[Ord. 6 S+FE, 9-4-2002 § 2]
The following terms have the following meanings:
Shall mean any person that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with another person, including any successors in interest.
Shall mean the annual percentage rate for a home loan calculated according to the provisions of the Truth in Lending Act, as amended by the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 (15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq.), and its implementing regulations as such statute or regulations may be amended from time to time.
Shall mean discount points knowingly paid by the borrower, funded through any source which in fact results in a bona fide reduction of the interest rate or time-price differential applicable to the loan, provided that the amount of the interest rate reduction purchased by the discount points is reasonably consistent with established industry norms and practices for secondary mortgage market transactions. For purposes of this section, it shall be presumed that a point is a bona fide loan discount point if it reduces the interest rate by a minimum of 35 basis points or 3/8 of a point provided all other terms of the loan shall remain the same.
Shall mean the City of Newark or other office, position, administration, department, division, bureau, board or commission, or a corporation, institution or agency of City government, the expenses of which are paid in whole or in part from the Director of Finance.
Shall mean a bank, savings and loan association, thrift, credit union, mortgage banker, mortgage broker, trust company, savings bank, securities broker, municipal securities broker, securities dealer, municipal securities dealer, securities underwriter, municipal securities underwriter, investment trust, bank holding company, finance company, financial services holding company or home repair contractor.
Shall mean a home loan secured by a first lien on residential real property, a condominium unit or cooperative share.
Shall mean a home loan that meets either of the following thresholds:
The total points and fees on the loan exceed 5% of the total loan amount if the total loan amount is $20,000 or more; or 6% of the total loan amount if the total loan amount is $20,000 or more and the loan is a purchase money loan guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration or the Veterans Administration; or the lesser of 6% of the total loan or $800, if the total loan amount is less than $20,000; provided that the following discount points shall be excluded from the calculation of the total points and fees payable by the borrower.
Up to and including two bona fide loan discount points payable by the borrower in connection with the loan transaction, but only if the interest rate from which the loan's interest rate will be discounted does not exceed by more than one percentage point the required net yield for a ninety day standard mandatory delivery commitment for a reasonably comparable loan from either the Federal National Mortgage Association or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, whichever is greater; or
Up to and including two bona fide loan discount points payable by the borrower in connection with the loan transaction, but only if the interest rate from which the loan's interest rate will be discounted does not exceed by more than one percentage point the required net yield for a ninety day standard mandatory delivery commitment for a reasonably comparable loan from either the Federal National Mortgage Association or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, whichever is greater; or
For a first lien home mortgage loan, the annual percentage rate of the home loan at consummation of the transaction exceeds five percentage points over the yield on U.S. treasury securities, having comparable periods of maturity on the fifteenth day of the month immediately preceding the month in which the application for the extension of credit is received by the lender; or for a subordinate mortgage lien, the annual percentage rate of the home loan at consummation of the transaction equals or exceeds 7% points over the yield on U.S. treasury securities having comparable periods of maturity on the fifteenth day of the month immediately preceding the month in which the application for the extension of credit is received by the lender and for purposes of paragraph d of the definition of predatory loan, the date of application for the home loan is received.
For purposes of this definition:
If the terms of the home loan provide for an initial or introductory period during which the annual percentage rate is lower than that which will apply after the end of such initial or introductory period, the annual percentage rate to be considered is the rate which applies after the initial or introductory period.
If the terms of the home loan provide for an annual percentage rate that varies in accordance with an index plus a margin, the annual percentage rate to be considered is the rate that is in effect on the date the loan is extended or on the date the loan application is made for purposes of the definition of predatory loan as herein defined.
In the case of a home loan with a regular interest rate that varies in accordance with an index plus a margin, but with an initial or introductory annual percentage rate established in some other manner that would be lower than the fully-indexed rate, the annual percentage rate to be considered is the fully-indexed rate on the date the loan is extended or on the date the loan application is made for purposes of the definition of predatory loan as herein defined.
