Building permit applications — See § 1242.01.
Building permit required — See § 1222.07.
Building permits; frontage on public streets required — See § 1226.03.
Certificates of occupancy — See Ch. 1242.
Contractors' licenses and fees — See Ch. 1410.
Electrical permits and fees — See Ch. 1474.
Fee for inspection of commercial units upon change in occupancy — See § 1409.05.
General fee schedule — See Ch. 208.
Issuance of building permits — See § 1222.08.
Plumbing and heating permits and fees — See Ch. 1484.
Buildings — See Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 32A01 et seq.
[Ord. 1, passed 1-7-1946; Ord. 546, passed 8-12-1991; Ord. 659, passed 12-3-2001; Ord. 522, passed 3-13-1989; Ord. 554, passed 11-11-1991; Res. 91-12, passed 11-11-1991; Ord. 583, passed 2-14-1994; Ord. 642, passed 4-3-2000; Ord. 677, passed 8-4-2003; Ord. 814, passed 6-3-2019]
No person shall proceed with the construction, alteration or enlargement of any building or any part thereof in the Borough unless application for a permit has been made by the owner of the building or the contractor to the Building Inspector and a permit has been properly obtained, and in no instance shall a permit be issued for the construction of a building in which appearance, design or location is detrimental to the buildings already erected in that particular section.
No person shall raze, remove, tear down or move any building or structure, or build or construct an engine, boiler or tank foundation, or install a tank for liquid fuel, or install an underground tank or structure without first obtaining a permit therefor as provided in Division (A) of this section.
The erection of storm doors and the enclosing of an existing porch with screened windows and screened doors only shall not require a permit. The term "storm doors" shall mean doors intended to be used in addition to a regular wood or metal door for access or egress to a building constructed of lightweight metal or similar material and containing a window opening covered with glass or a window screen. The term "enclosing of an existing porch" shall mean the enclosure of an existing porch by means of adding walls and/or windows.
Structures erected, altered or added to that are used for municipal purposes, fire houses and churches are exempt from the permit fee, but application must be filed and a permit granted therefor as in other cases above provided.
Every permit shall be considered cancelled if active work is not commenced within three months from the date of its issue.
The Building Inspector shall receive as his or her compensation 50% of the permit fees paid for a building permit, and the other 50% shall revert to the Borough treasury. The Building Inspector shall receive one-third of his or her compensation immediately upon issuance of the permit. He or she shall receive another one-third of his or her compensation at the time of the second inspection and the remaining one-third shall be paid immediately upon the issuance by the Building Inspector of a certificate of occupancy.
The position of Building Inspector is designated as a major untenured policy-making or advisory position for purposes of unemployment compensation under state law.
Cosmetic and nonstructural modifications are exempt from the permit requirements of this section.
For the purpose of this Division (H), the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
Any building, plumbing, electrical or other permit required by the Borough. When electrical work is being performed, an underwriter's certificate is still required. This certificate is to be acquired at the expense of the senior citizen.
Property owned and occupied for private, noncommercial living purposes.
Any person who is 62 years of age or older.
Whenever any reconstruction, renovation, replacement, repair or other work requiring the issuance of a permit by the Borough is done to the residence of a senior citizen, whether done by such senior citizen or by a subcontractor, the required permit shall be issued by the Borough at no charge. However, nothing contained in this Division (H) shall be deemed to excuse any person from procuring any required permit.
The provisions of this Division (H) shall be effective so long as the estimated cost of the work does not exceed $5,000 or an amount to be set by Borough Council by resolution from time to time.
The required permit shall be issued by the Borough at no charge for the erection of storm doors, storm windows, siding, roofs and the replacement of windows with windows of the same size and shape. This Division (I) supersedes those fee requirements set forth in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this section or in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code, the maximum permit fee for the replacement of residential exterior doors shall be $50.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this section or in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code, the permit fee for the residential installation of solar, geothermal, and/or wind turbine energy systems shall be 2% of the contract value, up to a maximum permit fee of $800, for each system installation.
