Building permit fees — See § 1408.03.
Building permits generally — See § 1408.01.
Change in occupancy of commercial units — See Ch. 1409.
Commercial zoning districts — See Chs. 1258 through 1265.
[Ord. 417, passed 3-2-1981]
The owner of any real property in the Borough where the zoning classification is other than residential shall apply to the Secretary for a permit to use such premises for a period of one year. Upon receipt of such a use application and the payment of a permit fee in the amount prescribed in § 1434.02, the Secretary shall refer the application to the Building Inspector who shall make an inspection of the premises within 30 days of the receipt of the application. If the Building Inspector finds upon inspection that the premises are in compliance with all ordinances of the Borough regulating such premises and in compliance with all conditions and requirements of any agreement between the owner of the premises and the Borough, he or she shall promptly issue a certificate permitting the use of the premises for the purpose stated in the application for a period of one year. Should the Building Inspector find that the premises are in violation of any ordinance of the Borough or in violation of any requirement or condition of any agreement between the owner of such premises and the Borough, he or she shall promptly issue a written report specifying the violation and indicating thereon the time within which such violation shall be corrected. Should a violation of any ordinance of the Borough or a violation of any requirement or condition of any agreement between the owner of such premises and the Borough occur at any time after a certificate has been issued, the Building Inspector shall issue a written report specifying the violation and indicating thereon the time within which such violation shall be corrected.
[Ord. 417, passed 3-2-1981]
The permit fees to be paid pursuant to § 1434.01 are as set forth in § 208.06(I) of the Administration Code.
[Ord. 417, passed 3-2-1981]
No owner of premises shall fail to correct a violation specified in the report required by § 1434.01 within the time specified in the report.
Editor's Note: See § 202.99 for general code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.