Shall mean a loan secured by residential real property for not more than four families or a residential condominium or cooperative unit (or shares issued in respect thereof) located in the City of Newark, which is for the principal residence of one or more of the borrowers.
Shall mean a home loan secured by a lien on residential real property, condominium unit or cooperative share which is junior in priority to a first lien home loan with respect to such property.
Shall mean any person that extends, purchases or invests, directly or indirectly including through collective investment or securitization entities, in one or more home loans or arranges, directly or indirectly including through collective investment or securitization entities, for the extension, purchase of or investment in one or more home loans and any mortgage broker in respect of home loans. Furthermore, a person shall not be considered a lender by investing (and not acting as an arranger for the extension, purchase or securitization of home loans) in a collective investment or securitization entity which acquires or otherwise invests, directly or indirectly, in home loans if such collective investment or securitization entity is not an affiliate of such person.
Shall mean any person who functions as an intermediary for a fee between the borrower and the lender in the making of a home loan.
Shall mean any individual, domestic corporation, foreign corporation, association, syndicate, joint stock company, partnership, joint venture or unincorporated association engaged in a business or commercial enterprise.
Shall mean:
All items listed in U.S.C. sections 1605 (a)(1) through (4) except interest or the time-piece differential;
All charges for items listed under section 226.4(c)(7) of Title 12 of the code of Federal regulations, as amended from time to time, but only if the lender receives direct or indirect compensation in connection with the charge or the charge is paid to an affiliate of the lender;
All compensation not otherwise specified in this definition paid directly or indirectly to a mortgage broker, including a broker that originates a home loan in its own name through an advance of funds and subsequently assigns the home loan to the person advancing the funds;
The premium of any single premium credit life, credit disability, credit unemployment or other life or health insurance;
The maximum prepayment penalty that could be payable under the terms of the relevant home loan.
Shall mean a person that was, or is the affiliate of a person that was:
A lender within the last 12 months in respect of, as determined in the aggregate for such lender and its affiliates, and is at least the lesser of:
Ten individual predatory loans; and
Any number of predatory loans constituting 5% of the total number of home loans made, purchased or invested in during such period by such lender and its affiliates; or
Charged any fees or other charges to modify, renew, extend or amend or to defer any payment due in respect of at least five high cost home loans, except for customary fees charged in connection with the extension of a high cost home loan after giving effect to which and the other terms of the extended loan, the borrower receives a reasonable and tangible net benefit from such extension; or
Engaged in fraudulent or deceptive marketing or sales efforts in respect of high-cost home loans in the City of Newark provided that any person shall not be a predatory lender if it:
Submits to the Director of Finance a plan to discontinue the practice of making of, purchasing or otherwise investing in predatory loans by the person and its affiliates, and the complete cessation of the making of, purchasing or otherwise investing predatory loans by the person and its affiliates within 90 days after the plan is submitted; and
Is in compliance with such plan, provided that no more than one plan may be submitted on behalf of any person, except a subsequent plan may be submitted by a person solely in connection with the acquisition of a predatory lender after the date of a prior plan, if such plan will discontinue the practice of marking of, purchasing or otherwise investing in predatory loans by the acquired predatory lender within 60 days of such acquisition;
By virtue of, directly or indirectly, purchasing or investing in predatory loans, or arranging for the purchase or investment in predatory loans by a collective investment or securitization entity, if such person reasonably believes, after reasonable investigation based upon reasonable procedures implemented by or on behalf of such person, that all of the home loans purchased or invested in do not constitute predatory loans.
As documented by both the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and Treasury Task Force Report and other commentators include among other things: repeated refinancing of a loan without any tangible benefit to the borrower; charging excessive prepayment penalties; financing single premium credit insurance; encouraging a borrower to default on his or her other debts; failing to comply with Federal requirements with respect to the disclosure of loan terms and loan settlements; making a loan for more than the borrower can repay; financing excessive points and fees; requiring advance payments; charging fees to modify a loan or defer payments; permitting acceleration of a loan at lenders discretion; and increasing the interest rate upon default.
