[Adopted R.O. 1966 § 15:10-10; Ord. 6PSF-F, 6-15-2016]
In the event that any owner or lessor of such building or structure in the City shall violate such ordinances or State laws applicable thereto, or fail to abate a condition harmful to the health and safety of the occupants of the building or structure or the general public, after notice and opportunity to abate, remove or remedy, as provided for in this chapter, the Director of the Department of Engineering may, by and with the approval of the Municipal Council, bring an action in the Superior Court to be appointed receiver ex officio of the rents and income from such property and expend the same for the purpose of abating the conditions. The rents and income so collected by the receiver shall also be available for the payment of such costs and expenses of the receivership as may be adjudged by the Court, and for the payment to the City of any fines or penalties which may have been imposed on the owner or lessor for violations of such ordinances or State laws applicable thereto, which have not been paid by the person liable therefor. Such receiver shall not be required to give bond and shall be appointed only for the purpose herein set forth.
[Adopted R.O. 1966 § 15:10-11]
Upon his/her appointment, the receiver, by and with the approval of the Municipal Council, in all cases where the real property in question is encumbered by a first mortgagee, shall appoint such first mortgagee, if such mortgagee is a proper person and is willing to accept such appointment, as the receiver's agent to collect rents and income from such real property and manage the same. In all other cases the receiver, by and with the approval of the Municipal Council, may designate the person in charge or management of such real property or some other competent person as the receiver's agent to collect the rents and income from such real property and manage the same.
The mortgagee or other person so designated shall account promptly to the receiver for the rents and income collected, subject also to the order of the Court; provided, however, that if the mortgagee or other person so designated is derelict in collecting or accounting for such rents and income or in the management of such real property, the receiver shall apply to the Court for the removal of such designated mortgagee or other person, upon notice in writing to him/her. The Court, upon removing such mortgagee or other person, in its discretion, may designate another person to collect the rents and income from such real property and manage the same and account to the receiver for the rents and income of such real property as aforesaid.
[Adopted R.O. 1966 § 15:10-12]
Except as otherwise provided herein, the procedure in respect to any such receivership provided by this chapter shall be as in the case of receiverships to secure the payment of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest, costs and expenses.
[Adopted R.O. 1966 § 15:10-13]
In any such receivership no fees shall be allowed the receiver or his/her counsel for acting as such receiver or counsel.