Gas stations permitted in C-3 Commercial Districts — See § 1262.02(B).
Inflammable liquids in breakable containers — See § 680.09.
Motor vehicle routes for transporting hazardous chemicals and dangerous articles — See § 1604.05(B).
Storage limits for flammable liquids in outside above-ground tanks — See § 1604.04(C).
Storage limits for new bulk plants for flammable or combustible liquids — See § 1604.04(D).
[Ord. 62, passed 2-8-1954]
In the interest of public safety, no person, in the erection and construction of any gasoline service station in the Borough, shall place any gasoline pump or apparatus for the distribution of gasoline closer than 30 feet from the curb line of any street or avenue, or along state highways, in the Borough.
Editor's Note: See § 202.99 for general code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.