Shall mean any high cost home loan with one or more of the following characteristics:
Proceeds of the high cost home loan are used to payoff all or part of an existing home loan or other debt of the borrower(s), and the borrower(s) does (do) not receive a reasonable and tangible net benefit from the new home loan considering all the circumstances, including the terms of both the new home loan and the refinanced debt, the cost of the new home loan, and the borrower's circumstances.
The lender does not reasonably believe, based upon a consideration of the borrower(s) current and expected income, current obligations, employment status, and other financial resources (other than equity in the home being financed), at the time it makes the high cost home loan that one or more of the borrowers will be able to make the scheduled payments. There shall be a presumption that the borrower(s) is (are) able to make the scheduled payments if, at the time the loan is made:
The scheduled monthly payments (after giving effect to any index adjustments in respect of the loan) on the loan (including principal, interest, taxes, insurance, assessments, condominium fees, cooperative maintenance expenses) combined with the scheduled payments for all other debt, do not exceed 50% of the borrower(s) documented and verified monthly gross income; and
That the borrower(s) has (have) sufficient residual income as defined in the guidelines established in Title 38 code of Federal regulations section 36.4337(e) and United States Department of Veteran Administration form 26-6393 to pay essential monthly expenses after paying the scheduled monthly payments and any additional debt; and
If paragraphs 1 or 2 do not apply, predatory lender as defined in paragraph b shall apply unless the lender determines and documents prior to the closing of the loan that the making of the loan is justified based upon specific compensating factors, such as the excellent long-term credit history of the borrower(s), a demonstrated ability in the past by the borrower(s) to make payments under comparable or greater debt obligations to income ratios, conservative use of credit standards, significant liquid assets of the borrower(s) or other reasonable factors.
The total points and fees exceed 5% of the total loan amount if the total loan amount is $20,000 or more, or 6% of the total loan amount if the total loan amount is $20,000 or more and the loan is a purchase money loan guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration or Veterans Administration; or the lesser of 6% of the total loan amount or $800, if the total loan amount is less than $20,000; provided, that the following discount points shall be excluded from the calculation of the total points and fees payable by the borrower:
Up to and including two bona fide discount points payable by the borrower in connection with the loan transaction, but only if the interest rate from which the loan's interest rate will be discounted does not exceed by more than 1% point the required net yield for a ninety day standard mandatory delivery commitment for a reasonably comparable loan from either the Federal National Home Loan Mortgage Association or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, whichever is greater; or
Up to and including one bona fide loan discount point payable by the borrower in connection with the loan transaction, but only if the interest rate from which the loan's interest rate will be discounted does not exceed by more than two percentage points the required net yield for a ninety day standard mandatory delivery commitment for a reasonably comparable loan from either the Federal National Mortgage Association or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, whichever is greater.
The lender does not receive prior to making the high cost home loan a written certification from an independent housing or credit counselor approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, the State of New Jersey or the City of Newark that the borrower has received counseling on the advisability of the loan transaction and the appropriateness of the loan for the borrower, or has waived the counseling option; provided that a borrower may waive the counseling option only by contacting such an independent housing or credit counselor by personal meeting or live telephone conversation at least three days prior to the closing of the home loan and certifying in writing to the counselor that he or she has elected to waive the counseling option and no such waiver shall be valid if the lender or a mortgage broker or any of their affiliates has recommended or advised the borrower to make such waiver.
More than two periodic payments (or portions thereof) required under the high cost home loan are consolidated and paid in advance from the loan proceeds provided to the borrower other than a loan issued by or guaranteed by an instrumentality of the United States or of any State or any City agency, such as loan products offered by the United States Department of Veterans Administration, Fair Housing Administration or State of New Jersey Mortgage Agency.
