[R.O. 1966 § 15:4-19]
Every dwelling unit shall contain a flush water closet, lavatory basin and a shower or bath. Such facilities shall be located in a separate room affording privacy to persons using the facilities and shall be accessible to any persons using the facilities directly from within the dwelling unit.
CROSS REFERENCE: For housing and zoning regulations (Certificate of Code Compliance) see Section 18:6-6.1.
[R.O. 1966 § 15:4-20]
The facilities shall be connected through pipes to a water and sewer system in accordance with all applicable codes, and shall be maintained free from leaks or other defects.
CROSS REFERENCE: For housing and zoning regulations (Certificate of Code Compliance) see subsection 18:6-6.2.
[R.O. 1966 § 15:4-21]
Floors shall be so installed or covered as to be water resistant.