Approval of plans for private streets — See § 1226.05.
Building permits and fees — See Ch. 1408.
Vacation of streets — See Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 1501, 1721.1, and 1731 et seq.
[Ord. 25, passed 12-10-1951]
After the effective date of this chapter (Ord. 25, passed December 10, 1951), no private street, lane or roadway will be approved by Council for any person owning or attempting to establish the same.
[Ord. 25, passed 12-10-1951]
Council hereby declares that private streets or lanes constitute a hazard to pedestrians, travelers and children of the Borough.
[Ord. 25, passed 12-10-1951]
No permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector for the erection or construction of any dwelling or building on any land in the Borough unless such dwelling or building and the lot on which the same is erected abuts and fronts on a public street in the Borough.
[Ord. 25, passed 12-10-1951]
No plumbing or sanitary permit shall be issued by the Plumbing Inspector of the Borough for the installation of plumbing in any dwelling unless the lot on which the dwelling is erected abuts and fronts on a public street in the Borough.
[Ord. 25, passed 12-10-1951]
No plan of lots shall be approved or accepted by Council unless all of the streets on such plan comply with the Zoning Code and unless all dwellings to be erected in the tract are to be erected on lots abutting a public street.