Certificates of occupancy — See Ch. 1242.
Commercial zoning districts — See Chs. 1258 through 1265.
Inspection of commercial property — See Ch. 1434.
[Ord. 467, passed 12-2-1985]
Immediately upon the execution of an agreement of sale for real estate located in a commercial zone or upon the execution of a lease for any premises located in a commercial zone, the seller or lessor, as the case may be, and any agent or attorney for the seller or lessor, shall immediately notify the Borough Secretary, in writing, of the existence of the agreement of sale or the lease.
[Ord. 467, passed 12-2-1985]
Upon receipt of the notification required by § 1409.01, the Borough Secretary shall notify the Building Inspector who shall promptly schedule with the seller or lessor, as the case may be, an inspection of the premises to determine the compliance of the premises with § 1242.04 of the Planning and Zoning Code.
[Ord. 467, passed 12-2-1985]
Upon the completion of the inspection required by § 1409.02, the Building Inspector shall issue a written report of his or her findings indicating whether or not the premises are in compliance with § 1242.04. Copies of such report shall be furnished to the seller, lessor, buyer, lessee and any agent or attorney involved in the sale or lease. If such premises are not in compliance with such section, the Building Inspector shall specifically list those items which are not in compliance and shall require that the premises be brought into compliance by not later than the settlement date in the case of a sale or the change of occupancy date in the case of a lease.
[Ord. 467, passed 12-2-1985]
If the premises are in compliance with § 1242,04, the Building Inspector shall issue a certificate of occupancy. If the premises are not in compliance, no certificate of occupancy shall be issued until the premises are brought into compliance.
[Ord. 467, passed 12-2-1985]
To defray the cost of the inspection and the administrative process required, the seller or lessor, as the case may be, shall pay a permit fee as set forth in § 208.06(C) of the Administration Code, to the Borough Secretary. Such fee shall be paid upon delivery of the notice required by § 1409.01.
[Ord. 467, passed 12-2-1985]
No seller, lessor, real estate agent, attorney or other person shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this section or participate in either the sale or lease of premises, or in any transaction involving a change of occupancy of premises, without a certificate of occupancy having been issued therefor. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day such violation or noncompliance continues after a change of occupancy.
Editor's Note: See § 202.99 for general code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.