[1960 Code, Secs. 1.42.010, 1.42.020]
There is hereby created the office of Superintendent of Streets in and for the City. The Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the Council, shall on May 1 of each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, appoint such Superintendent of Streets who shall hold his office until April 30 or until his successor is appointed and qualified.
Before entering upon the duties of his office, said superintendent shall take the oath prescribed by law for other City officers and shall execute a bond to the City in the penal sum of $3,000 with such corporate surety or personal sureties as shall be approved by the City Council, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office.
[1960 Code, Sec. 1.42.030]
The Superintendent of Streets shall perform the following duties:
He shall cause ordinances in relation to streets, alleys and sidewalks to be enforced by reporting all violations thereof to the Mayor or Chief of Police. He shall carry into effect all such orders, general or special, as he may receive from the Council, the Mayor or the committee on streets and alleys, the committee on sidewalks or the committee on sewers and drainage, and for any wilful neglect or refusal to perform any duty required of him by the laws or ordinances of the City, he shall be liable to removal from office.
He shall, under the direction of the committee on streets and alleys, cause all streets and alleys to be cleaned and the gutters opened and shall keep them in that condition. He shall from time to time examine sewers, culverts, bridges, crosswalks and sidewalks and report the condition thereof to the Council and recommend such improvements or repairs as he may deem necessary.
He may, by the authority of the Council and of the proper standing committee thereof, employ such number of laborers and equipment as shall be necessary for cleaning and repairing the streets and alleys at such rates of pay as have been or hereafter may be fixed by the Council. He shall oversee and direct the street laborers and workmen and require them to labor faithfully and shall keep, in a suitable book, a correct account of their time.
He shall superintend all connections of private drains or sewers with the public sewers, where permit has been given therefor, and shall see that the same are made in such manner that no injury is done to the public sewers.
He shall cause all implements and tools belonging to the City to be legibly marked or branded with some appropriate mark, and shall cause them to be properly housed and protected from the weather when not in use.
He shall keep a correct list of all implements, equipment, machinery, material, tools and other property belonging to the City and in his charge or possession and, upon the expiration of his term of office or his resignation thereof or removal therefrom, he shall deliver the said property to his successor in office, taking a receipt therefor, which he shall immediately file with the Clerk, who shall credit him with the same and charge his successor therewith.
He shall examine all accounts of contractors and other persons for work pertaining to his department, or for equipment, tools or materials furnished therefor, and, if correct, shall certify the same to the Council, and the appropriate standing committee thereof, for allowance.
He shall perform such other duties as shall be enjoined upon him by the ordinances of the City or by resolutions properly adopted by the Council thereof.
[1960 Code, Sec. 1.42.040]
The salary of the Superintendent of Streets shall be such a sum as may be fixed from time to time by the Council by ordinance or resolution.