Development specifications for subdivisions — See Ch. 1224.
Flood hazards — See Ch. 1420.
FP Flood Plain District — See Ch. 1270.
Stormwater management and sedimentation control — See Ch. 1230
Authority to ordain and lay out drains — See Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 1801 and 1802.
Plans for street drains — See Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 1735.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Borough of Brookhaven Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control of Land Ordinance" or just the "Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Ordinance."
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
The purpose of this chapter is to regulate modifications of the natural terrain, the alteration of drainage and the maintenance of artificial structures and surfaces within the Borough so as to assure and safeguard the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the residents of the Borough and to minimize the storm drainage problem as it presently exists.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
The following regulations shall apply only to activities carried on in a nonresidential zone and, in the case of a residential zone, to activities carried on in connection with any construction or development of land for which any other permit is required by the Borough.
(Adopting Ordinance)
No person shall pave, fill, strip, grade or regrade any land within the Borough without first obtaining a permit therefor as hereinafter provided.
No person shall disturb, modify, block, divert or affect the natural overland or subsurface flow of stormwater within the Borough without first obtaining a permit therefor as hereinafter provided.
No person shall construct, erect or install any drainage dam, ditch, culvert, drain pipe, bridge or other structure or obstruction affecting the drainage of any premises in the Borough without first obtaining a permit therefor as hereinafter provided.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
Any person proposing to engage in an activity requiring a permit, as provided in § 1432.03, shall apply for a permit by written application on a form furnished by the Borough.
The application for a permit shall be accompanied by a map or diagram of the property showing the location of all existing and proposed ditches, streams, pipes and other drainage structures, and cuts or fills. In addition to showing elevations, dimensions, location and extent of all proposed grading and/or drainage, the plans shall clearly indicate all buildings, parking areas and driveways. Further, the application shall indicate the existing and proposed sources, storage and dispositions of water being channeled through or across the premises, together with elevation, gradients and maximum flow rates. The application shall describe the work to be performed, the materials to be used and the manner or method of performance, including provisions for protecting and maintaining existing drainage facilities in the Borough, whether on public or private property. If load-bearing fill is proposed, a soils investigation report shall be submitted with the application which shall consist of test borings, laboratory testings and engineering analyses, to correlate surface and subsurface conditions with the proposed rating plan. The results of the investigation shall be presented in a report by a soil engineer which shall include data regarding the nature, distribution and supporting ability of existing soils and rock on the site, conclusions and recommendations for grading requirements and erosion control, and recommendations to ensure stable soil conditions and ground water control as applicable. The Borough may require such supplemental reports and data as it deems necessary. Recommendations included in such reports and approved by the Borough shall be incorporated in the plan or specifications.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
The application for a permit to grade shall be accompanied by a permit fee as set forth in § 208.06(H)(1) of the Administration Code, for the first acre of land. If more than one acre is graded, as described in the application, an additional fee as set forth in § 208.06(H)(2) of the Administration Code shall be charged.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
All applicants for a permit shall, before any permit is issued, deposit with the Borough a sum of money, in an amount to be determined by the Borough Engineer, as security for the full and complete compliance by the applicant with the provisions of this chapter and the terms of the permit.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
Upon the submission of an application that conforms to the provisions of this chapter, the Building Inspector, after consultation with and approval of the Borough Engineer, if deemed necessary, shall issue the necessary permit.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or any condition of the permit, the permittee shall be responsible for the prevention of damage to property, or personal injury, which may result from any activity requiring a permit.
No person shall modify, fill, excavate or regrade land in any manner so close to a property line as to endanger or damage any adjoining public street, sidewalk, alley or other public or private property without supporting and protecting such property from settling, cracking, erosion, sediment or other physical damage or from personal injury which might result.
No person shall deposit or place any debris or any other material, or cause such to be thrown or placed, in any drainage ditch or drainage structure in such a manner as to obstruct free flow.
No person shall fail to adequately maintain in good operating order, any drainage facility on his or her premises. All drainage ditches, culverts, drain pipes and drainage structures shall be kept open and free flowing at all times.
The owner of any property on which any work has been done pursuant to a permit granted under the provisions of this chapter shall continuously maintain and repair all graded surfaces and antierosion devices, retaining walls, drainage structures or means and other protective devices, plantings and ground cover, installed or completed.
All plans and specifications accompanying applications for permits shall include provisions for both interim (temporary) and ultimate (permanent) erosion and sediment control.
The design, installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment control measures shall be accomplished in accordance with guidelines as may be established, from time to time, by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service.
All graded surfaces shall be seeded, sodded and/or planted or otherwise protected from erosion as soon as practical and shall be watered, tended and maintained until growth is well established at the time of completion and final inspection.
Natural and/or existing slopes exceeding five horizontal to one vertical shall be benched or continuously stepped into competent materials prior to placing all classes of fill.
Fills toeing out on natural slopes steeper than four horizontal to one vertical shall not be made unless approved by the Borough after receipt of a report, deemed acceptable by the Borough Engineer, by a soil engineer certifying that he or she has investigated the property and made soil tests and that in his or her opinion such steeper slopes will safely support the proposed fill.
All trees in areas of grade change shall be removed unless protected with suitable tree wells.
The following provisions apply to the carrying and disposal of stormwater runoff.
