[Ord. 6 S+FN, 3-20-1996 § 1]
For the purposes of this chapter:
Shall mean a training program that trains low-income Newark residents for employment performing lead-based paint activities in accordance with applicable New Jersey Department of Health training and certification standards pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:62-1 et seq.
Shall mean the City of Newark.
Shall mean any loan, grant, or other form of assistance extended by the City to any person or entity for the purpose of funding lead-based paint activities.
Shall mean a grant or loan document, agreement, contract, or other instrument entered into by the City and a recipient of City lead abatement assistance, by which the City extends City lead abatement assistance.
Shall mean a contract for lead-based paint activities (1) that is awarded by the City, or (2) that is awarded by any recipient of City lead abatement assistance and that is funded with City lead abatement assistance.
Shall mean all workers employed by a contractor to perform a contract, including all workers employed by any subcontractors that have been hired by the contractor to assist in the performance of the contract.
Shall mean a business, non-profit corporation, cooperative, or any other legal entity, including a joint venture formed by a combination of any of the preceding entities, that has been awarded a contract, either by the City or by a recipient of City lead abatement assistance. The contractor shall be licensed pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:62-1 et seq.
Shall mean the requirement, established pursuant to Section 16:5-2 of this chapter, mandating that contractors fill all new hire positions on lead-based paint activities contracts with trained low-income Newark resident lead-based paint activities workers referred to the contractor by the City of Newark Office of Affirmative Action.
Shall mean a contract for which, pursuant to Section 16:5-4, it shall be a specification and term of the contract that the contractor must agree to a low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment of at least 50%.
Shall mean any services performed in connection with lead-based paint components, including but not limited to the following: inspection, testing, evaluation of premises, risk assessment, planning, design, interim control, abatement, remediation, replacement, and demolition activities.
Shall mean a business, non-profit corporation, cooperative, or other legal entity, or a joint venture formed by a combination of any of the preceding entities, that is certified by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:62-1 et seq. to perform lead-based paint activities.
Shall mean a low-income person who resides in the City of Newark. If a low-income person has no permanent place of residence, he or she may be considered a low-income Newark resident if his or her most recent permanent place of residence was in the City of Newark, and his or her last date of permanent residence there was no more than six months before the date the contract was awarded.
Shall mean a legally enforceable written commitment by a lead-based paint activities firm, made as a condition of entering into a contract and/or of qualifying to bid on a contract, that a specified percentage of the worker-hours the firm spends on the project will be performed by members of the contract work force who are low-income Newark residents.
Shall mean a person who satisfied either of the following two tests: (1) during one of the two calendar years preceding the date the contract is awarded, the person had a family household income lower than 80% of the median household income for all households in Newark, New Jersey, adjusted for family size; or (2) as defined by 24 C.F.R. 135.5. For the purposes of this definition, once a person qualifies as a low-income person, he or she shall be deemed to be a low-income person for the calendar year in which the contract is awarded and for the two succeeding calendar years.
Shall mean all positions - including full-time, part-time, permanent, and temporary positions - on a contractor's contract work force except for permanent employees.
Shall mean workers who were employees of the contractor prior to the date of the awarding of the contractor and who worked for the contractor at least 160 hours in the three months preceding the date of the awarding of the contract.
Shall mean any person or entity who receives City lead abatement assistance.
[Ord. 6 S+FN, 3-20-1996 § 2]
Bid specifications for all contracts shall require that the contractor, as a term of the contract, enter into a legally enforceable written "first source" hiring agreement whereby the contractor agrees to fill all new hire positions with trained low-income Newark resident lead-based paint activities workers referred to the contractor by the Office of Affirmative Action.
For each grant of City lead abatement assistance, the City shall incorporate into the City lead abatement assistance agreement a provision binding the recipient of the City lead abatement assistance to require the contractor hired by the recipient to comply with the first source hiring requirement. In particular, the City lead abatement assistance agreement shall require the recipient to incorporate the first source hiring requirement into any contract that the recipient awards that is funded with City lead abatement assistance.
