[Ord. 6PSF-G, 8-8-2018]
The Revised General Ordinances of the City of Newark, New Jersey 2000, as amended and supplemented, be further amended, to designate the Downtown District as an Urban Growth Zone and that the NJEDA pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:1B-5(x) to exercise jurisdiction over land use regulations and building permits for all projects designated as a Transformative Corporate Headquarters projects within the City of Newark's Urban Growth Zone, and shall read as follows.
[Ord. 6PSF-G, 8-8-2018]
Pending approval by the Governor of the State of New Jersey, by Executive Order, to explore the creation of an "Office of Transformative Projects" in partnership with the City of Newark, designates the Downtown District as defined by the Newark Master Plan as an Urban Growth Zone pursuant to the "New Jersey Economic Development Authority Act," N.J.S.A. 34:1B-1 et seq.
Pending approval by the Governor of the State of New Jersey by Executive Order to explore the creation of an "Office of Transformative Projects" in partnership with the City of Newark, the Mayor and/or his designee, the Acting Director of the Department of Economic and Housing Development, are hereby authorized on behalf of the City of Newark, to execute any documents related to the exercise of the NJEDA jurisdiction over local land use ordinances and regulations for all projects designated as Transformative Corporate Headquarters projects within the City of Newark's Urban Growth Zone.
Pending approval by the Governor of the State of New Jersey by Executive Order, to explore the creation of an "Office of Transformative Projects" in partnership with the City of Newark, authorizes the NJEDA pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:1B-5(x) to exercise jurisdiction over local land use ordinances and regulations for all projects designated as a Transformative Corporate Headquarters project within the City of Newark's Urban Growth Zone.
[Ord. 6PSF-G, 8-8-2018]
Transformative Corporate Headquarters is defined as the corporate headquarters of a business that is a qualified business facility at which the business intends to create at least 30,000 new full-time jobs and make at least $3,000,000,000 in capital investments.
[Ord. 6PSF-G, 8-8-2018]
Pending approval by the Governor of the State of New Jersey by Executive Order, to explore the creation of an "Office of Transformative Projects" in partnership with the City of Newark, designates that the Department of Community Affairs will be responsible for the review and approval of all post-development approval building permits which relate to Transformative Corporate Headquarters project.