All drainage facilities shall be designed, in the most practical fashion, to carry surface water in such a manner as to prevent erosion, overflow or ponding.
Ponding of water shall not be permitted above cut or fill slopes or on drainage terraces, nor shall water be impounded on adjacent property. Adequate drainage facilities shall be provided to prevent such ponding.
The applicant shall make adequate provisions to prevent any surface waters from damaging the face of any excavation or fill. All slopes shall be temporarily and permanently protected from surface water runoff from above by interceptor and diversion berms, swales or brow or berm ditches and shall be sodded, seeded and planted, unless the Borough determines that such treatment is unnecessary and specifically waives this requirement.
When required by the Borough Engineer, all drainage terraces, interceptor and diversion berms, swales and brow or berm ditches shall be piped or paved or otherwise improved to the satisfaction of the Borough.
When required, adequate provisions shall be made for dust control measures as are deemed acceptable by the Borough.
When required, the applicant shall agree to the granting and recording of easements for drainage facilities, including acceptance of the discharge of water from the property of others, provisions for maintenance of slopes and swales, and access for the maintenance of antierosion facilities.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
The applicant, in any activity requiring a permit, and which involves 10 or less single-family residences, after commencing initial operation, shall request inspections as follows.
Upon completion of stripping, but prior to the beginning of any other preparation of the ground, an inspection of the stockpiling of topsoil and disposal of all unsuitable material shall be requested.
Upon completion of preparation of the ground to receive fill, but prior to beginning any placement, an inspection shall be requested.
Upon completion of rough grading, but prior to placing topsoil, an inspection of permanent drainage or other site development improvements and ground covers shall be requested.
Upon completion of final grading, an inspection of erosion control facilities, including established ground covers and planting, and all other work of the permit, shall be requested.
The applicant, in all cases other than those referred to in Division (A) hereof, shall, after commencing initial operations, request inspections at the following stages in the development of the site, or of each subdivision thereof, for the purposes specified herein.
Prior to commencement of grading operations an inspection will be required to determine suitability of all proposed fill materials.
Upon completion of stripping, but prior to the beginning of any other preparation of the ground, an inspection of the stockpiling of topsoil and disposal of all unsuitable materials shall be requested.
Upon completion of preparation of the ground to receive fill, but prior to beginning any placement, an inspection of compaction shall be requested.
Upon completion of structural fill placement, an inspection shall be requested to ensure that the following earthfill procedures are used.
Prior to placing fill in any area, grading shall be performed as required to provide for drainage. Ditching or filling around the area shall be performed to intercept or divert all surface water. Within the area on which fill is to be placed, the ground shall be graded so as to provide for unobstructed drainage from every point to some disposal point.
The area shall be closely examined to determine whether excessive wetness, springs or other seepage of water can be observed. If such conditions exist, drainage must be provided before placement of fill is undertaken.
When the fill area has been prepared as specified, the existing ground surface shall be compacted by the specified method for compacting fill.
Fill shall begin at the lowest section of the area. Fill shall be spread in six-inch layers prior to compaction. Each layer shall be approximately horizontal, but small slopes may be permitted in order to provide for surface water runoff.
Each layer of fill shall be inspected prior to compaction. All roots, vegetation or debris shall be removed. Stones larger than six inches in diameter shall be removed or broken. The moisture content of each layer shall be determined to be suitable for compaction.
The compaction of the fill shall be done with a sheepsfoot roller, rubber-tired roller or vibratory roller. Other compaction equipment should be used only after it has demonstrated that satisfactory results can be obtained with it.
Each layer of compacted fill shall be tested to determine its dry density as per ASTM D 1556. The density of each layer should be not less than 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557. The moisture content of the compacted layer should be not more than 4% less or 2% greater than the optimum moisture as determined by ASTM D 1557.
Only when the compacted layer has been shown to be as specified shall other layers of fill be placed above it.
Visual inspection of borrow material shall be made periodically to assure that no variation in the fill material has occurred.
Upon completion of rough grading, but prior to placing topsoil, permanent drainage or other site development improvements and ground covers, an inspection shall be requested.
Upon completion of trench backfilling operations, an inspection shall be requested so that testing can be performed as specified in this section.
Upon completion of final grading, permanent drainage and erosion control facilities, including established ground covers and planting, and all other work of the permit, a final inspection shall be requested.
When any inspection is required under this section, the applicant shall give 48 hours' notice of such request for inspection to the Building Inspector. The inspections shall be made by either the Building Inspector or the Borough Engineer, as the Borough shall determine.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
The applicants shall bear all costs of inspections required under this chapter. If deemed necessary by the Building Inspector, an applicant shall deposit with the Borough Treasurer such sum as Council determines, to guarantee payment of the costs of such inspections. The costs of inspections shall be at the rate charged to the Borough by the Borough Engineer.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
The provisions of this chapter shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any provision in any other ordinance of the Borough regulating the development of land and/or requiring permits therefor. Nothing contained herein shall excuse any applicant from the necessity of obtaining any other permit or the approval of any other plan required by any existing or future ordinance of the Borough.
[Ord. 310, passed 2-2-1972]
The penalties provided in § 1432.99 shall be in addition to and not in limitation of any other remedy available to the Borough by statute or at common law.
Editor's Note: See § 202.99 for general code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.