Any of the proceeds of the high cost home loan are paid to either a home improvement contractor that is an affiliate of the lender or any home improvement contract other than:
By an instrument payable solely to the borrower or borrowers, or
At the election of the borrower or borrowers, through a third party escrow agent in accordance with the terms established in a written agreement signed by the borrower and the contractor prior to the disbursement.
Proceeds of the high cost home loan are used to pay for any credit life, credit disability, credit property, credit unemployment, health or life insurance.
The high cost home loan violates any applicable provision of the Federal Truth in Lending Act, as amended by the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 (15 U.S.C. § 1601, et seq.), the Federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 (12 U.S.C. § 2601, et seq.) or any regulations implementing these statues, or the restrictions and limitations on high cost home loans in the general regulations of the New Jersey State Department of Banking and Finance, as these statutes and regulations may be amended from time to time.
[Ord. 6 S+FE, 9-4-2002 § 3]
The City and each City agency shall not provide to a predatory lender or an affiliate of a predatory lender any grants, loans or tax incentives specifically granted to such person. No person shall promote, utilize, package or in any other way market any predatory loans in combination with any such grants, loans or tax incentives. If the City or a City agency determines that any grants, loans or tax incentives have been given in violation of this section, it shall rescind them and promptly require return of any funds advanced and require payment of any taxes or interest abated or deferred.
[Ord. 6 S+FE, 9-4-2002 § 4]
No City agency shall procure goods or services from, or enter into any contract with any financial institution that:
Is a predatory lender or an affiliate of a predatory lender; or
Has not certified to such City agency that neither it nor any of its affiliates is or will be a predatory lender as defined in this chapter.
No City agency shall enter into any contract with any financial institution unless such contract contains as a material binding provision thereof a covenant of continued compliance by the financial institution and its affiliates with the certification described herein, the breach of which shall excuse the City agency from further performance of its obligations under the contract without payment of damages to the contracting party. This subdivision shall not affect the validity of any contract evidencing or establishing the terms of any debt obligations issued by or on behalf of the City or any City agency, but shall apply to contracts with respect to agency, underwriting and other services provided in connection with any issuance thereof.
Whenever the contracting City agency has reason to believe that a financial institution or its affiliates may be in violation of any contractual covenant given pursuant to this section, such City agency shall investigate, or have another appropriate City agency investigate, compliance with such certification. If the City agency determines, after such investigation and an opportunity for the person to respond, that the financial institution or one of its affiliates is in violation of its certification, the relevant City agency shall arrange for the alternate procurement of the goods or services to which such contract relates in such manner as to prevent any loss to the City that otherwise might result from the immediate cessation of the contract.
Upon securing the alternate procurement of the relevant goods or services, the City agency shall notify the financial institution of its determination not to perform any further obligations under the contract because of the breach and may charge such financial institution the difference in price resulting from such alternate procurement and an administrative charge established by such agency in connection with such alternative procurement. This paragraph shall not apply to any contract evidencing or establishing the terms of any debt obligations issued by or on behalf of the City or any City agency, but shall apply to contracts with respect to agency, underwriting and other services provided in connection with any issuance thereof.
A City agency may, in its discretion, issue a certificate permitting noncompliance with this section with respect to any contract it proposes to enter into if in the written judgment of such City agency specifying with the relevant facts that:
The contract is necessary in order to respond to an emergency which endangers the public health, welfare or safety and no person that is capable of responding to this emergency and complying with this section is available; or
The application of this section will violate or be inconsistent with the terms and conditions of a grant, subvention or contract of the United States government.
All waivers shall become part of the contract file of the relevant City agency. Notwithstanding any waiver, the relevant City agency shall take every reasonable measure to contract with a person who best satisfies the requirements of this section.