When a contractor determines that it has a new hire position to fill, it shall notify the Office of Affirmative Action. The Office of Affirmative Action shall then send the name or names of one or more trained low-income Newark resident lead-based paint activities worker to the contractor within 14 days. The contractor may decline to hire any worker referred to the contractor by the Office of Affirmative Action if the worker is unqualified, unable, or unwilling to perform the work required. However, the new hire position must still be filled by a worker referred by the Office of Affirmative Action.
In the event that one of the workers referred to a contractor by the Office of Affirmative Action is qualified, able and willing to perform the work required, the contractor shall notify the Office of Affirmative Action and shall specify the reason each of the referred workers was not hired. The Office of Affirmative Action shall then send the contractor the name or names of one or more additional trained low-income Newark resident lead-based paint activities workers within seven days of the date that the contractor notifies the Office of Affirmative Action of the unacceptability of the worker or workers previously referred.
In the event that none of the second group of workers referred is qualified, able, and willing to perform the work required, the contractor shall notify the Office of Affirmative Action and shall specify the reason each of the referred workers was not hired. The Office of Affirmative Action shall review the reasons proffered by the contractor for not hiring each of the worker or workers referred. If it appears that the workers referred were indeed not qualified, able, and willing to perform the work required, the Office of Affirmative Action shall be deemed to be unable to refer a qualified and acceptable worker to the contractor and the contractor shall be permitted to fill the new hire position from another source without violating the first source hiring requirement.
In the event that (1) a new hire position opens up only after work on a contract has commenced, (2) the need to fill the new hire position was not reasonably foreseeable at an earlier date, and (3) it is necessary to fill the position expeditiously in order not to impede performance of the contract, then the procedures specified above shall govern with the following modifications: (1) the Office of Affirmative Action must send the contractor the name or names of the referred workers within three days of the contractor's request; and (2) if the contractor asserts that none of the first group of workers referred is qualified, able, and willing to perform the work required, and the reasons proffered appear well-founded to the Office of Affirmative Action, then the Office of Affirmative Action shall be deemed to be unable to refer a qualified and acceptable worker to the contractor, and the contractor shall be permitted to fill the new hire position from another source without violating the first source hiring requirement.
[Ord. 6 S+FN, 3-20-1996 § 3]
The Office of Affirmative Action shall maintain a directory of low-income Newark residents who have completed an approved lead worker training program and who desires work with lead-based paint activities contractors. Upon being contacted by a contractor seeking a low-income position on a contract or to satisfy the low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment on a jobs-targeted contract, the Office of Affirmative Action shall refer to the contractor the name or names of one or more workers from its directory or refer the contractor to a community-based organization registered with the Office of Affirmative Action as a referral service for low-income Newark resident lead-based paint activities workers.
[Ord. 6 S+FN, 3-20-1996 § 4]
The City's goal shall be that a significant share of contracts be awarded to lead-based paint activities firms that agree to employ substantial numbers of low-income Newark residents. This goal shall be implemented as follows:
Contracts representing not less than 50% of the total value of contracts funded by the City each year shall be jobs-targeted contracts. Included in this total are all contracts awarded directly by the City and all contracts awarded by recipients of City lead abatement assistance that are funded with City lead abatement assistance.
For all jobs-targeted contracts, it shall be a term of the contract that the contractor must agree to a low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment of at least 50%. Where contracts are awarded by competitive bid, the low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment of at least 50% shall be a qualification for prospective bidder lead-based paint activities firms. Only lead-based paint activities firms that agree to a low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment of at least 50% shall be deemed qualified and permitted to bid on such jobs-targeted contracts.
