Alteration of maximum limits — See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3363.
Changing speed violations — See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3366.
Driving vehicle at safe speed — See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3361.
Maximum speed limits — See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3362.
Racing on highways — See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3367.
Special speed limitations — See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3365.
Speed timing devices — See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3368.
[Ord. 223, passed 2-10-1964]
No person shall operate a vehicle upon the streets of the Borough at a speed in excess of 25 mph except upon state highways and except as otherwise provided in § 462.02. The speed limit on state highways shall be as provided in the Vehicle Code of Pennsylvania.
The Safety Committee, the Mayor and the Police Department are hereby authorized to erect proper and legal signs on all Borough streets designating such speed limit, which signs shall be in accordance with requirements of the Vehicle Code of Pennsylvania.
[Ord. 162, passed 10-10-1960]
The speed limit on Coebourne Boulevard adjacent to the Coebourne School is hereby established at 15 mph. Official traffic signs designating such limit shall be erected on such street at such place. No person shall operate a vehicle at a speed in excess of such limit on such street at such place.
[Ord. 410, passed 8-4-1980]
No person shall operate a vehicle upon any street in the Borough at a speed in excess of 15 mph in any area which Council, by resolution, has designated as an area requiring the establishment of such 15 mph speed limit.
The Borough shall erect signs in accordance with the regulations of the State Department of Transportation at the beginning and end of such areas so designated.
[Ord. 422, passed 2-1-1982]
The Police Department is hereby authorized to use in the Borough any and all electrical and/or mechanical speed timing devices which are now or are hereafter approved by the State Department of Transportation, including, but not limited to, the Excessive Speed Preventor (ESP), Model TK100, as traffic control devices.
Signs, either temporary or permanent, shall be posted on any highway in the Borough upon which any such electrical and/or mechanical speed timing device is being used. Such signs shall give notice of the enforcement of speed restrictions by the use of such devices and shall refer to this section as authorizing such devices.
Whoever violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined $35. In addition, any person exceeding the maximum speed limit by more than five mph shall pay an additional fine of $2 per mile for each mile in excess of five mph over the maximum speed limit.