk or street for more than 15 minutes unless a sale is transacted or a potential customer is actually stopped at the cart surveying the peddler's wares. After each sale or survey by a potential customer, the 15 minute period begins anew. At the expiration of the 15 minute period, without a transaction, the peddler must move his cart at least 50 feet from the location. The peddler may not return to any location from which he has moved in accordance with the requirements of this subsection or to any place within 50 feet of the location for two hours of this subsection until after 2 hours.
Station, place, set up or maintain his cart or allow it to remain on any sidewalk in such a way as would (1) substantially restrict, obstruct, interfere with or impede the pedestrian's right of way; (2) substantially restrict, obstruct, interfere with or impede the ingress or egress from the abutting property; (3) create or become a nuisance; (4) increase traffic congestion, cause or increase traffic delay or hazards; (5) cause, create or constitute a danger to life, health or property; and (6) sell food, drinks, ice cream or confections of any kind for immediate consumption unless he has available for public use his own litter receptacle which shall be clearly marked and maintained for his patronage use. No peddler shall leave any location without first picking up, removing and disposing of any trash or refuse remaining from sales made by him.
Use a cart the dimensions of which exceed two feet in width, four feet in length and four feet in height including wheel height, while conducting business on any sidewalk.
Use any cart which fully loaded with merchandise, cannot be easily moved and maintained under control by the licensee, his employee or attendants.
Use, set up, attach, place or permit the use of any table, crate, carton, rack, device or structure of any kind to increase the selling or display capacity of his cart.
Leave any cart unattended at any time or store, place or lease the same overnight on any sidewalk or public way of the City.
Engage in the business of selling between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Station, place, set up or maintain his cart or his goods, wares or merchandise, or allow them to remain on any part of the sidewalk for sale or display or be sold if to do so would place the seller or his goods, wares or merchandise closer than 10 feet from intersecting streets or sidewalks, except for stands licensed to sell newspapers or stands licensed pursuant to Section 8:11-1 et seq. of the Revised General Ordinances as market places.
Station, place, set up or maintain his cart or allow it to remain on any sidewalk if to do so would reduce the unobstructed pedestrian right of way to less than six feet. The Department of Engineering may by regulation change the width of pedestrian right of way space required, as circumstances required.
Engage in the business of peddling within 10 feet of any location where the curb has been depressed to facilitate pedestrian or vehicle movement.
Engage in the business of selling at any location without giving a written receipt to each customer or engage in the business of selling at any location without maintaining on his person or on the cart or vehicle receipts showing the sales made during the preceding week. The receipts shall show clearly the seller's name, business address, license number, a description of the merchandise sold, and the purchase price and shall be sequentially numbered.
Engage in the business of peddling on any sidewalk or along any street within 60 feet of a bus stop sign except as set forth below. Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., and between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., on Broad Street between Green Street and New Street and on Market Street between Washington Street and East Raymond Plaza, no peddler shall engage in the business of peddling within 180 feet of a bus stop sign.
Engage in the business of peddling on any sidewalk or along any street within 15 feet of any fire hydrant, crosswalk or driveway.
Station, place, set up or maintain his cart or goods at any location between the curbline and an entrance way to any building, store, theatre, library, school, museum, movie house, sports arena or other place of public assembly. For purposes of this section "entrance way" shall include a door providing ingress and egress to such places and any recessed area in the vicinity of the door.
Place a vehicle or cart or conduct a general peddling business at a location in the street where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited, or being a time period when stopping, standing or parking is restricted.
Violate any traffic parking law, ordinance or regulation, or operation in such a manner as to restrict the continued maintenance of a clear passageway for vehicles.
Engage in the business of peddling without prominently displaying on his cart his certificate of registration from the Director of the Division of Taxation of the New Jersey State Department of Treasury.
Engage in the business of hawking or peddling with a motor vehicle along any street located within the City of Newark, other than the Downtown District, that is less than 200 feet from another hawker or peddler also operating its business out of a motor vehicle.
For the purposes of sentencing, each violation of each subsection shall be considered a separate offense.
Engage in the business of peddling within the boundaries of any Special Improvement District without having obtained approval for the District Management Corporation designated by the City of Newark to manage the said Special Improvement District.
Engage in the business of peddling within the boundaries of Bloomfield Avenue/Lower Broadway Business Improvement District, except within the following areas: Bloomfield Avenue between Lake Street and Highland Avenue; Bloomfield Avenue between Roseville Avenue and North 10th Street.
[R.O. 1966 § 8:7-7; Ord. 6 S+FK, 3-21-1990 § 1]
The license herein provided for may be suspended or revoked by the Director upon notice and hearing. The license may be suspended, for a period not to exceed 10 days, for repeated failure to comply with the direction of a law enforcement officer or a representative of the Division of Tax Abatements/Special Taxes, to cease a practice which constitutes a violation of the ordinance. The license may be revoked for the following causes: procurement of the license by fraud, misrepresentation, false or misleading statements in securing a peddler's license, or evasion or suppression of material facts in the application for a peddler's license; fraud, misrepresentation or knowingly false statement in the cause of carrying of the business of peddling under this ordinance; three conviction of violations of any sections of this ordinance. Notice of the hearing shall be given in writing, shall be mailed 10 days prior to the hearing date, and shall set forth the grounds for suspension or revocation.
[R.O. 1966 § 8:7-8; Ord. 6 S+FK, 3-21-1990 § 1]
Any person which fails to secure a license or violates any of the provisions of this Article shall by conviction be subject to one or more of the following penalties:
A fine not less than $100 and not to exceed $1,000; or
Imprisonment for any term not to exceed 90 days; or
A period of community service not to exceed 90 days.
A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.