Nothing in this chapter shall operate to impair any contract in effect on the date this local law takes effect, except that renewal, amendment or modification of such contract occurring on or after the enactment of this section shall be subject to the conditions specified in this section.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit the authority to cancel or terminate a contract, deny or withdraw approval to perform a subcontract or provide supplies, issue a nonresponsibility finding, issue a nonresponsiveness finding, deny a person or entity prequalification, or otherwise deny a person or entity City business.
Each year, beginning one year after the enactment of this chapter, each City agency that has entered into contracts in the previous fiscal year shall submit a report to the Mayor, the Director of Finance and the City Council setting forth information concerning financial institutions that have and have not agreed to such terms during the previous fiscal year.
[Ord. 6 S+FE, 9-4-2002 § 5]
No person shall be a depository for the funds of the City or any City agency if it, or any of its affiliates, is a predatory lender. Each depository of funds for the City or any City agency shall certify to the City or such City agency that neither it nor any of its affiliates is or will be a predatory lender.
Whenever the City or City agency responsible for maintaining a deposit of City funds has reason to believe that the relevant depository may be in violation of the certification given pursuant to this section, it shall investigate, or have another appropriate City agency investigate, compliance with such certification. If it is determined, after such investigation and an opportunity for the person to respond, that the relevant depository is in violation of such certification, the funds on deposit with such depository will be transferred promptly to another depository, which is in compliance with paragraph a. No depository may receive any fees or penalties in connection with the transfer of funds in accordance with this section.
Nothing in this chapter shall require a transfer of funds deposited with a financial institution in connection with any debt obligation issued by or on behalf of the City prior to the effective date of this local law to the extent not permitted by the terms thereof.
[Ord. 6 S+FE, 9-4-2002 § 6]
The City and each City agency shall not invest or permit to remain invested any of its moneys or funds in any financial institution that is a predatory lender or an affiliate of a predatory lender. Each financial institution or affiliate of a financial institution in which the City or any City agency makes any investment shall certify to the City that neither it nor any of its affiliates is or will be a predatory lender.
Whenever the City or City agency responsible for maintaining an investment has reason to believe that the person in which any investment is made may be a predatory lender or an affiliate of a predatory lender, it shall investigate, or request that another appropriate City agency investigate. If it is determined, after such investigation and an opportunity for the person to respond if appropriate given the nature of the investment, that the person in which such investment is made is a predatory lender or an affiliate of a predatory lender, the city or such City agency shall use reasonable efforts to sell, liquidate or otherwise terminate such investment in any manner designed to prevent or minimize loss to the City or such City agency.
[Ord. 6 S+FE, 9-4-2002 § 7]
Each City agency shall maintain the information that it must obtain under this local law in the agency contract files and make it available to the Director of Finance and for public inspection. The Director of Finance shall have the power to investigate whether persons are predatory lenders as described in this chapter and whether they have made certifications in violation of this chapter, and shall offer such persons an opportunity to respond. If the Director of Finance finds that a violation has occurred, it shall provide evidence to the contracting City agency or other relevant agency. It shall be the duty of such agency to take such action as described in this local law and as may otherwise be appropriate and provided for by law, rule or contract, including but not limited to, imposing sanctions, seeking compliance, recovering damages, declaring the relevant person in default and/or seeking debarment or suspension of such person.
One year after the enactment of this chapter, the Director of Finance shall publish and provide to the Mayor and the City Council, a quarterly list of persons found by him or her to be predatory lenders or affiliates, and shall provide any person designated on such list an opportunity to be heard. Prior to registering any contract with a person designated by the Director of Finance to be a predatory lender or an affiliate of a predatory lender, the Director of Finance shall notify the relevant City agency and give such City agency the opportunity to further investigate and determine whether its contracting party is in violation of the certification made by it pursuant to Section 10:29-3.
Any person found to have made a false statement in a certification required under this chapter shall be liable to the City for a civil penalty of not less than $25,000 in addition to the other remedies that the City or City agency may have under this chapter.