In the case of contracts awarded directly by the City, the City shall incorporate the above jobs-targeted contract requirements into the bid specifications of a sufficient number of contracts so as to achieve the requirement that 50% of the total value of contracts funded by the City each year be jobs-targeted contracts. In the case of contracts awarded by recipients of City lead abatement assistance that are funded with City lead abatement assistance, the City shall incorporate the jobs-targeted contract requirements into a sufficient number of City lead abatement assistance agreements so as to achieve this 50% requirement each year.
For grants of City lead abatement assistance that are subject to the jobs-targeted contract requirements, the City shall incorporate into the City lead abatement assistance agreement a provision binding the recipient of City lead abatement assistance to enforce and comply with the above jobs-targeted contract requirements. In particular, the City lead abatement assistance agreement shall require the recipient to incorporate the jobs-targeted contract requirements as a term of any contract that the recipient awards that is funded with City lead abatement assistance.
The City shall have the discretion to award more than 50% of the total value of contracts awarded each year as jobs-targeted contracts. In the event that, after good faith efforts, the City is unable to attract any qualified lead-based paint activities firms to bid for and perform a jobs-targeted contract, then the City shall have the discretion either to reduce the low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment below 50% or to waive the jobs-targeted contract requirement entirely and award the contract as a non-targeted contract.
[Ord. 6 S+FN, 3-20-1996 § 5]
Contracts awarded by the City shall provide and City lead abatement assistance agreements shall mandate that contracts awarded by recipients shall also provide, that contractors are legally obligated to comply with this chapter and to honor any commitments or representations made pursuant to this chapter. In particular, as noted above, these documents shall provide that contractors are legally obligated to comply with the first source hiring requirement and, for jobs-targeted contracts, with the 50% low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment.
In the event that a contractor subcontracts any of the project work to a subcontractor, the contractor shall remain legally responsible both for complying with this chapter and with commitments made pursuant to this chapter and for ensuring that the subcontractor complies with the requirements of this chapter and with commitments made by the contractor pursuant to this chapter. The contractor shall provide the subcontractor with a copy of the contract and/or the bid package and specifications. The subcontractor shall also be independently responsible for complying with the requirements of this chapter and with commitments made by the contractor pursuant to this chapter and with commitments made by the contractor pursuant to this chapter. Subcontracts may only be awarded subcontractors who agree, as a term of the subcontract, to comply with the first source hiring requirement and, for jobs-targeted contracts, with the 50% low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment.
In addition to the requirements set forth in this chapter, contractors and subcontractors shall comply with the requirements set forth in the current regulations of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development implementing Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended. See C.F.R. 135 et seq.
[Ord. 6 S +FN, 3-20-1996 § 6]
The Department of Economic and Housing Development shall implement this chapter by incorporating into contract bid specifications and into contracts the language necessary to implement the first source hiring requirement and, on jobs-targeted contracts, the applicable 50% low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment. The Office of Affirmative Action shall be responsible for monitoring contractors' compliance with this chapter. In particular, the Office of Affirmative Action shall monitor contractors' compliance with the first source hiring requirement and, on jobs-targeted contracts, with the applicable 50% low -income Newark resident project work-hour commitment.
[Ord. 6 S+FN, 3-20-1996 § 7]
Before commencing work on a contract, each contractor shall file with the Office of Affirmative Action a report that lists the workers who will work on the contract work force and that provides the following information for each worker: (1) the date the worker was hired by the contractor; (2) for permanent employees, the number of hours the worker worked for the contractor during the three months preceding the award of the contract; (3) whether the worker is a low-income Newark resident; (4) whether the worker was referred by the Office of Affirmative Action; and (5) the worker's rate of pay. In the event that a worker is added to the contract work force after the filing of this initial report, the contractor shall promptly report the above information for the new worker to the Office of Affirmative Action. In the event that a worker is removed from the contract work force after the filing of this initial report, the contractor shall promptly report the removal to the Office of Affirmative Action. If the removed worker is a low-income Newark resident, the report shall include an explanation of the reason for the removal.