For each new building, structural alteration or addition to an existing building, there shall be filed a set of plans and specifications, clearly setting forth the nature and extent of the work proposed to be done. The plans shall be dated and drawn to scale and the name of the architect, engineer or draftsman shall be inscribed thereon. The plans shall also include the plan of elevation of the new structure; the height above the street; the grade of lawns; driveways; plot plan; layout of sewers; and drainage facilities for the draining of surface water. The surface drainage plan shall have arrows showing the direction of runoff.
After examination of the application, plans and specifications, the Building Inspector shall act as promptly as possible. The plans and specifications shall be given the same number as the permit and any correction to be made is to be clearly marked in contrasting color. The set of plans and specifications so marked shall be kept by the Building Inspector. No change is to be made on the plans and specifications after a permit has been granted, except upon written approval of the Building Inspector.
Where an alteration or extension to an existing building is of such a nature, or of so minor a character, that it cannot be clearly set forth upon a set of plans and/or specifications, a written application to the Building Inspector, setting forth in detail the work proposed to be done, will be deemed sufficient.
[Ord. 437, passed 2-7-1983; Ord. 478, passed 3-10-1986]
Fees for permits required by § 1408.01 shall be based upon the value of the construction, alteration or enlargement proposed to be done, as set forth in § 208.06(A) of the Administration Code.
The fees provided for in Division (A) of this section shall govern for single structures only. Where two or more structures are proposed to be erected, a permit shall be granted for each unit as in the case of a single building.
[Ord. 1, passed 1-7-1946]
Where it is not possible to confine the storage of building materials within the area of the property that is to be improved or altered, a separate application shall be made to the Building Inspector to occupy the adjacent public street or highway, and, provided the application does not conflict with any of the provisions of this chapter, a separate permit shall be granted for a period not exceeding three months consecutively. The fee for such permit shall be as follows. For the frontage of the property, a fee as set forth in § 208.06(B) of the Administration Code, and a further sum as set forth in § 208.06(B) of the Administration Code for each additional 20 feet or fraction thereof occupied in front of an adjacent property, but no street permit shall be issued for occupation of the front of an adjacent property for a greater distance than 40 feet. No permit of this nature shall be granted by the Building Inspector for an adjacent highway which in its width is classified as an alley. The fees for this highway occupancy permit shall in full revert to the Borough treasury.
[Ord. 59, passed 2-8-1954; Ord. 664, passed 4-1-2002]
Any person obtaining a special exception or variance to the Zoning Code from the Zoning Hearing Board shall, within 45 days from the date of the order of the Board granting such special exception or variance, apply to and obtain from the Building Inspector all necessary permits for the erection and construction of any building or structure to be placed upon the land under the use granted by the special exception or variance of the Board.
Any person obtaining a special exception or variance to the Zoning Code from the Zoning Hearing Board shall, within 90 days from the date of such order of the Board, commence construction of the building or structure under the building permit obtained in accordance with Division (A) of this section in accordance with the use granted by the special exception or variance of the Board.
In the event that any person obtaining a special exception or variance from the Zoning Hearing Board fails or neglects to obtain a building permit within 45 days from the date of the order of such special exception or variance or fails to commence the construction of any building or structure as provided for in such building permit, or in the event that the land is not put to the use provided for in the special exception or variance from the Board within 90 days from the date of such order, no permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector for the use of such land, and it shall be necessary for the person to again apply to the Board for a special exception or variance the same as if no prior special exception or variance had been granted.
[Ord. 67, passed 3-8-1954]
No permit for the construction of any dwelling or building shall be issued by the Building Inspector to any person whose land abuts an unopened or paper street.
No permit shall be issued until such street has been laid out and opened by Council and until Council has ordered such street to be paved.
[Ord. 397, passed 7-9-1979]
All building, electrical and plumbing permits issued pursuant to these codified ordinances shall be prominently displayed by the posting of such permits either on a sign or on the building where the work permitted by such permit is being done.
Editor's Note: See § 202.99 for general code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.