Height of buildings — See § 1274.04.
Nonconforming uses — See Ch. 1272.
Permit to occupy public ways with building materials — See § 1408.04.
Adoption of building codes by reference — See Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 32A01 et seq.
Buildings — See Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 32A01 et seq.
Public buildings — See Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 1501 et seq.
[Editor's Note: Additional provisions previously included in this chapter, adopted by Ord. 1, as amended, were superseded by the Uniform Construction Code. See now Ch. 1407.]
[Ord. 1, passed 1-7-1946]
No person shall begin the foundation of, erect, extend or build any addition to, any building, structure or tank adjoining to or upon the building line off any street, road, court, avenue or alley, or upon or within four feet of the line of his or her neighbor's land without having the line of his or her property regulated and marked out by a registered professional engineer, nor shall any person deviate from or encroach beyond any or either of the lines or boundaries after being marked as aforesaid.
[Ord. 1, passed 1-7-1946]
The Building Inspector shall return a report to Council at each regular monthly meeting, setting forth a list of permits granted, which record shall show the name of the owner, contractor or builder, the purpose of each permit and the amount of fees collected. The total amount of fees collected shall be returned to the Borough Treasurer, and the payment of the Building Inspector's compensation shall then be authorized by Council.