[R.O. 1966 C.S. § 2:2-93; Ord. 6 S+FR, 12-8-1986]
Administrative Agency. Administrative agency means any department or other governmental unit, any official, or any employee of the City of Newark except that the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Mayoral Administrative Aides, Municipal Council and all employees of the Council, and City Clerk and all employees of the office of City Clerk shall not be included.
Appointment. The Mayor shall appoint the Ombudsman subject to the advice and consent of the Municipal Council of the City of Newark.
Qualifications. The Ombudsman shall be a person well equipped to analyze problems of law, administration, and public policy, and shall not be actively involved in partisan affairs.
Term of Office.
The Ombudsman shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. His term shall be coterminous with each term of the Mayor appointing him/her and he/she shall be subject to advice and consent of the Municipal Council for each term of his/her appointment.
The appointment of an Ombudsman shall in no way obligate the City of Newark to finance the office of Ombudsman within the City budget in any particular fiscal year.
Salary. The Ombudsman shall receive a salary to be ordained by the Municipal Council. During his/her term of office he/she shall devote full time to the job.
Technical Staff. The Ombudsman shall have assigned to him/her such staff as is deemed necessary by the Administration to perform the function of his/her office within the amounts available by appropriation of the Municipal Council.
Powers. The Ombudsman shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
He shall be the senior advisor to the Office of Citizen Services in the Office of the Mayor;[1]
Editor's Note: The Office of Citizen Services established by Ord. 6 S+FA(S-1), 7-16-1986 as another Office of the Mayor was abolished by Ord. 6 S+FN, 1-22-1992.
He/she may review, on complaint, any citizens' complaint within the provisions of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Newark;
He/she may prescribe the methods by which complaints are to be made, received, and acted upon;
He/she may request and shall be given by each department or agency of the Administration the assistance and information he deems necessary for the discharge of his/her responsibilities;
He/she may undertake, participate in, or cooperate with general studies or inquiries, if he/she believes that they may enhance knowledge about or lead to improvements in the functioning of departments or agencies of the Administration;
He/she shall refer all complaints to an appropriate department or agency within the Administration.
Action on Complaints.
The Ombudsman may receive a complaint from any source concerning a citizen problem. He/she shall conduct a suitable review of complaints unless he/she believes that:
The complainant has available to him/her another administrative remedy or channel of complaint which he/she could reasonably be expected to use;
The grievance pertains to a matter outside the Ombudsman's responsibility;
The complainant's interest is in-sufficiently related to the subject matter;
The complaint is trivial, frivolous, vexatious, or not made in good faith;
Other complaints are more worthy of attention;
The complaint has been too long delayed to justify present examination of its merit.
After completing his consideration of a complaint the Ombudsman shall suitably inform the complainant and the administrative agency or agencies involved.
Consultation with Agency. Before announcing a conclusion or recommendation that criticizes an administrative agency or any person, the Ombudsman shall consult with the agency or person.
Recommendations. If, having considered a complaint and whatever material he deems pertinent, the Ombudsman is of the opinion that an administrative agency should (1) consider the matter further, (2) modify or cancel an administrative act, (3) alter a regulation or ruling, (4) explain more fully the administrative act in question, or (5) take any other step, he/she shall state his/her recommendations to the administrative agency.
Publication of Recommendations. The Ombudsman shall publish his/her conclusions, recommendations and suggestions by transmitting them to the Mayor, Municipal Council and others who may be concerned. When publishing an opinion adverse to an administrative agency or official he/she shall (unless excused by the agency or official affected) include the substance of any statement the administrative agency or official may have.
Reports. In addition to whatever reports he/she may make from time to time, the Ombudsman shall on or about February 15th of each year report to the Municipal Council and to the Mayor concerning the exercise of his/her functions during the preceding calendar year. In discussing matters with which he/she has dealt, the Ombudsman need not identify those immediately concerned if to do so would cause needless hardship. So far as the annual report may criticize named agencies or officials, it must also include the substance of their replies to the criticism.
Investigations. Nothing contained herein in any paragraph of this section shall be construed to confer upon the Ombudsman in any manner or to any degree, the statutory investigative powers and responsibilities of the Municipal Council.
Removal. The Ombudsman may be removed by the Mayor for cause after notice and opportunity to be heard. Prior to removal the Mayor shall first file written notice of his/her intention with the Council, and such removal shall become effective on the twentieth day after the filing of such notice unless the Council shall prior thereto have adopted a resolution by a two-thirds vote of the whole number of the Council disapproving the removal.