[Ord. 6 S+FN, 3-20-1996 § 8]
Where a contractor or subcontractor fails to comply with the first source hiring requirement or, for job-targeted contracts, fails to comply with the 50% low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment, or otherwise violates this chapter, the contractor or subcontractor shall be deemed to be in noncompliance. When a contractor or subcontractor is deemed to be in noncompliance, the Office of Affirmative Action shall issue a warning to the contractor or subcontractor in order to afford it an opportunity to remedy its noncompliance. If the contractor or subcontractor does not fully remedy its noncompliance within five days, then (1) the Office of Affirmative Action shall be empowered to impose against the contractor or subcontractor a penalty of $500 per day of noncompliance, and (2) the contractor shall be deemed to be in material breach of the contract. The contract shall specify that upon such a breach, the City shall be entitled to liquidate damages in the amount of 25% of the contract price. However, the City shall have discretion to demand an amount of liquidated damages less than the full 25% of the contract price. The contract shall specify that this provision does not in any way limit or replace any other remedies otherwise available to the City under any other law, including general contract law and the New Jersey local public contracts law. In addition, contractors or subcontractors, or individuals employed by contractors or subcontractors, that make or cause to be made false, deceptive, or fraudulent statements or any prequalification questionnaire connected with the contract may be punished pursuant to N.J.S. 40A:11-34.
Monies collected from penalties imposed shall be used by the City to fund implementation of this chapter and/or to fund job training for low-income Newark residents.
[Ord. 6 S+FN, 3-20-1996 § 9]
The Office of Affirmative Action shall establish a procedure for receiving, investigating, and adjudicating administrative complaints from private citizens charging that a contractor or subcontractor has failed to comply with (1) the first source hiring requirement and/or (2) for jobs-targeted contracts, the 50% low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment. The Office of Affirmative Action shall render a ruling on each private citizen administrative complaint within 90 days of the date of filing.
Only if the Office of Affirmative Action does not render a ruling on a private citizen's administrative complaint within 90 days of the date of filing, then the private citizen administrative complainant shall have the default right to seek review of the contractor's compliance by maintaining an action in the New Jersey Superior Court.
The private citizen administrative complainant's default right to Superior Court review shall be established by means of an explicit third-party right under the contract. Each contract shall specify that pursuant to N.J.S. 2A:15-2, the private citizens of Newark are intended third-party beneficiaries of the contract, to whom the contractor owes a contractual duty to comply with (1) the first source hiring requirement, and (2) for jobs-targeted contracts, the 50% low-income Newark resident project work-hour commitment. The contract shall further specify that in the event that the contractor fails to comply with either of these requirements, the contractor shall be deemed to be in material breach of the contractual duty owed to the private citizens of Newark.
The contract shall specify that to remedy such a breach, any private citizen of Newark shall be entitled to demand as a remedy that the contractor pay the City liquidated damages in the amount of 25% of the contract price. However, a condition precedent required in order for any private citizen of Newark to enforce his or her third-party rights under the contract shall be that the private citizen must have filed an administrative complaint with the City and the City must have failed to rule on the complaint within 90 days of the date of filing.
The contract shall further specify that, in the event that the City or a private citizen of Newark files suit against a contractor alleging a breach of the contractual duty owed to them by the contractor, and a court rules that the contractor has committed such a breach, then the contractor shall agree to reimburse the party or parties bringing the suit for their costs and to pay them reasonable attorney's fees.
[Ord. 6 S+FN, 3-20-1996 § 10]
The City's Department of Economic and Housing Development and Office of Affirmative Action shall have authority to publish regulations implementing this chapter. Such regulations shall be prepared in collaboration with interested community based organizations, including those that participated in the development of this chapter. Implementing regulation shall address any issue required for full implementation, but most establish the following:
Reporting. The regulations shall establish a system of forms and procedures for reporting the information specified above in Section 16:5-6 and any other information that may be appropriate.
Complaints. The regulations shall establish a system of forms and procedures for the administrative complaint process described above.